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Legacy unlock/race question


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Alright so I have a few questions about legacy. These being.


1) What exactly is a legacy level and what does it do for you?


2) If I wanted to unlock a race for being playable on all classes, that race has to go level 50 if I'm correct? People have told me otherwise.


3) So I play a blind people(I don't know how to spell name starts with M though) Jedi Sentinel. Even with hide head slot unchecked I still can not see my headgear. Is this because of just how the race is? Is there anyway I can change it?


Thanks for answering :p

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Alright so I have a few questions about legacy. These being.


1) What exactly is a legacy level and what does it do for you?


2) If I wanted to unlock a race for being playable on all classes, that race has to go level 50 if I'm correct? People have told me otherwise.


3) So I play a blind people(I don't know how to spell name starts with M though) Jedi Sentinel. Even with hide head slot unchecked I still can not see my headgear. Is this because of just how the race is? Is there anyway I can change it?


Thanks for answering :p


1. Its the server-wide progression you've made, look at it as leveling up your "account" instead of your "character". As for what it does? It has a few bonuses that are unlocked by various means. Most by actual credits others by just leveling and or / maxing out companion affection. Press " Y " in game to have an overwiev of the Legacy system.


2. Either play that race to 50 to unlock it for both factions and all classes or pay 1.5 million to do the exact same thing.


3. Its your race that makes it be that way and you can not work around it. Its to prevent clipping (your blindfold showing through helmets etc). I know as a fact that some helmets show on Twileks and some dont. I have no experience with Miralukas though.


Hope this helped!

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1. Your legacy level acts as a barrier to entry on acquiring certain legacy perks. ONce you've obtained a legacy by completing chap 2 on a class, getting experience on any character on that server is going to gain you some legacy experience as well. You can see the legacy experience bar below your regular experience bar.


Things in the legacy panel that you want to buy might have requirements like "Costs 500,000 credits, requires legacy level 5", Thus being legacy level 5 would allow you to then purchase the ability if you wanted to spend the money, people below legacy 5 wouldn't be able to buy it.


Some things tied to your legacy do not involve your legacy level though. For example upon completing chapter 2 with a class, all your other characters on the server will have that class buff available. Thus if you have say a level 40 bounty hunter and complete chapter 2, then decide you want to make a new Inquisitor, when the inquisitor casts their class buff they'll get both the inquisitor and bounty hunter class buffs.


Some things cost credits, some things are unlocked only through gameplay (like the buffs I mentioned above), some things cost credits and require a minimum legacy level, some can be either earned OR purchased like races...just dependson the feature.



2. Races can be purchased for 1.5m credits. If you level a character to 50, it also makes that race available to all classes for you as well, both do the same thing. The human "unlock" only costs 500k. When you buy/earn this one, instead of having humans available for all classes (since any class can be a human already), you get a permanent +100 presence bonus to all your characters on the server. Only can get that once though.

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