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Should I stay or should I go - pros and cons of deciding to transfer


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If you have an opinion on character transfer, this is the WRONG place for it. If you think character transfer should be done differently, you should post on this thread:




No dev will hear, care, or listen to you in this "should I stay or should I go" thread.


I'm looking for input to help my guild and the guilds on my server decide IF we become a origin server should we stay or should we go? We're a social/RP guild on a RP-PvE US EST server, but I think that many of these same things apply to other servers and guilds.



This is the way I see the decision space... weigh in if you think of something I missed.


1. We're a destination server. We rejoice and wait for new recruits.


2. We're an origin server.


2A. We decide to leave.



Pros - we go to a more populated server where the economy, PvP, and recruiting are are ostensibly better because there are more people to buy stuff, PvP with us, and recruit from.


Best case scenario, it's possible that this means that we'll meet new people that we really like and continue to grow and flourish. We have a good thing going, and maybe a transformation is a good time to really kick it up a notch! We have some practice at this guild thing, this is a chance to reinvent ourselves.


Cons - we might have to change our character and/or legacy and/or guild names. There is pain and confusion as we reform and do the /ginvite thing. There is delay and confusion in getting the guild bank reinstated (we'll take the actual stuff in the guild bank over on our characters, it's just the tabs we'll have to get back from customer service).


Worst case scenario, we could lose our identity and lose our people just out of confusion, or because they decide to go to other guilds that they find once we transfer. It's possible that some people will not want to leave with us and we could end up losing people that way too.


2B. We decide to stay.


Pros - we don't have to change our names. We avoid pain, delay, and confusion with our roster and guild bank tabs. We have a server to ourselves and don't have to deal with other people's stillyness for things like camping the Orokeet egg. Every rare spawn and boss is ours with no waiting.


Best case scenario, if the pop gets small enough there might be "one guild to rule them all" where everyone on the server is part of our group and guild chat = galaxy chat (more or less). We have our own private server and we run it our way because we've got the biggest fish in this very little pond.


Cons - the economy, PvP, and recruiting are poor because of the lack of population.


Worst case scenario, it's possible that BW wants to shut the server down and we have to move anyway. Also possible we wither and die because old people will inevitably go away and not be replaced with new people. Also, we'll lose some people because they decide to transfer when we don't.



That's the way I see it. Anything I missed?

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I think you have it pretty much there although I think the only realistic option for an origin server is for everyone to move out.


Bioware surely won't allow a small number of players to continue the expense of maintaining a server just for them, a few low population servers may remain open for new players I would guess.

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You really are over thinking it. If you are on an origin server you will transfer unless you want to eventually have a server to yourself. Most people want to be on a populated server. You will eventually be very alone if you don't transfer.
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Way I see it, it's not a server transfer, it's a "pre-season server merge". The goal is to get everyone active on a given origin server off that server, and on another. The logical follow-up is that the origin server will close down afterwards.
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yeah unless your guild is a small tight group that only wants to pve together, then you really do not have much of a choice. If your felling the drop in pop its only going to get worse once transfers are allowed.
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yeah unless your guild is a small tight group that only wants to pve together, then you really do not have much of a choice. If your felling the drop in pop its only going to get worse once transfers are allowed.


Yeah. We are prepping our guild with the possibility of a move. Vrook Lamar is not barren, but it is not greatly populated either so, I am expecting things to go either way. We are preparing ourselves to have to rename our characters and legacies just in case.

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While I understand that each guild/group's server circumstances will dictate which is the best choice for them, my gut says that if your server is tagged as an 'origin' server, you should probably take the transfer option.


Staying behind, to either "monopolize" your low-pop server, or just to stick things out as a matter of preference, convenience, etc. might seem reasonable at the start, but I would be concerned about your group's long-term happiness and viability.


I think there will be certain "stigma" attached to servers that Bioware ends up tagging as 'origin' servers. Once it's"officially" posted which servers are dying according to Bioware, you have to imagine that current and future players will likely avoid playing on these flagged servers. Who would willingly transfer to a server when it's clear a good portion of the population just willing relocated away from it? I have to imagine any potential for future server growth for an 'orgin' server will be pretty small.


You also have to account for that fact that if you choose to stay behind now, and the majority of your existing population does transfer off, your server might really just end up empty. Even if you stay, can you guarantee that other guilds or groups will stay too? If it does end up being just you who stays, you might be subject to either needing to pay for a transfer later, or be forcibly merged with another server should Bioware decide to actually close low-pop servers in the future. Either way, you'd be looking at having to relocate and re-name characters anyway - and the only thing you would have gained in the process by choosing to stick it out, would be extra time spent on your old server. Is the reward is worth the risk?

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Heh... good points, all. I might very well be overthinking this. I do that. I'm just trying to tap into some sort of crowdsourced wisdom with the idea that it's nice to get viewpoints outside my normal group of friends.


Any other thoughts? Pros or cons I missed?



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