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if server transfers happen...


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Hello, I'm currently on Black Vulkars [PVP Server]


Black Vulkars was awsome until about last month, when everyoned re-rolled on Fatman.


I'm sure the same happened to many other servers... so i'm wondering where people are thinking about transfering to (considering fatman and swiftsure are probably locked out)?


anyway- i dont want to waste my free transfer only to move to a dead server, so hopefully all of us can use this thread to help us decide where to move to.


The Que times are still ok on our server during PST peak hours (so please consider this server for eligable transfer location) but dead at any other time of the day

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..... so i'm wondering where people are thinking about transfering to (considering fatman and swiftsure are probably locked out)?..


You and all the others will transfer to the server BW picks for you.


Unless you wait for paid transfers. Then MAYBE you'll get to pick a server.

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the following link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=463137 is a server recruitment thread which might help people decide where to go, please after viewing, please post here where u want to go (please dont use this current thread to recruit or to troll). After deciding please post here.



according to this link: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-april-27th-2012


Dallas Dickinson (Senior Producer, Live Services): We will be rolling out our Character Transfer Service in early summer. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice. We know everyone has more questions about character transfer


they definatelly will not force us into a server since it sounds like there are multiple servers for us to transfer to, but I'm guessing fatman and probably Swiftsure is out of the question until paid transfers are released

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the following link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=463137 is a server recruitment thread which might help people decide where to go, please after viewing, please post here where u want to go (please dont use this current thread to recruit or to troll). After deciding please post here.



according to this link: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-april-27th-2012




they definatelly will not force us into a server since it sounds like there are multiple servers for us to transfer to, but I'm guessing fatman and probably Swiftsure is out of the question until paid transfers are released


its logical that any high or most standard servers will not be offered in the free transfer.. how would that fix the population problem other than moving eveyrone to one or two servers..it wouldnt be their best move..but then again bioware is known for some bonehead moves

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its logical that any high or most standard servers will not be offered in the free transfer.. how would that fix the population problem other than moving eveyrone to one or two servers..it wouldnt be their best move


I think there might be other options you're not considering. For instance...





Mallorik (person from the forums): What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job?


SWTOR Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content.



Maybe we're all moving to "new" servers? Maybe they will increase the capacity on the top two or three servers of each region/type and try to entice us to move to those higher-cap servers? If many-most-all folks leave the nearly-dead servers then they can shut them down.


We don't know anything. Speculation at this point is really not particularly helpful. For every reason it's "logical" for BW to do one thing, there's a zillion things we *don't* know about that might make it logical for BW to do the exact opposite.


BW wants to make a reasonable and fair profit. They are genuinely going to try to make as many people as possible happy and entertained so we will give them our money in return for good entertainment. They don't consciously and knowingly act against their best interests.


Really, all we can do is just play the game in the way that makes us happy, and then go enjoy other hobbies if it gets too frustrating and then come back in a bit.



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Wouldn't it be simpler to take, say three low population servers and combine them? The transfers, though helpful, really would wreck the balance many players have with other toon crew skills - not to mention the very cool Legacy name option. This addresses the above concerns (I've seen this echoed on other threads), rewards consistent players and certainly would make things much simpler. At any given time I see only one or two servers at "standard."


I hear rumors about server merges, but have seen nothing detailed. Anyone know if this is an option or the only solution is to transfer individual toons?

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Wouldn't it be simpler to take, say three low population servers and combine them?


We don't know if it would be simpler. We don't know how their tech works and they aren't going to release their source code. It might be really hard.


I hear rumors about server merges, but have seen nothing detailed. Anyone know if this is an option or the only solution is to transfer individual toons?


BW has never said they will do server merges, and if you see someone talking about server merges, ask them to cite their sources. Every one I've seen talk about server merges has been offering their opinion, best guess, or estimate. No hard facts. We don't know anything official about transferring individual characters or whole legacies.



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Hello all,


The blog post with more information came out today. It includes information about what types of servers will be transferring, and there will a an FAQ with more answers coming up later.


Please feel free to continue asking questions or giving your opinions regarding transfers in the ongoing thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472600


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