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A good point to give into the dark side?


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I'm planning to switch Dark side at some point and was just wondering if there was any natural point in the storyline where this would fit. I'm on Narshaada right now and thinking about just starting it by killing people rather then arresting the when it comes up. It would make some since because the people were committing xenocide and that could enrage even the noblest hero.


Basically I'm wondering if there is a good point in the story where something happens that it would make sense for a weaker Jedi to give into his rage/hate/anger and seek vengeance. Please no spoiler, but something along the lines of "there is a key moment on X in the story quest where that would make sense. If there isn't that's fine, ill just start going dark side now. I just never liked the idea of starting off dark, as it seems the process of going to the dark side is usually a slower one that is based on events in the Jedi's life. It never made sense to me to just start off as a dark jedi right from the beginning but rather a generally light side jedi who has some character flaws (need for vengeance/justice) and this leads him down the dark path.

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I think that by end of chapter 1 you could acumulate enough reasons to be angry, if you want(relatively) quick switch. There is very good(at least - my opinion, without spoilers) moment to go dark at end of second chapter, but you should remember it would take a whie, and if you aim for darkside corruption you would have long road ahead of you, negating all lightside points gathered so far.
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Probably the best time is on the character creation screen - choose a Sith warrior instead. You're going to alienate all but one of your companions as a dark Jedi and Satele is going to give you her grim "war face" entirely too often.


It really won't change the story much at what point you decide to start making dark side decisions, though, earlier is probably better just for purity's sake - but there's only one companion you get at the end of chapter 2 that won't hate you for going dark.


Meanwhile, over on the dark side, where there's well-kept, well-lit space stations and cookies, many of your companions won't mind it if you make light side decisions. You can feel free to play as good or as bad as you want - usually the only penalty for not being totally dark is just missed affection - not the massive hatred you'll get from the hypocritical, judgmental Jedi and their sympathizers.


Much like Anakin, you'll never be a Master Jedi if you give in to the dark side. But you can be a light sided Darth.

Edited by jgelling
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I'm not really worried about companions etc. More for RP purposes, would it make sense to slowly give into the dark side at some point since to me it makes no since for a fresh jedi to just be full on darkside the whole way.
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Have you considered turning off the LS/DS prompts and just responding how the character would in a given siituation? They are configurable in your preferences. The responses will appear without telling you which is LS or DS.
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I'm not really worried about companions etc. More for RP purposes, would it make sense to slowly give into the dark side at some point since to me it makes no since for a fresh jedi to just be full on darkside the whole way.


You could be wavering before but if you're familiar with the story the natural place to go full on dark side is at the end of chapter 2.

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Thanks, thats what I wanted to know. i'll just mix in some dark side until then. Again im not too concerned with hitting 10k dark side points as supposedly the story will continue in the future.
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