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What about Us??


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Ok this Is not a hate post or something , but more a dissapointment post...


Been One Of the most ambitious players of this game regarding how the things would actually manage to actually look good at this Game.


I am Guildmaster Of Knights In Black Satin in Lord Calypho EU RP-PVP Server a 60-70 accounts Guild...


Big PVP fan myself got the 1st hit when you cancelled the rated at 1.2... Dealt with it tried to keep all I could from All those who wanted to quit.


We were patient waiting for the upcoming Server transfers that had been announced and hoped that the dying Server of ours would come back to life... And the interesting changes of 1.3 (hilarious regarding class balance though, if things with marauders seem to be fair for you, Unless you are one that is...)


So We are In a almost dead Server HOPING to see it be playable again...


Changes look good Group Finder - Transfers - Rated , Game actually starts to Feel good again.


And then SOME GENIUS from you(do not know if it was dev team aspect, but only here i can post something regarding this) decides to make the transfers not affecting RP-PVP servers, clearly saying through JovethGonzalez


Quote: Originally Posted by Rogoo

Joveth, what is the plan for RP servers ?


Will we be allowed transfers from RP-PvP to PvP servers ?

Quote: Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi Rogoo,


As mentioned in the blog post, we will be maintaining server types. So it will be RP-PvP to RP-PvP.


So What are we getting for our patience playing a dying game for last 3 months???


1) NO TRANSFERS.(we are the only english RP-PVP, so it is your way of saying to us, we just do not care about you)


2) USELESS GROUP FINDER IN 1.3. (group finder has actually some use if there are people playing at your server...)


3)USELESS RATED. (really tell me what will be the point of rated with the 200 ppl that will continue playing at my server when they realise we are not gonna get anyone comming to us or we'll not be able to leave it as well. Make 20 teams that queues at best will be 20min facing each other all the time Destroying any fun the rated wzs would have after 1st week)


I really Liked this game, but it seems you finally managed to Dissapoint one of your Biggest Fans...


Personally as a customer i Feel Like you are telling me: Whay are you still even bothering with this game... SO many new ones are comming and you just Wait here for Things to get better...


And to be honest i think you finally convinced me with the way you treated our server.


Maybe the community of our server(or any rp-pvp) is not good Enough For you to Actually worry about them...


Nothing More, Hope you actually keep in mind what i said for future (if you have any).



Edited by Davelakos
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You raise a ton of good points some people just oversee the fact that population in this game DOES in fact matter. What good is rateds and group finders if theres nobody to do them...? And of course some will say go to fatman but im not even so sure there would be even more than 4-5 solid rated groups formed on each faction. Just rebounding off of what you said goodluck.
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Couldnt agree more. U just let one server die without even trying doing something. Enable transfer for everyone to everywhere he/she wants to. Pretty much u tell us, to pay per month, to have pvp qeues of over 20 minutes and just do PvE


Open migrations for all servers to all servers. Thats the whole point of it. Or make the RP-PvP server available to migrate to any other server

Edited by Shillenor
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I have no problem with keeping PvP servers together and PvE servers together. Regardless if they are an RP'er or not. Do not think that a PvE player should transfer to a PvP server or vice versa, but my opinion. BW needs to funnel players into select servers. Otherwise eople will transfer from a dead server to a dead server. The problem would then still exist. The thought of how they are doing it is correct, the execution is what is wrong. If you are on a pvp server you go to a pvp server and same for the pve crowd.
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