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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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Again, I have no problem with wanting to play through every single story arc in this game. If Bioware wants to tell me how to play the game, they might as well play it for me.


That said, once again, there is NOTHING here that says an alternate unlock method won't be part of this, and PLENTY of indication that there will be.


I really think this is much ado about nothing, or as Georg Zoeller said, "a typical storm in a teacup. Those are cool, but not entirely productive."

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I don't understand why everyone thinks that you'll have to have characters in both factions. He said "...you probably need to..." That, for me at least, implies that it will be much more easier to get him with characters in both factions, but not that you have to do it. Yes it will be hard but still doable with just republic or just empire characters. Just my 2 cents. :D Edited by dosadnik
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That said, once again, there is NOTHING here that says an alternate unlock method won't be part of this, and PLENTY of indication that there will be.


I really think this is much ado about nothing, or as Georg Zoeller said, "a typical storm in a teacup. Those are cool, but not entirely productive."


As previously discussed, It would be a very wise decision to give players extra character slots per server by the time that the HK companion releases. If that happens, you are correct, this is all just a storm in a tea cup. If not, then all this is justified.

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As previously discussed, It would be a very wise decision to give players extra character slots per server by the time that the HK companion releases. If that happens, you are correct, this is all just a storm in a tea cup. If not, then all this is justified.


You're not reading my post. :rolleyes:


Since they'll most likely give the typical alternate method of simple Legacy level + credits to unlock it, you don't even need more character slots. Just level and credits.


Thus, this is a storm in a teacup.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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You're not reading my post. :rolleyes:


If they give the typical alternate method of simple Legacy level + credits to unlock it, you don't even need more character slots. Just level and credits.


I read it. So they have two lifelines out of this mess. Let's take some bets on whether they'll use one.

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Because you can't have an RPG without RPG elements. KOTOR had the concept of classes too. Mass Effect had the concept of classes. ME also had skill trees. Dragon Age Origin had the concept of tanks healers and damage dealers.




Because it means your argument is weak. So weak that you can't win it by disproving the other person's argument.


Can you disprove my argument? Or do you need to win it by calling me names?



If you don't want to experience all the different styles of combat gameplay by experimenting with all Advanced Classes and Skill Tree's, that's fine. I won't judge you.


But if you think for one second that I'm just going to sit back and let you call my desire to experience all the different styles of combat gameplay stupid, you're sorely mistaken.

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If you don't want to experience all the different styles of combat gameplay by experimenting with all Advanced Classes and Skill Tree's, that's fine. I won't judge you.


But if you think for one second that I'm just going to sit back and let you call my desire to experience all the different styles of combat gameplay stupid, you're sorely mistaken.


Simply roll a Jedi Sage and a Sith Assassin. There, you've played both the melee caster advance class styles.


You'll also note that I called the notion of playing all 8 Imperial advanced classes stupid. I never once called you stupid.

Edited by Elmillia
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Simply roll a Jedi Sage and a Sith Assassin. There, you've played both the melee caster advance class styles.


You'll also note that I called the notion of playing all 8 Imperial advanced classes stupid. I never once called you stupid.


Calling my desires and actions stupid is tantamount to calling me stupid.



Here you go. Here's a good way to show you why some people may like to play more than 8 character total for this game...


Juggernaut > Immortal

Marauder > Annihilation

Guardian > Vigilance

Sentinel > Combat


That's four different play style's for the one Mirrored Base Class




That's 16 characters I could roll if I wanted, and they would all play differently. And that's without going into the shared skill tree's.


So, until they launch dual spec'ing, don't tell me how I should be playing this game.

Edited by Ignicity
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So, until they launch dual spec'ing, don't tell me how I should be playing this game.


I haven't told you how to play the game. I still think the idea of rolling that many alts is silly. There is only one story per base class. You may have choices but its still the same story. Most people would get bored of that.


However, just as I'm free to not care about operations, you're free to roll your alts how you see fit. Just as I have to suffer not being able to craft the high end gear (Biometric alloy thing only drops from hard mode and operation bosses >.<), you have to suffer not being able to recruit HK-51. Now, if you're willing to talk about putting the grade 7 crafting materials on vendors and charging credits for them... Maybe I'll agree to give you HK-51 for free.


This is of course assuming that we're understanding the interview correctly. It might simply be that you need 2 level 50s of any class and faction. It could simply be that you need a legacy level of 25 or higher and 5 million credits. It could be that you have to have a character shine Grand Master Shan's boots and another shine the Emperor's boots. I don't know.


Personally however, I would like to see some challenges in the game that don't involve combat. It's one of the reasons why I love the datacrons. A vast majority of them are platforming puzzles and quite fun to get to.

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How on earth you can compare a legacy rewarded companion with rare crafting material is beyond me.



And if there were 16 character slots per server, I would definitely have one of each AC, too. I hear you there.


However, in Rift, I split factions on two different servers, and I learned in that game that I'll never do that again. This game is even worse for you if you do that.

Edited by LexiCazam
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How on earth you can compare a legacy rewarded companion with rare crafting material is beyond me.




What I'm trying to point out is that if you make a playstyle choice that is counter to what the developers have in mind, you have to suffer the consequences. I can't craft the high end gear for my Armstech. You can't get HK-51.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Australian but that isn't important.


What I'm trying to point out is that if you make a playstyle choice that is counter to what the developers have in mind, you have to suffer the consequences. I can't craft the high end gear for my Armstech. You can't get HK-51.


Ok, I'll wear that.


If indeed the dev's had in their mind that everyone should only be rolling 4 imps and 4 pubs per server, why didn't they put a mechanic in place to stop people rolling more than 4 toons of the same faction on the same server? And, if they knew this design was planned, why not let us know at launch?

Edited by Ignicity
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Ok, I'll wear that.


If indeed the dev's had in their mind that everyone should only be rolling 4 imps and 4 pubs per server, why didn't they put a mechanic in place to stop people rolling more than 4 toons of the same faction on the same server? And, if they knew this design was planned, why not let us know at launch?


Once again, if that was actually the devs' intent, then species unlocks would NOT have an alternate unlock method...

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Hey, now. I'm American. And if there were 16 character slots per server, I would definitely have one of each AC, too. I hear you there.


However, in Rift, I split factions on two different servers, and I learned in that game that I'll never do that again. This game is even worse for you if you do that.




Yeah I foolishly started off splitting my factions on two servers before Legacy came out (it seemed like a good idea before I knew anything about Legacy).


As soon as Legacy appeared I realised that was a very bad idea and just had to abandon one server and the toons on it.


So at this point 16 slots on ONE server is pretty much mandatory as far as I'm concerned.

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Yeah, pre-legacy, and all that, for the sake of consistentcy, I figured I'll roll one Rep server, and one Imp server. I mean, how could they NOT figure that plenty of like-minded people would do the same thing? Im not bashing anyone, I just figured it'd be the logical thing to do, thats all.
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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?




You can transfer money and items



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they mentioned the probability of needing level characters of high level months ago in order to get high end rewards like companions or the like. when they announced this idea I started working on opposite faction characters. I have been able to get a level 50 trooper and a level 40 jedi in that time, in a very leisurely pace. We were warned and I think it is cool that you have to work to get some of the cooler stuff. My one complaint with this is no cross faction guild chat. having a guild on both sides would make the game a lot more social and would solve the problem of re rolling toons on the other faction.
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I don't get what all the QQ-ing is about. HK-51 is an optional companion. If you really don't want to roll another faction, then don't. Simple as that. ;)


I hate having to repeat myself. It's not that we don't want to roll another faction. It's that we don't have the room to roll the other faction on the same server.


Seriously, you guys can't read or just choose not to?

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I hate having to repeat myself. It's not that we don't want to roll another faction. It's that we don't have the room to roll the other faction on the same server.


Seriously, you guys can't read or just choose not to?


so in essence you don't want to do something to get a fluff item.



guess what, you won't be getting the fluff item if you don't do it.

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