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New Species should be from community polls


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I am excited to hear that SWTOR is already getting a new playable race with the Cathar. Based on the fact that race is merely cosmetic in this game I hope that Bioware continues to release new races at this pace. I for one believe that they should release a list of 5 or so races that they know they can work towards developing and allow the community to vote on which one gets released. Do this every few months and it involves the community in part of the decision making process which would make most of us happy. Also, don't be afraid to add species that don't speak, i.e. voiceover, just put the subtitles up and we'll be fine.


Absolutely not.

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The montrals are a trickier issue than the lekku though. I know at a glance they look technically the same, but they're not. Togruta montrals rest over the shoulders and the back tail falls down along the neck in a thick mass - they're not elevated from the body like Twi'lek lekku are, and WILL cause lots and lots of armour clipping.

The same kind of physics simulation can't be added, the front montrals would most likely freak the hell out colliding with so many things at once, and if they take the solution the current ingame togruta have taken, the montrals will be glued in place and still clip with every single chestpiece that has any thick elements in the front. Smuggler jackets with the big collars, for a good example.


Togruta would also be completely incompatible with almost all ingame head pieces and hoods wouldn't be doable.

I'd be willing to live with these issues but I'm aware a LOT of players would just whine about it and point fingers saying BW did a bad job at it, when it's a problem any developer would struggle with.


Cathar was the most technically feasible race they could release on a shorter schedule. It's a good choice for BW. We get a new species and they get it out of the door fast. I do, however, have a problem with the fact that it's another Legacy unlock - I think at this point the entire Legacy system is doing the game more harm than good and I've skipped using a LOT of the features that'd have been fun to use but I simply can't justify leveling an arbitrary number of alts for the *chance* to play a different species.


You are right 100%. Nothing new, but it is not nice when a Company chooses the "easy way" time and time again.


If they don`t have faith in their product and team, to produce a satisfactory result, why should their customers?


Without being a specialist... one solution is to make all armor for the race hood-less. This requires some work, a bit... and they have more important things to do.. like Legacy.

Edited by Styxx
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I'd think Imperials would probably get Trandoshans.


Eh. I still think that both are completely unreasonable to expect at any point. If they don't have humanoid proportions, I highly doubt they'll ever make it into SW:TOR.


When it was stated that if BioWare were to implement these more "alien" species they would need to implement an entirely new class around that, people misinterpreted that excuse as a promise. They weren't saying that they were going to be adding an "alien" class. They were justifying their focus on near-human/humanoid species.

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Eh. I still think that both are completely unreasonable to expect at any point. If they don't have humanoid proportions, I highly doubt they'll ever make it into SW:TOR.


When it was stated that if BioWare were to implement these more "alien" species they would need to implement an entirely new class around that, people misinterpreted that excuse as a promise. They weren't saying that they were going to be adding an "alien" class. They were justifying their focus on near-human/humanoid species.


Yes, that post you quoted was pure speculation. And I think it was just an explanation, too. I never think anything BioWare says is a "promise", because everything is subject to too many variables.

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Eh. I still think that both are completely unreasonable to expect at any point. If they don't have humanoid proportions, I highly doubt they'll ever make it into SW:TOR.


When it was stated that if BioWare were to implement these more "alien" species they would need to implement an entirely new class around that, people misinterpreted that excuse as a promise. They weren't saying that they were going to be adding an "alien" class. They were justifying their focus on near-human/humanoid species.


Having read the DE interview on Darth Hater he avoided brining this up but if you read inbetween the lines he was pretty much rulling out any non humanoid species unless there was massive demand for it. Which would probably mean a lot more people playing the game, then coming on the forums and demanding to play a Hutt.


The other thing I took away from the interview was that they willadd Cathar and see how they go before adding more species. I am just hoping that the interest on the forums was enough for them to want to add more species at the same time, I would assume the minimum number they could add would be 2. 1 republic and 1 Imperial. Cathar clearly being the republic species.

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Having read the DE interview on Darth Hater he avoided brining this up but if you read inbetween the lines he was pretty much rulling out any non humanoid species unless there was massive demand for it. Which would probably mean a lot more people playing the game, then coming on the forums and demanding to play a Hutt.


The other thing I took away from the interview was that they willadd Cathar and see how they go before adding more species. I am just hoping that the interest on the forums was enough for them to want to add more species at the same time, I would assume the minimum number they could add would be 2. 1 republic and 1 Imperial. Cathar clearly being the republic species.


Could be. But also keep in mind that Republic has been down one species compared to Empire since launch.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Having read the DE interview on Darth Hater he avoided brining this up but if you read inbetween the lines he was pretty much rulling out any non humanoid species unless there was massive demand for it. Which would probably mean a lot more people playing the game, then coming on the forums and demanding to play a Hutt.


The other thing I took away from the interview was that they willadd Cathar and see how they go before adding more species. I am just hoping that the interest on the forums was enough for them to want to add more species at the same time, I would assume the minimum number they could add would be 2. 1 republic and 1 Imperial. Cathar clearly being the republic species.


I posted the exact quote from the DE interview on Darth Hater in the second post in this thread,even underlined the parts where he says the community will vote on future species and put the part about non humanoid player characters basically being ruled out in red text.


90% of the posts in this thread could be answered or negated by simply reading the quote from DE, but since this is the internet I won't hold my breath waiting for people to actually see the information directly in front of them.

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It was. Several times. Many many polls on this already. Cathar was among the most voted for near-human species. Other species (rodian, wookiee, trandoshan, and other non-human species) will take a completely new storyline, according to BioWare.


Also, just because only Cathar was announced doesn't mean that it's the only near-human species being added. For example, I wouldn't be surprised, at all, to see Togruta added, too.


If it were anybody else other than Daniel Erickson who said, "The Cathar will be the first we’re rolling out as they’ve always been popular," I would say that you were being overly optimistic. However, Erickson seems to have a habit of saying things in interviews that...don't quite conform to what actually happens (I refer here to his interview with the French magazine just prior to launch that said almost all gear wasn't moddable, or more recently at the Guild Summit where he gave the impression to everyone, including Darth Hater, that all moddable gear and not just social gear would be adaptive). So, I'm actually still holding out some, though limited and severely diminished, hope that more than just Cathar is being introduced at the same time.


That being said, I would just like to go on record as saying that, while I'm less than thrilled with Cathar being the new species introduced, a less than wanted species (on my part) is better than no choices offered at all. I'll not be happy if Cathar turn out to be the only new species, but I certainly don't want them removed. As much as I don't understand why, there are a lot of people who are happy with this choice, and they shouldn't be deprived just because some here either don't or can't see themselves creating a Cathar character.

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I think the biggest point I was trying to make overall is that after they fix issues and a larger player base is established then we could hope for some new species every once in awhile. And I highly doubt they would have to make entire storylines for new races since race has little to do with the in game flow of your story as the game is now outside of some minor references that can be copy pasted to any species with little effort.
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  • 2 months later...
"The Cathar is the first one, and what we’re going to start doing is really looking at how much interest there is in species. The Cathar will be the first we’re rolling out as they’ve always been popular. We have the stuff, and we know we wanted to do them. After that the hope is if people say “Oh yeah, this is really exciting here. We want to do this.” Then it becomes open to the community and we’ll say, “Hey, ok folks, what do you really want?” I think it’ll be an interesting plan. I think it’ll be really interesting to put the negatives right out there for people to see. Understand that if you demand a species that does not speak English and is made out of Jello, these are going to be the problems that it brings to you. And if people say “that’s what we want more than anything else,” then at this point it is community power."


There you go from the interview with Daniel Erickson at E3 found at Darthhater.com. Underlined is the good news for you, the red text is the bad.




Funny thing is, every poll taken shows Togruta being the most popular, the "Cathar have always been popular" comment was a total *pull out of **** comment.

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