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PvP Assault Vanguard End-Stats


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With two pieces of War-Hero-Gear left to acquire, I was wondering what final stats you guys are shooting for?


Is it more beneficial to go for Power in your augment slots, or for Aim? I did a little search on the boards and only found controversial opinions about that.

Furthermore which mods would you advise to replace in my set - e.g. would you trade in Accuracy for more Surge and Power?


I run a pretty standard heat-optimized, aim-boosting 7/3/31 assault-spec and do PvP only.





My (unbuffed!) stats with mostly aim-augments in WH-Eliminator-Armor:


Aim 1549

Endurance 1492



Damage 736-898

Bonus Damage: 411.9

Accuracy: 98.36

Critical Chance 26.61%

Critical Multiplier: 74.07%



Bonus Damage: 725.9

Accuracy: 108.36%

Critical Chance: 30.58%

Critical Multiplier: 74.07%

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I don't recall my unbuffed stats so I'll present them fully buffed with stim and all class buffs:


Aim 1564

Endurance 1528

Expertise 1308



Bonus Damage: 460

Accuracy: 96

Critical Chance: 32%

Critical Multiplier: 77.9%


Spec is 4/6/31. So no additional 6% aim.

I'm in full Augmented WH. I'm using BM and WH power relics, matrix cube safely stored in bag.

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If you really want to talk about stats, you should make an Ask Mr. Robot Profile. That'll tell... everything. For example, you can see my profile in my signature. I keep that up to date at all times (although the "wish list" portion is just me experimenting).


That seems like entirely too much work just to show you that my gear is better than yours. :rak_03:

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That seems like entirely too much work just to show you that my gear is better than yours. :rak_03:


Yeah, but you can tell me exactly how much better it is :p.


It really doesn't take all that long. A minute to type in the stuff you have memorized (character name, guild, server, etc), and then five minutes tops of alt+tabbing. I update it while sitting in the warzone queue.

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If you really want to talk about stats, you should make an Ask Mr. Robot Profile. That'll tell... everything. For example, you can see my profile in my signature. I keep that up to date at all times (although the "wish list" portion is just me experimenting).


Thanks for the hint!


This is me (without stim). The wh relic is still missing, but this will be a question of one or two days.


By fiddling around with the possible augments on askmrrobot I found out, that replacing all aim ones with power augments in fact does seem detrimental for my damage output.


The question remains: Is 98.36% accuracy too much even for an assault vanguard?

Edited by Lemoncurry
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Thanks for the hint!


This is me (without stim). The wh relic is still missing, but this will be a question of one or two days.


By fiddling around with the possible augments on askmrrobot I found out, that replacing all aim ones with power augments in fact does seem detrimental for my damage output.


The question remains: Is 98.36% accuracy too much even for an assault vanguard?


Personally, I'd say that's slightly too much. I think 5% is a good level for Assault. 5% will get HiB and FA through the base defenses of everyone but Shadows, and give HS a 95% hit chance. Since almost no one uses defense gear in PvP, that's really all you need.


You could swap out your implants for War Hero Boltblaster's Implants. That would drop your accuracy to 95%, but give you 500 health, 40 power, and 2% surge.

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You could swap out your implants for War Hero Boltblaster's Implants. That would drop your accuracy to 95%, but give you 500 health, 40 power, and 2% surge.


Unfortunately those also net you a 36 aim loss compared to the BM implants.


I went with the Accuracy/Power implants and removed 2 accuracy mods from gear to make up for this, replaced with power/surge or crit/surge.

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Unfortunately those also net you a 36 aim loss compared to the BM implants.


I went with the Accuracy/Power implants and removed 2 accuracy mods from gear to make up for this, replaced with power/surge or crit/surge.


Aim on its own doesn't matter. It's Tech/Ranged Bonus Damage and crit that actually make a difference. Swapping out implants as I suggested only loses 0.11% (tech) crit chance, which is negligible. In stead of 352 per thousand attacks critting, 351 will. In exchange, you get 500 health and higher damage.


But your way might be equally valid (too lazy to look it up). There are lots of ways to tweak gear. I just recommended one that would be (relatively) cheap and easy. Much easier to buy two WH implants than to buy two pieces of WH armor.

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Thanks for the input!

Lowering my accuracy to 95ish will give me some wiggle-room to bring both surge and critical to around 300. Whether the stat gains (reaching quite hefty diminishing return values) will make up for the loss of accuracy only in-game-experience will tell. :D

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Just a video of me doing 1on1's wearing the slave girl outfit.


How you aproach each class: Stun, pop all cds before even firing an Incendiary Missile because why not, faceroll from left to right w/o caring for any rotation or managing ammo, click some buttons, win.



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How you aproach each class: Stun, pop all cds before even firing an Incendiary Missile because why not, faceroll from left to right w/o caring for any rotation or managing ammo, click some buttons, win.




if that video pisses you off, you wont like my 1v2+ video :p

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This is what your finished vanguard stats will look like. Can anyone beat that?


Looks like you have opted to pickup 150 aim, dropping 200 expertise, compared to where I'm at. I'm guessing some of that comes from the orange blet and bracers, as well as the matrix cube (I use 2 pvp power relics). I would argue that 92% accuracy might be a touch low (sorcs have a 8% chance to parry your HIB), but sense you can't really get anything other than soft-capped surge to go in its place it doesn't really matter.

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