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Watchman Vs Combact for PVP?


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Do you play a Sentinel? Zen grants 30% Alacrity to Ataru Form and a full Focus bar while in Shii-Cho Form. For a Focus Sentinel: Zen is more important to them than it is to a Watchman.


The only way to get 80% speed boost is from when a Combat Sentinel has 30 stacks of Centering to active Transcendence.

2 year old thread.. 2 year old thread.. !

Edited by AngusFTW
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not sure how anyone can say focus is better then watchman...in pvp. the whole problem with watchman is its played wrong 99 percent of time. if you use stealth, and pop zen at right times, its devestating. the only issue with it, is the heal sucks atm, if they just gave that heal bit more like it was. spec is best out of sent trees. combat sents usally do bit more in pvp due to burst they have, but overall damage watchman is better. i have had game were im 1 million damage 60 kills and 300k healing all the time. but like most sents, problem is not thinking your a tank and are going to face roll everything. stay up longer in watchman = more heals dot damage, i think all the spec are good atm , damage wise, each one just needs one thing, heals wm, proc increase for combat, undie rage for focus like it was, and the class fine. they all have speed boost mind you to, maybe not like combat, but it helps none less, and adds defense, inspiration, well you all no what that does. but a good watchman can play with anytihng, your just not a tank period..
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not sure how anyone can say focus is better then watchman...in pvp. the whole problem with watchman is its played wrong 99 percent of time. if you use stealth, and pop zen at right times, its devestating. the only issue with it, is the heal sucks atm, if they just gave that heal bit more like it was. spec is best out of sent trees. combat sents usally do bit more in pvp due to burst they have, but overall damage watchman is better. i have had game were im 1 million damage 60 kills and 300k healing all the time. but like most sents, problem is not thinking your a tank and are going to face roll everything. stay up longer in watchman = more heals dot damage, i think all the spec are good atm , damage wise, each one just needs one thing, heals wm, proc increase for combat, undie rage for focus like it was, and the class fine. they all have speed boost mind you to, maybe not like combat, but it helps none less, and adds defense, inspiration, well you all no what that does. but a good watchman can play with anytihng, your just not a tank period..


Lookout we have a bad as* here

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not ******. dude, i watch sents face tank in wz like they tanks. also how in the world is zen mor eimportant in focus or combat then watchman? all have use, but overload saber is 60 percent of damage in watchman tree, popping zen with 3 stacks and stasis, can riun a player or mob... what game you playing? funny part is, its so important in focus every focus sent went to guardian...now. or combat or watchman , which can easily out dps focus. serves you smashers right they nerfed hell outa spec, used the ole gbtf and med pac trick one to many times, or hitting players you dont target had so much skill involved...they nerfed the spec caus eevery tom dick and harry played it... only the true sents stayed with watchman and combat..who had some skills...
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not ******. dude, i watch sents face tank in wz like they tanks. also how in the world is zen mor eimportant in focus or combat then watchman?


Because Zen in focus is a full focus bar and a 100% dmg boost to ur next Smash...and because it gives 30% alacrity in Combat which reduces your GCD to 1.05s which roughly means that you do 4 attacks for every 3 your opponent does. This is much better than the ****** heals from Watchman (if they were 2% it might be different) the dot crits are nice though.



all have use, but overload saber is 60 percent of damage in watchman tree,


Overload saber accounts for less than 22% of Watchman's dmg output, pliz learn *** ur talking about.





they nerfed the spec caus eevery tom dick and harry played it... only the true sents stayed with watchman and combat..who had some skills...


Lol, Watchman is retardedly easy to play as well, it's the spec that relies the most on a rotation, with Smash you can do whatever you want outside of guaranteeing your full powered Smashes, be it using Crippling throw to apply a debuff or Cauterize to prevent a stealther from stealthing (too bad most people just mindlessly spam Slash), but Watchman is just stupidly static and follows the same pattern too much. If you stray too much from the optimal opener you find yourself focus starved and doing **** DPS.


Were it not for its low mobility Watchman would have been in the same boat as Smash was in the past because pulling crazy DPS is terribly easy on Watchman nowadays, but at least it's easy to kite so that kinda balances things out.

Edited by Tevzz
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that graph does not tell the whole story at all, in pvp its extreamly hard to constantly use 4 stack of merc, almost impossible, so merc slash isent your best damage in a wz. secondly overload and cauterize are most of your damage, with dispatch prob . merc slash can be but it just isent possible all the time. so take the pve graph and shove it. please. and when you crit on overload, you can do 1300 to 2500 in damage every tick, so please . im not even sure you pvp, cause if you did you would know these things, and that big part of watchmans damage is negated due to keeping 4 stacks being impossible. so you better be useing overload, cauterize, and dispatch alot. thirdly, i never said watchman is for everyone. its by far the hardest spec to pvp with due to these reasons, were focus is so simple a monkey can do it...hence smash monkey. combat is way harder then focus as well. the good sents make both specs shine, the bads, play focus. simple. but let me know how well you keep 4 stacks of merc up in viod, or hutball, or new hutball. if you didnt read either, i said i play watchman stealthy, i pick targets and dont face tank like smash munkies do. and i have yet to see a combat sent or watchman sent, not destroy focus, when they evenly geared and skilled. and i mean destroy. but hey keep thinking what you do and follow the pvp graphs, that show timed fights that dont hit back...
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focus starved? really. i have no problem keeping 5 or 6 force bars up, when my dots crit heal = give me force. your just making no sense or dont know watchman spec well. well its not for everyone, it isent easy, 2 buttons, and not everyone is playing it...smash had its day, let it rest in peace...were it belongs...
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also one other thing, i almost never use master strike and its 40 second swings, it takes way to long . unless you have root on it, its useless. in pvp. leap ols, zealous, cauterize, merc, cuaterize., with dispatch in the mix whenever it pops. if your useing mor ethen that your doing it worng, real wrong...like one poster said, ovelroad, cuaterize, merc, stasis, is devestating on player, with zen being popped. if you time zen right your talkin alot of damage, maybe 60 pewrcent of players health on those 4 abilitys. sadly i must ask, how long have you played watchman in pvp?
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that graph does not tell the whole story at all, in pvp its extreamly hard to constantly use 4 stack of merc, almost impossible, so merc slash isent your best damage in a wz. secondly overload and cauterize are most of your damage, with dispatch prob . merc slash can be but it just isent possible all the time. so take the pve graph and shove it. please. and when you crit on overload, you can do 1300 to 2500 in damage every tick, so please . im not even sure you pvp, cause if you did you would know these things, and that big part of watchmans damage is negated due to keeping 4 stacks being impossible. so you better be useing overload, cauterize, and dispatch alot. thirdly, i never said watchman is for everyone. its by far the hardest spec to pvp


In a fight where both teams have healers and neither is getting wiped if you can't maintain 4 stacks you're terrible...so please stop making it sound like it's hard. The only times you shouldn't be at 4 stacks is when you die, when you reinforce a node or when you start a fight. You can only use dispatch when ur target is in execute range. In an Average WZ you should be using Merc Slash A LOT more than Dispatch...just saying, if not, you might want to make sure you're doing it properly.



but let me know how well you keep 4 stacks of merc up in viod , or hutball, or new hutball.


Only time when its reasonable to lose the stacks is when going to next door, and even then if you have people in between you can maintain them. They only take ~30 seconds to build anyways, it's far from the end of the world. In huttball, there's always gonna be people attacking your ballhandler or defending theirs...so again....it's not remotely hard.


if you didnt read either, i said i play watchman stealthy, i pick targets and dont face tank like smash munkies do. and i have yet to see a combat sent or watchman sent, not destroy focus, when they evenly geared and skilled. and i mean destroy.


Lol, then apparently you haven't seen a decent Smasher in a long time...I've yet to be outdmg'ed by a Combat/Watchman sent in my own team and don't even get me started on duels...the longer duration on Rebuke that focus has is enough to pop Awe/Pacify and wait out the combat/watchman sentinel's Rebuke out while yours still has 4seconds (more if you're fighting vs watchman since the dots refresh Rebuke), once Rebuke is gone, even the 30% AoE DR won't save them. The simple fact that a major part of focus's dmg output is force dmg makes it superior when it comes to attacking other sentinels when they have Saber Ward up...so until you've actually seen a good Focus sentinel don't talk. Also, Master Strike is far from useless...if cauterize is ticking and Overload Saber and Merc Slash are on CD and you CAN LAND the full Master strike it's much better dmg than anything else you can do. So now I must ask...do you even play a sentinel? Now, I'm not triying to pick a fight with you bro, but you're making it sound like Watchman is insanely hard to play and only amazing players can do well with it...which is far from true.


Edit: Nvm, I actually don't believe you, the simple fact that you said

leap ols, zealous, cauterize, merc, cauterize
as well as completely ignore Crippling Throw and Pacify proves you have no clue what you're talking about (clipping the dot on Cauterize is bad...very bad and unneeded). SO both you and the poster who said that should go Lrn2Watchman some more...a LOT more. Edited by Tevzz
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Lol, Watchman is retardedly easy to play as well, it's the spec that relies the most on a rotation,

If you stray too much from the optimal opener you find yourself focus starved and doing **** DPS.




Agreed that Smash is the best dueling spec against other maras/sents though.


Also, 2 year old thread is 2 years old.

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Agreed that Smash is the best dueling spec against other maras/sents though.


Also, 2 year old thread is 2 years old.


Watchman is probably the only sentinel spec that actually has to "follow" a rotation during its opener even in PvP, If somebody doesn't Leap->OS->Zealous Strike->Cauterize as their opener, in most cases they're doing something wrong and wasting potential DPS. And straying from that sequence of attacks too much IS a DPS loss even in PvP where things aren't made to be predictable. This is what I meant by follows a rotation the most.


The spec is quite linear in the sequence of attacks you use, whereas Smash is basically free-for-all use whatever the heck you want if you need to just make sure you pump out those full powered smashes every ~10 seconds or slightly less if all you do is use CD reducing abilities, and Combat is proc fishing (for now) and hoping that RNG is nice to you so you don't have to Blade Rush 8 times for a proc.

Edited by Tevzz
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all your damage in pvp is dots, and yes its very hard to find matches were you have heals, and the right team other then ranked, and even then 4 stacks isent easy, please, why did they increase its timer? btw? because it was immpossible in pvp...learn to play the other two spec sman first b4 you open mouth...
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really wish you would atleast learn basics of other two specs, i always played smash and combat for fun , to just learn them somewhat. to be honest smash is one of the most forgiving spec sin game or was. telling me its harder then combat is just not randy bro. or harder then keeping 4 stacks of merc slash...is flatout dumb, or you never guard, move to other nodes, or do anything other then striaght up dps in objective wzs...shocking...
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all your damage in pvp is dots, and yes its very hard to find matches were you have heals, and the right team other then ranked, and even then 4 stacks isent easy, please, why did they increase its timer? btw? because it was immpossible in pvp...learn to play the other two spec sman first b4 you open mouth...


Please, I main Carnage so don't tell me to learn to play it xD. It wasn't impossible before, but it was much easier to lose the stacks. However, nowadays it's nowhere near hard to do especially in active fights, granted, if you die or don't have a healer behind you, you WILL lose your stacks :o but if you queue with a group it isn't hard, unless you wipe the enemy team. I'm more annoyed by the fact that GETTING 4 stacks when you kill enemies too fast with a group is harder than maintaining them after that.


I didn't say Pacify and Crippling Throw were for damage, but they're still essential to using the class to its fullest and pacify totally kills white damage classes and you never mentioned any of them in your posts. Pop Pacify on a Watchman sentinel and see what happens lol, he won't land a hit for the whole 6 seconds, unless he decides to use blade storm/stasis/sweep.


to be honest smash is one of the most forgiving spec sin game or was. telling me its harder then combat is just not randy bro


Smash and watchman are both miles easier than Combat, don't start putting words into my mouth bro xD But you're right I never guard, I just move between nodes when people call incs and that's if nobody's gone before me. There are specs and classes much better suited at Node Guarding than Sentinels aka Sins/Ops/Guardians/Juggs, the best job a sentinel does is DPS and provide team utility and I stick to that.

Edited by Tevzz
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you clearly talk like you main a pt... maybe you playing halo? so in hutball keeping 4 stacks works? or new hutball? in matches were you slug it out maybe, or when players are dumb enuff to just run to south, or mid, ya maybe. but if your playing objective pvp, the stacks still are not easy to keep up, not due to skill , but to how the wzs are played. clearly they thought so otherwise they would not have increased it...btw ive played watchman since start, not after the smash nerf , like most of the players in game. im sure when your being kited those 4 stacks are much better to keep up then overload, or cauterize right? cause if you have your 3 stacks on that kiter and you pop zen, he is in trouble. once agian i feel like im talking to a senttank...people who always think sents are ment to tank every class in game, smash is nowere harder then combat or watchman. if it is to you, maybe get new class...
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