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Finding sentinel very hard.


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I'm just not surviving well solo.


I've got a lvl 30. I just started Alderaan. I'm 2 levels above the content. I should be doing fine.... but I'm not. Normal mobs are taking me down to 1/4 health. Slightly tougher normals are killing me. I need a tank companion or a healing companion... Am I wrong in thinking both Kira and T7 are dps? I've been using Kira so T7 would be under equipped if he's a tank...


need some advice.


ETA going back to space combat to get 2 levels before trying Alderaan again. The 2 commandos at the first comm relay that's part of the Sentinels Alderaan story quests when you first get there are killing me every time.

Edited by FITorion
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1) Be sure your gear is up to date, especially your lightsaber hilts.

2) Use T7, put him in tank mode. Send him in first, then charge in a second or so later. That way the incoming damage gets leveraged between you and your companion.

3) Switch to Doc when you get him. Everything will be smooth sailing then.

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1) Be sure your gear is up to date, especially your lightsaber hilts.

2) Use T7, put him in tank mode. Send him in first, then charge in a second or so later. That way the incoming damage gets leveraged between you and your companion.

3) Switch to Doc when you get him. Everything will be smooth sailing then.


well... nuts.


My T7 is very under equipped...


lvling another characters cybertech to get some droid parts I guess...

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Ya its most likley a gear issue. I've leveled 4 characters to 50 and at least once throughout that time (usually around level 25-30) theres a point when my companion and i are still in crappy old gear. shop around on the GTN, or if your servers dead like mine, wait 'till the 12th and get to a good server and update your gear. itll make a world of difference. and as a DPS char, keeping your tank or healing companion in good gear will make a world of difference. Edited by xJACKTHERIPPERx
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Ya its most likley a gear issue. I've leveled 4 characters to 50 and at least once throughout that time (usually around level 25-30) theres a point when my companion and i are still in crappy old gear. shop around on the GTN, or if your servers dead like mine, wait 'till the 12th and get to a good server and update your gear. itll make a world of difference. and as a DPS char, keeping your tank or healing companion in good gear will make a world of difference.



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I believe Sentinels have the hardest learning curve, seeing as how you have an opening rotation as well as having to deal with situation awareness. I personally used Kira up until I got Doc and haven't looked back since.


Here is a video of myself playing my Sentinel and the rotation I used until I passed 40.


Note: 1) I am level 39 in this video, but the rotation is very similar.

2) I apologize for the laughs that peak the audio that you hear, though the audio is not important so you can mute it.




Hope this helps a bit! I'll post up my rotation if you are having any problems figuring it out.

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You also might try a Watchman build if you aren't already using one. You can heal yourself on DoT crits, and your companion if you use Zen. Plus, with Juyo, you kill things very quickly.


I would recommend a spec like



This has extra crit chance on the burns per stack of Juyo, they will heal you for 2%, and extra production of Centering will allow you to pop Zen quite frequently.


Also, the reduced range of Force Leap will allow you to back up a hair and use it to build Focus. The lowered cooldown on Force Kick will help keep the pesky healing NPCs from extending the fight longer than it has to go, and the lowered cooldown on Pacify will help keep your enemies debuffed.


Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more questions :)

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Keep T7's gear up-to-date especially as you approach 50. Trust me, there will come a time when you thank the Force that T7 is well-geared... Even after Doc.. <Hint> Edited by Geellun
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Your biggest mistake would be using Kira while playing as a DPS yourself.


Doesn't make a difference if a character has 1 or 100% health when YOU go down. For this reason, your health bar is just as much theirs.


T7, in tanking stance, is your best friend until you aquire your incredible, amazing, spectacular healer companion. Until then, you're last in line for taking the brunt. Tanks are also more manageable in the sense that you can pull one or two enemies off them to maximise both of your survival times.


Kira on the otherhand is a bigger enemy to you than all those Sith Lords you'll be kicking in the face. She will have a slight upperhand on clearing trivial mobs quicker, but in any meaningful fight, compared with T7, you'll be drastically cutting down your survival time by more than half while receiving only a minor damage advantage.

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