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A focus on World PVP


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Seems to me that for all the talk of wanting open world PVP, people just don't do it unless it's forced on them or there's a reward. Other than those who gank low level players anyway. Then when rewards ARE offered, people fight club and kill trade. (ilum anyone?). Even base capture type events don't work as planned. they had that in SWG, and players would just plan ahead, have an opposite faction alt plant a base, then all sit around raking in the reward for the base capture. The basic, #1 fact is that the vast majority of players play the game for the virtual reward, whether it's credits, gear, or whatever. It seems counterintuitive, but it's true. If you took away the gear grind from WZ's, i'd bet rl money 75% or more people would stop doing them. I know I would. They're fun, but not so fun that I'd keep doing them for no reason. And I feel the same about OWPVP. It's fun, but not so fun that i'd be willing to have it interupt what i'm trying to do unless I was going to be rewarded for it.


However, that said, if you were to give me a reason to care about my faction, I would OWPVP my sentinels huge rear end off. Right now, nothing we do effects anything. One of the few things SWG did right is allow planets/cities to change "ownership". Through PVP you could literally take anchorhead over for your faction. High level player would come from all over the galaxy when there was an invasion. There was no reward other than pride in your faction, but everyone was into it! Right now, we have no reason to even like our faction, much less despise our enemies. We often play an alt of the opposite faction to experience more story. Factions are nothing more than a symbol, with no meaning.


Rewards would draw much more activity to OWPVP. Actually, I did kill a guy in the Outlaw's Den a couple nights ago and I got about 2k creds and a rank 5 companion gift as a reward. Pretty miniscule, but if rare crafting mats or something like that were implemented as rewards (and more substantial rewards for group fights), maybe we'd see more OWPVP action. Maybe even massive battles like on the last couple of nights of the Rakghoul event on Ajunta Pall. Both sides wanted a shot at the Bantha boss in the Outlaw's den. This should be something that we pro-PVP'ers should push in the forums and bring to the Dev's attention. Hey, doesn't hurt to try. Perhaps we'll see something like this this year :).

Edited by Aaroneus
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Bioware why did you seperate the Empire and Republic quest areas onto separate halves of the map on the mid and upper level planets?


Bioware devs are carebears. We all know this


Seems to me that for all the talk of wanting open world PVP, people just don't do it unless it's forced on them or there's a reward.


I love being on a PvP server. . .but while questing I'm not gonna go out of my way and look for people to kill. That's just boredom to me. . .


However if the questing locations were close and intertwined then we would come across the other faction a lot more, and of course since red=dead there would be a lot more world pvp action going around. The devs that sectioned off the questing areas(or whoever was in charge of them) just isn't a fan of PvP. We can only hope that future planets will be different.

Edited by FourTwent
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For open world PvP to work on all planets, a level 10 would have to have a chance vs. a level 50. Right now that isn't going to happen. The game design is not set up for it.


They could do it by standardizing damage and dampening the effects of gear appropriate to the level of the zone players are in. I mean who really wants to get ganked by somebody you can't even touch and have to yell for help to somebody else--assuming anybody from your faction is around on your server? Everybody wants at least a fighting chance. Anybody out there not want a fighting chance? I didin't think so.


IMHO the only people out there that want an unfair advantage are murdering little dweeb losers who like to bully weaker players.



Wrong. Exploring a zone with the constant risk of getting ganked just adds more thrill to the game. I used to love the excitement in WoW of keeping an eye out for upper lvl gankers.


And I am only a lvl 40 myself on my highest character so far, so I am certainly could still be ganked myself.


It really increases player awareness and teamwork, which are qualities any game should possess, especially MMOs and it should be encouraged.

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Seems to me that for all the talk of wanting open world PVP, people just don't do it unless it's forced on them or there's a reward. Other than those who gank low level players anyway. Then when rewards ARE offered, people fight club and kill trade. (ilum anyone?). Even base capture type events don't work as planned. they had that in SWG, and players would just plan ahead, have an opposite faction alt plant a base, then all sit around raking in the reward for the base capture. The basic, #1 fact is that the vast majority of players play the game for the virtual reward, whether it's credits, gear, or whatever. It seems counterintuitive, but it's true. If you took away the gear grind from WZ's, i'd bet rl money 75% or more people would stop doing them. I know I would. They're fun, but not so fun that I'd keep doing them for no reason. And I feel the same about OWPVP. It's fun, but not so fun that i'd be willing to have it interupt what i'm trying to do unless I was going to be rewarded for it.


However, that said, if you were to give me a reason to care about my faction, I would OWPVP my sentinels huge rear end off. Right now, nothing we do effects anything. One of the few things SWG did right is allow planets/cities to change "ownership". Through PVP you could literally take anchorhead over for your faction. High level player would come from all over the galaxy when there was an invasion. There was no reward other than pride in your faction, but everyone was into it! Right now, we have no reason to even like our faction, much less despise our enemies. We often play an alt of the opposite faction to experience more story. Factions are nothing more than a symbol, with no meaning.


I agree with much of this, there really doesn't seem to be alot of faction pride in this game, sometimes I wonder if it is because it is still new. On WoW, I was Horde and proud of it, after being there for a long time, I couldn't stand to play as an alliance character.

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I agree with much of this, there really doesn't seem to be alot of faction pride in this game, sometimes I wonder if it is because it is still new. On WoW, I was Horde and proud of it, after being there for a long time, I couldn't stand to play as an alliance character.


Definitely agree here. Give it some time. Hopefully we'll see some faction pride develop. I'm definitely pro-Republic.

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World PvP won't work if people really don't it.


Its this esoteric thing that people throw around pretending like its the best, greatest thing that ever happened to PvP.


Truth is...


1. People don't naturally go out and look for it. WZs are convenient.

2. There are no rewards right now that support world PvP.

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Its not going to be in this year. There "waiting" on technology well gw2 has it already and most other mmo's how people can settle for warzones and nothing else is just mindboggling. Well gw2 will remove the pvp base and this game will truly become kotor3 its just sad.


Btw open world doesnt have to be just ganking. Open world in most games mean fighting over bases and controlled areas. All wee seen is the ability to take the outside of an ilum base and thats it.


Ive unsubbed despite what james ohlen thinks we do not have the best pvp team.

Edited by publicenemies
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The truth is the engine cant handle it.

The truth is we dont have a competent pvp dev team to create open world pvp

Theres no rewards b/c ilum failed badly and couldnt handle 10vs10 barely and became a trade kill paradise


World PvP won't work if people really don't it.


Its this esoteric thing that people throw around pretending like its the best, greatest thing that ever happened to PvP.


Truth is...


1. People don't naturally go out and look for it. WZs are convenient.

2. There are no rewards right now that support world PvP.

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