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Putting SWTOR on the Consoles.


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I was thinking that SWTOR could get a lot of fans on the consoles if EA introduces it to the them. There are other MMOs on the consoles like DC Universe Online on the PS3. If they can pull that off on the PS3 then i think that they can pull it off on the X -box 360 as well, allowing EA and Bioware to gain additional profits from the game by putting SWTOR on the consoles. :sy_republic::mon_trap:
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I'd say the biggest issue with Console MMO conversions is the use of bindings.


Controllers dont have 12 face keys, much less a cursor to select non-binded keys. There are way more abilities than the consoles and physically keep up with.


I would like to see console ported MMO's however, its just difficult to port one designed PC first.

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I'd say the biggest issue with Console MMO conversions is the use of bindings.


Controllers dont have 12 face keys, much less a cursor to select non-binded keys. There are way more abilities than the consoles and physically keep up with.


I would like to see console ported MMO's however, its just difficult to port one designed PC first.


Binding is actually not a terrible issue. FFXI for 360 uses and interface where players simply pull a trigger and select an ability from a quickbar. Also you are forgetting that there are USB keyboards for consles. Making it fully functional.



I also forgot about the keyboard attachments for 360 controllers.

Edited by SykesNinetyTwo
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Binding is actually not a terrible issue. FFXI for 360 uses and interface where players simply pull a trigger and select an ability from a quickbar. Also you are forgetting that there are USB keyboards for consles. Making it fully functional.



I also forgot about the keyboard attachments for 360 controllers.

I did forget about USB compatability with keyboards. However, not everyone who has an XBOX has a USB keyboard or a chatboard. Yes, a usb keyboard is cheap, but its not a direct option.


The issue with Trigger->interface is that you wont have quick button access that hotbars really have. Most games that utilize interfaces like that are single-player where combat freezes around you while you select the move desired, something that can not be attained in a multiplayer game.


Honestly, a console mmo is possible (the Secret World can do it with only 7 hotkeys), however doing it with TOR is not entirely worth the prophet, if there would be any at all, gained from the company.

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no offense OP but DC universe online was kind of crappy.


as others have said, there's simply too many controls to put swtor on a console, and even if they did the market would be marginal (console gamers generally =/= MMO fans, and those that are both tend to prefer keyboard interfaces for the MMO). Add on to this XBL actively charges developers for putting out patches (a weekly thing for MMO's), and trying to get expanded access to the PSN is nigh impossible since their recent security breaches (PS3 players still get screwed on the online component of ME3).


overall I just don't think its in the cards friend, sorry.

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..... swtor Console.... serious no thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't want swtor's play style retarded enough it can be put onto a console.


1 if its left as is console players wont play (to hard to play)

2 change to be used on a console computer players will quit (to easy and boring)


if you want to save this game start hitting your friends that quit in the nuts and let them know this is a new game NOT WOW blizzard took years to get to the point it is now


NO MMO is bugless at launch

NO MMO is complete(especialy when forced to launch early)

NO MMO has all the features that are intended to be in the game at launch

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I can't see it working, particularly Xbox owners aren't used to having to install 20gb+ sized games onto their consoles, some Xbox units don't even HAVE that much file space to start with. And for an 80gb PS3 it also is a serious amount of filespace to consume that will only increase with every update that comes out. Especially after a first expansion pack I could seriously see TOR eating up about half the storage space an 80gb PS3 has to offer, and considering that's not the only game to feature added content and/or DLC on the PS3, I can't see too many PS3 owners willing to sacrifice half of their console's hard drive to a single game.


And then of course I'm not even getting started over controller inputs. Sure you can have USB keyboards and mice, but how many people can comfortably use both a keyboard and mouse from wherever they usually play their console? If a game requires additional peripherals to play well it's ideal to box them with the game, and a keyboard would make for a pretty darn big box... and even then most would still have to buy some sort of table so they can actually play on their couch.


So long story short: Yeah...no.

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I can't see it working, particularly Xbox owners aren't used to having to install 20gb+ sized games onto their consoles, some Xbox units don't even HAVE that much file space to start with. And for an 80gb PS3 it also is a serious amount of filespace to consume that will only increase with every update that comes out. Especially after a first expansion pack I could seriously see TOR eating up about half the storage space an 80gb PS3 has to offer, and considering that's not the only game to feature added content and/or DLC on the PS3, I can't see too many PS3 owners willing to sacrifice half of their console's hard drive to a single game.


And then of course I'm not even getting started over controller inputs. Sure you can have USB keyboards and mice, but how many people can comfortably use both a keyboard and mouse from wherever they usually play their console? If a game requires additional peripherals to play well it's ideal to box them with the game, and a keyboard would make for a pretty darn big box... and even then most would still have to buy some sort of table so they can actually play on their couch.


So long story short: Yeah...no.

I have to agree with the controls being a factor in preventing SWTOR from being on the consoles, but the memory issue could be resolved by selling the game on disks instead down loading them off of game market places and the only memory usage would be from the updates like you said. :sy_republic::mon_cool:

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Oh sure, but even that has its flaws, especially for the 360. A single DVD can hold at most 8.7GB, TOR is currently already 21GB in size. So people playing TOR would probably regularly have to stand up to swap discs once they get to a point where they can freely travel planets.


Plus it would be tricky to release a new disc whenever a new major update hits TOR. (And let's not forget these can be in excess of a gigabyte as well, again, not ideal for people who bought their console with only the smallest possible hard drive)


So all in all, for a game the size of TOR a PC still is the most convenient method of playing.

Edited by Bielduwyn
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Binding is actually not a terrible issue. FFXI for 360 uses and interface where players simply pull a trigger and select an ability from a quickbar. Also you are forgetting that there are USB keyboards for consles. Making it fully functional.



I also forgot about the keyboard attachments for 360 controllers.


also some seem to forget alot about is that the 360 has kinnect, kinnect is so powerful as a tool for gaming its unreal. not only can it do voice recignition, it also uses great control of games via body signals such as pointing at something on screen and sending squad members in games to attack, defend etc just the same as real hand and arm signals used by army squads in real life.


Consoles have come along way in the last few years.

Edited by Shingara
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I was thinking that SWTOR could get a lot of fans on the consoles if EA introduces it to the them. There are other MMOs on the consoles like DC Universe Online on the PS3. If they can pull that off on the PS3 then i think that they can pull it off on the X -box 360 as well, allowing EA and Bioware to gain additional profits from the game by putting SWTOR on the consoles. :sy_republic::mon_trap:


There is no dash between X and box, is Xbox...


That said i think TOR could work using a 360 chatpad, although id have to change my keybindings from what i currently have.

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