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Bonus Series


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If you are above the minimum for the next planet's level, I would skip the bonus series, but if you want a chance at some cool rewards at the end and getting a little ahead of the next planet, do it.
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Quick question. Are the bonus series worth completing? Just got the one on Balmorra and was wondering if I should just head off planet or stick around to complete it?


I did the bonus series on Tatooine and gained quite a bit of experience from it. I think I also accumulated some decent gear.


I'd give it a go. :)


There may have been one on Nar Shadaa, but I think I missed my opportunity to take advantage of the experience it offered. I just realized an NPC in the starport last night and I'm currently on Balmorra.

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Typically, yes, they're well worth doing even if you have to skip the H4s (although if you can find some friends - or make some new ones - the bonus H4s on each planet have a set of custom gear).

Even if you're slightly above the level for gear rewards they will also give you a lot of credits and xp.

Edited by Dafpants
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I usually do at least some of them for the story, the exploration (codex entries and all that), the rewards (even if to just sell them), xp, and just because they're fun. So really, it's up to you whether or not you feel you should do them. Heck, I just landed my level 42 BH on Alderaan to do the bonus series there so I can finish opening up the map and so I can grab the datacron at the dam.
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so I can grab the datacron at the dam.
Just did this on my Consular; since 1.2 you need the MGGS (they "fixed" the ladder you used to be able to jump up) which I only discovered after speedering all the way up there (after already going to the vendor to get the actuator for the Endurance 'cron).

Luckily I also discovered the MGGS doesn't bind and I mailed one to myself form my Trooper.

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I generally use the bonus series as an xp boost on my second and 3rd run through of the game. They allow you to get an extra level or 2 and then you can skip everything but your class quest on the next planet, if you don't really want to do that one again.


For example, on republic, if I don't really want to do tatooine again, I'll do the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa and then skip the planet quest on tatooine. I end up going to Alderaan just about the right level.

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It's more of a pain because they're higher level than the planet content so you have to go back later, sometimes much later. At least look it up at torheads or something to see if the reward is worth it. If it's not an upgrade I wouldn't bother myself.
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Usually the Bonus Series are higher level content that are meant to make you come back to the planet at some point, so as someone said already, if you are past the min level for the next planet you should go there and maybe come back later at some point when you feel that your level is too low to continue. May the Force be with you!
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I always do the bonus series. I love seeing what else the planet and the inhabitants have to offer, plus I love the gear as well and facing the challenges. I wish I did have people (or a guild) to play with so I could do H2's and H4's. But since my server is damn near dead most of the time, it's difficult finding someone to do them with.
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There may have been one on Nar Shadaa, but I think I missed my opportunity to take advantage of the experience it offered. I just realized an NPC in the starport last night and I'm currently on Balmorra.


FYI The Nar Shaddaa bonus series open up the area where two datacrons are located. If you plan to hunt datacrons, you should do it.

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