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What happen?


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I knoe I seen in 1 of them doc video about this is about more then a kotor 3,4,5 or more but where r the more storys yea they going 2 add all this pvp stuff but did they forgot about all of us other players that was sold on story lines and being able 2 go solo and do more or did bioware forget about us.
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I knoe I seen in 1 of them doc video about this is about more then a kotor 3,4,5 or more but where r the more storys yea they going 2 add all this pvp stuff but did they forgot about all of us other players that was sold on story lines and being able 2 go solo and do more or did bioware forget about us.


They are adding basic features and content for the base game, once this is out of the way, they will return to the story, this is what the hints point to.

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