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HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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Indeed. You can say the cup is half-empty, and I can say the cup is half-full, but at the end of it all, the cup is half-filled.


At least we have BioWare's track record of providing alternate means of Legacy rewards for people not wanting to roll another faction, eh? ;)


Not entirely. If you only roll one faction you will miss out on the Presence buff from all 20 companions of the opposing faction, with no alternative way to unlock them. But, I see what you were trying to point out.

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Not entirely. If you only roll one faction you will miss out on the Presence buff from all 20 companions of the opposing faction, with no alternative way to unlock them. But, I see what you were trying to point out.


Not following you there... If you unlock any presence buffs, they apply to all characters and companions, regardless of faction.

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Yes, but if you want to maximize presence, you need to play both factions.


That is true. But that situation is quite different from this one. BioWare *just* stated in today's Q&A that presence has next to no effect for the later game.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Well, I was playing strictly republic side because I wanted to finish all the stories on that side, before I played Empire. So, this kinda stuff is annoying. Although, like with the race unlocks, I assume we could get the companion for credits too.
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That is true. But that situation is quite different from this one. BioWare *just* stated in today's Q&A that presence has next to no effect for the later game.


I realize that they've stated that. The way I read it is; Presence has an effect on all companion combat gameplay, though it has a more noticeable effect during early levels.


I can tell you from personal experience, that it certainly has an effect at level 50.

Edited by Ignicity
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I realize that they've stated that. The way I read it is; Presence has an effect on all companion combat gameplay, though it has a more noticeable effect during early levels.


I can tell you from personal experience, that it certainly has an effect at level 50.


I have 2 humans at 50, I can tell you, there is a noticeable effect at 50. But that still doesn't mean that there will be no alternate unlock method for HK-51 in Legacy. They already acknowledged the fact that there are plenty of people not wanting to play the opposite faction with species unlocks.


You think they've all been hit hard enough on the head since then to have sudden amnesia?

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I have 2 humans at 50, I can tell you, there is a noticeable effect at 50. But that still doesn't mean that there will be no alternate unlock method for HK-51 in Legacy. They already acknowledged the fact that there are plenty of people not wanting to play the opposite faction with species unlocks.


You think they've all been hit hard enough on the head since then to have sudden amnesia?


Sudden amnesia might be a stretch. How about, lack of foresight, planning and management leading to poor design. We certainly know that they're capable of that.

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I realize that they've stated that. The way I read it is; Presence has an effect on all companion combat gameplay, though it has a more noticeable effect during early levels.


I can tell you from personal experience, that it certainly has an effect at level 50.


Yup. It sure does. I went back and gathered all of the Presence datacrons, for completeness and... wow. I really see a huge difference as a run through the dailies. Its probably most effective if you gather them as you level.

Edited by Rafaman
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Well ofc they need some carrots for ppl to keep paying but making ppl to roll alts is just plain wrong. Hope more ppl will see how badly they treat their paying customers and quit.


On no they give you a incentive to try out the other side, Bioware is so evil !!!!


The reason this game is boring is because everyone wants EVERYTHING handed to them on a silver platter.... Here's a thought, maybe, just maybe you'll have some fun playing the other side....

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On no they give you a incentive to try out the other side, Bioware is so evil !!!!


The reason this game is boring is because everyone wants EVERYTHING handed to them on a silver platter.... Here's a thought, maybe, just maybe you'll have some fun playing the other side....


It's not a question of wanting or not wanting to play the other side.


It's a question of needing one character from each faction on the same server.


Comprehension is the key here.



Example for the slow people late to the party who need it spelled out for them in one syllable words written in crayon so that their attention span wont be surpassed:


I have my imp toons on 1 serv - er .... and my pub toons on a diff - er - ent serv - er


you get it?

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Guess I'll finish the last ten levels of my Chiss smuggler. Woohoo. I think there should be a super cool Republic and Empire companion you get for getting all four of that faction's classes to 50. It wouldn't matter. Another subset of the player base, if not the same set, would scream about that too.


I'm starting to agree with the powergamers, can there not be anything you have to work for without a steady chorus of complaining?

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Guess I'll finish the last ten levels of my Chiss smuggler. Woohoo. I think there should be a super cool Republic and Empire companion you get for getting all four of that faction's classes to 50. It wouldn't matter. Another subset of the player base, if not the same set, would scream about that too.


I'm starting to agree with the powergamers, can there not be anything you have to work for without a steady chorus of complaining?


I don't think I've seen one complaint about the Black Hole/Campaign grind.


Should we start that up?

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Welcome to Star Wars: The Old Republic. You must be new here.


The game is designed around the idea of playing all 8 classes.


...and the devs want to make you play them all on the one single server. Thank you for missing the point.

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I wasn't aware that needed explaining. Weren't you in beta?


I was indeed. And, aside from listening to the players too much, I saw good design from them. They need to listen to the players less and just do what they do best: make an awesome game that wins awards and sells millions.

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I was indeed. And, aside from listening to the idiots too much, I saw good design from them. They need to listen to the idiots less and just do what they do best: make an awesome game that wins awards and sells millions.


Fixed it for you. And for the most part I agree.

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So what your saying is that if I roll 8 Imperials on the one server (1 of each AC), and 8 Pub's on another server, I am playing the game wrong? ...and I should be punished for it by missing out on this new companion?


Go back to the kiddie table. The grown up's are talking.


Ummm.... *ahem*... Well... before the game even launched, in fact, clear back in 2010:


Then beyond that, we expect -- because it's a BioWare game with BioWare storytelling and multiple branches through the stories -- part of our endgame is players playing through classes that they haven't played...
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That's kinda the point of Legacy....



So what your saying is that if I roll 8 Imperials on the one server (1 of each AC), and 8 Pub's on another server, I am playing the game wrong? ...and I should be punished for it by missing out on this new companion?


Gawd these mod's are such carebears

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So what your saying is that if I roll 8 Imperials on the one server (1 of each AC), and 8 Pub's on another server, I am playing the game wrong? ...and I should be punished for it by missing out on this new companion?



... Why are you rolling 8 Imperials on a single server? That's just plain stupid. You are essentially rolling a class twice. Not just one class... 4 classes are being rolled twice, on a single server.. Wow... How can you manage to play though them without getting bored or slamming the spacebar into dust? "I already know this!"... Yeah, cause you already played that class.

Edited by Elmillia
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Ummm.... *ahem*... Well... before the game even launched, in fact, clear back in 2010:


Again, I have no problem with wanting to play through every single story arc in this game. If Bioware wants to tell me how to play the game, they might as well play it for me.

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