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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A Change of Mind


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Ok, I have a decision to make, and I can't decide without some feedback.


Problem is, my Jedi Sentinel is not tough (and I frequently update his gear, very strong), and also I have great moves. I just can't get around showing people who's boss like Gaurdians do. I want to make a new Knight and make it a Guardian, but my Sentinel is Level 38. What should I do? I want your guys' feedback. Have you done something like this before? Has this exact problem happened (even if it's between the classes of the Sith Warrior)? I need advice.

Edited by NabooJedi
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At level 38, nobody's going to be baws like that. Sentinels have good survivability at endgame.


I do agree, I have good survival capabilities, but I can't really do well in PVP, but I see Guardians in PVP that are in Level 20s that tear the Imps apart. Compare: Level 20 something Guardians tearing everything apart to a Level 38 Sentinel having to fall back to heal, and gets ripped apart by Bounty Hunters in their late Level 20s early Level 30s. See how that works?


Even when I'm not in PVP, I even have a hard time fighting four standard enemies when my companions are out selling low-value items.

Edited by NabooJedi
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the thing with the late 30s is that sometimes your gear is not 'on par' with the lvl 20 gear these other player have. if you can make it to lvl 39 and use the lvl 40 pvp set (the mods are lvl 39) you should see some drastic power boost ;)
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Not only that, Tanking Guardians in low level PvP where expertise doesn't exist are monsters. They have the survivability and generally get support from healers because they know putting a pocket heal on a tank means they can wreak unholy havoc on the other side. However at your level you have some of the best defensive cooldowns in the game. Force Camo and Guarded by the Force are amazing. If you're Watchman spec then combine Guarded by the Force when you're low, pop Zen, and dot up a target. You regain a lot of HP really fast. Also in Huttball that GbtF cooldown is great for that last stretch of carrying the ball to the goal line when a healer is having issues keeping you on your feet.


Both are viable, both are fun (I have both) and all I can say is that once you read level 50 PvP Sentinel shines with less gear than a Guardian simply because of it's core abilities. However once fully and painfully geared a Guardian can wreck a whole team's plan with 1 DPS healing them and enough run room to get off a few leaps. So really it's a choice of flavor, but trying both doesn't hurt. I certainly don't regret it.

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