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Please BioWare, please read this


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First of, an introduction. BioWare it seems that while you are creating a very unique and interesting, fun-to-play game, you're missing out on what some people are saying. My goal here is to hope you actually read this thread, which will be posted on both the General Discussion and Suggestion Box forums and it seems that your Dev Tracker Forum never has any suggestion box quotes. For all others reading this please feel free to add to the content listed below, this is not simply a suggestion checklist with reasons explained, but a cry to BioWare to not forget that what is truly important is that in the making of a great game you don't ignore the player.


I'll also note that on many forum threads people seem to want immediate action without understanding that most of the changes they are clamoring for will not occur until the next update or update after that. It is hard to be patient, I know, but with a game as full of possibilities as SWTOR I feel that a little patience from the player and careful forum monitoring and feedback by the devs are needed to truly create a game that everyone will love.


Getting on with the actual post now:

BioWare has confirmed for us the following in 1.3, an LFG Tool, Server Transfers, and certain tanking changes. As well as a level cap increase, a new world, story, Cathar, and companions. These last features are not specifically said to be in 1.3 (or at least not anywhere I can find) but promised by the end of the year. So it is important to note, that players might want to calm down a little and realize that fighting the known 1.3 changes is futile in the short term and know that BioWare will monitor the changes and make sure they are being well received by the players. We don't know the complete method by which BioWare is giving us some of these features and we may come to actually like what we originally opposed.


What everyone can expect once 1.3 is initiated are new game play experiences like population fluxes (good and bad), tanking fixes, and dps balancing. Further advances in 1.3 will be the field respeccing and Legacy upgrades, as well as Adaptive gear. The specifics of all these changes and advances are not completely known to the masses as it should be. What I would personally like to see with Adaptive gear, for example, is Gear Set Bonuses attached to the modifcations of the armor and not the armor it self so I can look the way I want and not have to sacrifice these bonuses. Has then been outright said by the devs? I can't find any mention specifically, but who knows what they have in store.


Some of the details regarding tanking fixes and dps balancing has been released but not all of it, we'll just have to wait and see. The field respec issue is hopefully free and unlimited to solve the want of dual specs and multi-role FP and OP possibilities.


There are a lot of threads regarding the Server Transfer versus Server Merge. BioWare is being smart. They are taking a process that is complicated and time consuming and dong it step by step. Just like what they're doing with the LFG tool by doing it single server first. They said they'd reconsider cross-server if que's didn't "pop" as frequently as wanted. Same ere with server transfers. They are doing the smart thing and consciously allowing populations to merge together in a controlled way to avoid server ques and general over-population. The concern for naming, both legacy and toon names is, of course, a major issue and one huge reason against merging servers. By offering transfers, players at least can choose if they want to change their name, or re-roll. Instead of forcing them to by merging. A sacrifice of names, to me, is a small price to pay for the freedom and enjoyment of future gaming. When RIFT offered server transfers I spent a week surveying new servers before choosing one. BioWare hasn't yet, specifically said that you can only choose from one server, you may yet have a choice, and you'll just have to wait and see.


Regarding the features that probably aren't in 1.3, but will be introduced in 1.4 or beyond.

The level cap, new planet, story, and companion will probably not be seen until 1.4, or maybe even 1.5. These features, as well as even Cathar, may not be seen until the end of the year. And again, BioWare hasn't released a lot of information regarding how these changes are implemented, so worrying and trying to imagine what the devs have in mind, in the long run is futile. Lets wait a little longer, get some new information, then actually voice our concerns.


Now, addressing BioWare.

There are a few practices which are disturbing to me as a player that I feel need to be addressed. The first thing on my mind id the obvious favoritism of Empire over Republic. I'm not getting into class specifics but over all treatment of faction. I think this becomes most apparent in terms of Tier Gear. The designs for the Empire Tier Gear are much better than Republic. It seems like you just kinda blew off the Republic and spent all your time working on the Empire.

After 1.2 was released there was one major topic I saw explode all over the suggestion box forums. This is in regards to Corso's Harpoon and the upper Hand Laughter. The sum up of these arguments can be found in these threads, again, on the suggestion box forum and thus, apparently ignored by the Devs in favor of General Discussion.




Regarding two other requests I keep seeing on the forums.

One is Guild Banks. Please, can we allow the Guild Master to give permissions to members to use the guild bank and thus eliminate the need for him/her to be playing, and allow "officers" to fulfill more active roles. This of course will be at the discretion of each, individual guild.

The second topic is in regards to UI customization. I am thrilled with what was done regarding this. There are only two things I wish was added, and have seen others, many others actually, clamor for the same things. These are the ability to add more action bars, and to give buffs their own customizable bar.


From here I leave it to you, the Devs, and you, the players to start acting together in the pursuit of a great MMO that this game has the potential of becoming. I charge the Devs with listening and informing the players more and the players to not over react and realize that all the facts have yet to be given.


*EDIT this thread was moved from the General Discussion Forum, so yes, their are two of there threads here.*

Edited by Ramahospitality
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  • A reminder for players to be patient is mature and good for the community (players and devs combined)
  • I personally think that gear style is highly subjective, and I have seen a few posts from the devs regarding gear and creating a better communication with players to find out what they want. (I'll link it later if I find it again.)
  • Guild bank permissions I think is important and I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the next patch or the following.
  • An extra bar would be nice. (although I don't need it what with my addiction to hot keys, and UI minimalism)
  • How would a buff bar be different than a normal one? what sort of customizations would people like that we don't have access to?

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  • A reminder for players to be patient is mature and good for the community (players and devs combined)
  • I personally think that gear style is highly subjective, and I have seen a few posts from the devs regarding gear and creating a better communication with players to find out what they want. (I'll link it later if I find it again.)
  • Guild bank permissions I think is important and I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the next patch or the following.
  • An extra bar would be nice. (although I don't need it what with my addiction to hot keys, and UI minimalism)
  • How would a buff bar be different than a normal one? what sort of customizations would people like that we don't have access to?


As far as the buff bar is concerned. We would, one, be able to move it. Secondly, we can adjust the size and how we view their duration.

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