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Open world PVP/WZ PVP solutions yet?


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I have been away for a bit due to the Ilum pvp situation and my guild was mainly PVP. warzones were sorta ruined when you get nothing for being on a bad team and that happens often with PUGs that end up against grped teams. Has BW or EA announced any planned solution or comments on how they will bring open world pvp back into the game? Is this new world a PVP capable area like Ilum with safe towns or bases? Are there any talks or solutions to give atleast something to a person that does their best in a match even if it is lost 6-0 in huttball? One of the most frustrating things was to grind all day and get the same gear you already had from a bag. I know there were some loot changes but is it working?



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I have been away for a bit due to the Ilum pvp situation and my guild was mainly PVP. warzones were sorta ruined when you get nothing for being on a bad team and that happens often with PUGs that end up against grped teams. Has BW or EA announced any planned solution or comments on how they will bring open world pvp back into the game? Is this new world a PVP capable area like Ilum with safe towns or bases? Are there any talks or solutions to give atleast something to a person that does their best in a match even if it is lost 6-0 in huttball? One of the most frustrating things was to grind all day and get the same gear you already had from a bag. I know there were some loot changes but is it working?




Wow, you have been away. There's been a lot of changes, many buried in the pvp section of all the various patch notes.


1. Gear: Centurion and Champion gear has been replaced by recruit gear, which is available for credits. It's much better than Centurion and almost as good as Champion. There is a new top tier called WarHero.


2. Expertise: This stat has been buffed tremendously in pvp to the point where it is essential. Diminishing returns are basically gone, and 1100 expertise will get you something like 23% extra damage dealt and an equal amount of damage mitigation. PVP gear stats have been reworked to make pvp gear much less viable for pve. Basically this means you need to use pve gear for pve and pvp gear for pvp.


3. Battlemaster Progression: This has gotten much faster. Battlemaster gear can be purchased for a relatively modest amount of warzone commendations. The token system is completely gone from pvp gear progression. It's quite possible to get one Battlemaster piece per day, more if you want.


4. PVP rewards: they have been totally redone. Winners now get about 140 comms, losers about 60-80 depending on medals. You have to get one medal to get rewards, and the medal "cap" is now 8. I.e., after 8 medals, you don't get any extra rewards. There are a lot of new medals out there, like defender and attacker medals awarded for guarding or attacking a node, so getting at least 1 is very easy. There are also Dauntless medals for winning quickly, to discourage drawing out a match or farming.


5. PVP Daily Mission: The Ilum mission has been removed from the game. There is a daily mission to Play 6 Warzones (you must finish for it to count). Wins count as 2 warzones played, so you can complete the daily in 3 wins. The weekly is still to win 9 warzones.


How'd I do, guys?

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Thanks for the update. It sounds like they have done some work atleast.


I had pretty much all champions gear and some battlemaster gear when I stopped playing. Was there any changes to the CC and Knockback and resolve system or skills? Seemed like Hutball was nothing but being CC'd Stunned, Knockedback or yanked non-stop when I played. Seemed to many classes had those types of skills if not multiple skills. Also, resolve seemed somewhat broken to me but perhaps it was workiing as designed and I just don't like the system. I was used the the immunity from playing WOW type games where there was some real immunity to CC and Stuns and not every class had them so it was not as easy to be chained stunned or CC's Knockbacked/Yanked.


Sorry to ask so many questions but I am/was a big SWG Pre-NGE fan and wish to play SWTOR again but ony if they have made the changes needed to make it worth the subscription fee. I know one of the things that bothered me was the linear path of the worlds that BW spent a lot fo time making once you hit lvl 50. I always thought that there should be quests and raids on every planet to give people of all levels a chance to see all the planets again during end game and not just for the 2-3 lvls they grind out and move to the next planet. Guess what I am saying is that there could be lvl 48-52 creatures on all planets in high level areas so a planet is not abandned after the lving range for that planet. Of course the folks that are outside the lvl range for the lowbie zones wouldn't be able to attack the lowbies or would be restricted to flying to teh hig level area only. Pvp would only be allowed in the higher lvl area. Just an idea.




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I had pretty much all champions gear and some battlemaster gear when I stopped playing. Was there any changes to the CC and Knockback and resolve system or skills? Seemed like Hutball was nothing but being CC'd Stunned, Knockedback or yanked non-stop when I played. Seemed to many classes had those types of skills if not multiple skills. Also, resolve seemed somewhat broken to me but perhaps it was workiing as designed and I just don't like the system. I was used the the immunity from playing WOW type games where there was some real immunity to CC and Stuns and not every class had them so it was not as easy to be chained stunned or CC's Knockbacked/Yanked.


If you haven't changed the mods in your battlemaster gear, you will find it was updated with the new stats. You will want to consider replacing your champion gear with Recruit Gear.


A lot of class balance changes have been made, way too many to list. There's a really good chance you will log in and find all your skill points have been refunded. This was done to give you a chance to respec your character, because nearly all the skill trees got tweaked.


There were no significant changes made to the resolve system or the abilities the various classes have for knocking back, pulling, etc, as far as I know. Many of the complaints having to do with resolve stem from not fully understanding it (for example, it has NO effect on roots and snares/slows). Also, a lot of folks are learning to anticipate their opponent using cc, and are making tactical decisions based on this. Saving the cc breaker ability for a white resolve bar is one example. Running up to attack someone so you can leap in after they knock you back is another.


In short, the newer players are frustrated by resolve, but the "Founders" have a pretty good handle on it and feel it works pretty well.

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yeah pretty bummed about my champ gear being pretty much crap now. waste of tiime grinding out bags to get gear that you can now buy better stuff. If I play it should only take a week or two to get BM gear and be at about where i was before these changes. I used to do pretty good DPS but as a sage I seem to have gotten rusty or they nerfed us good. I will have to check out the sage DPS builds to see what I am doing wrong. Worst case i will just go healer. I am still not sold on the resolve system as is. I think they should atleast grey out the skills that will not work on a person that has full resolve for starters...i don't think this is the case now. As far as blowing the CC breaker at the right time...I can see escaping sometimes if force run and bubble are up but if not...sage is going down since the knights can just jump to them every 10 secs it seems. Maybe give the sage knockback a skill to reduce the time...who knows...still refreshing my self on sage...I will have more input after I play a bit more. Thanks for the info.



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The time you spend grinding for stuff has become worthless tbh, see all the biochem threads.

There won't be good world pvp until you can use a medpack more than once in a fight and they provide some reward for kills the ilum dailys/weeklies were fun imo.

Edited by viotoa
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