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If you want to do good in PvP as an IA....


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Depends really. Both classes can be pretty awesome in PvP if you know how to use them correctly.


Seeing that you have a Sorc and Commando already, I would say that, if you enjoy those classes and their play style a lot, I'd suggest going a Sniper for you. Both a Sorc and Commando, for the most part, stand still most of the time while they cast their good abilities, and both classes are definitely ranged classes. Snipers are, obviously, very much ranged and tend to hang back and stay in one spot while they just rack up damage. The Snipers' main difference is that that class really stays put while Sorcs and Commandos can still run around. Snipers cant be jumped to or pulled to or pushed back if they are in cover, which makes them much more effective stationary, and in WZs like Huttball.


If you want to switch things up a bit, then I'd suggest rolling an Op. Unlike those classes, an Op is pretty much /always/ on the move and running around like crazy. Ops are a close combat class and very knife stab friendly. The ability to stealth and off-heal (if you go dps) is also a nice option to have as well.


No matter what class you pick, however, you're really gonna need to learn energy management very quickly. Commandos somewhat have something like this with ammo, but if you charge in and use all your power shots in a row, you wont have any energy left.


Bottom line, pick whatever you think is more fun. Both classes can be freaking awesome in PvP, but its important to remember that you are a /support/ class. IAs are squishy, so dont be charging into groups of 2 or 3 unless you want to pull a leeroy jenkins. I have an Op healer and I'm loving him in PvP as much as I am PvE, but its what you like that matters. If you like the range/distance of Commandos and Sorcs, roll a Sniper. If you want to change it up a bit, roll an Op. Honestly, both classes are so fun you can get away with rolling both if you want to.

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I didn't think there were enough people left on AP for warzones to pop. Which would make your question moot! :p


There's still quite a few people on AP. Even more so lately as the shiny newness of D3 is wearing off for a lot of people.


On topic - neither if you plan on DPSing (which I gather or you wouldn't have even asked about Sniper). The only viable PVP spec for Agents is Healer which is in the Operative AC. I did both Concealment and Lethality, and while Lethality is the more viable spec (not as much requirement to stick to your target), 1.2 neutered our output so much you cannot go toe-to-toe with a glowstick of any kind.

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Operatives and Snipers are both great in PVP (for DPS or for healing if you go Operative) - you just have to learn how to use them effectively. There is plenty of information on these forums to get you started.
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I'm enjoying PvP as a sniper. Pick your targets wisely. You'll probably just irritate a trooper, but you can go toe-to-toe (so to speak) with a smuggler. You can take out a jedi sage or shadow if you focus your fire. And keep in mind that if you force a healer to focus on himself/herself, you're denying heals to the other team.
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