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The ONE THING that's wrong.


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Lame? Lol! But you would go back for a changing weather? It is what you make it my friend. Use a little imagination and you will get more out of it. But hey, if you would rather the game do it for you then may be you are the one looking for a platformer not me.


One thing though... it seems that there is some debate about what an MMO is these days. I don't have a particular definition, but my guildies only interested in End Game have a very different definition than you and I.


No, but I would go back if the planets wouldn´t be dead static, including weather/day/night change and some player created progression there, or if there would be anything special to do there except slashing the same mobs I killed at the same spot and outlevelled 6 months ago.


Oh and endgame raids suck, most stupid game activity ever. Hacking half an hour on an endboss. Hey that is really the pinnacle of gaming. LOL.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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There are many things wrong with this game. Some big and some small. They all have been extensivly talked about and debated.... and the devs really don't listen. Besides the devs keeping their heads in the said and ignoring everything the players (that pay for the game and pay to play the game and pay for their paychecks), there is one thing that is game breaking and wrong in TOR... The lack of MMO/community and living breathing universe.


Lets be absolutly clear here, no holds barred, brutal and honest truth. Thes is very little to no MMO in TOR. It is first and foremost a single player, easily soloed game, with limited co-op capabilities. This is what is killing the subs. Because of this there is:

No viable sustained PvP

No World PvP

No communities (just because fatman has 1k-1500 people on it at one time still dosen't make it a community)

No community or MMO tools (LFG etc)

No customization or very little (ship, character, race etc)

No player housing

No minigames (swoop/pod racing, sabaac/pazaac, gambeling at cantinas.casinos etc)

No exploration outside of the rails (especially the doomed space minigame crap)


There a a few more MMO aspects that I have missed, but you get the point. These things are in every sucessful MMO. It has been the industry standard for well over 5-7 years. The second part to this equation is: The universe is completly lifeless. I am not talking about players and server population problems. I am talking about planets that feel alive. From citizens moving about their daily lives.. to random happenings... to day/night/weather/season cycles etc... It's completly stagnate. Nothing ever changes. Nothing.


Devs should take note... Go play LOTRO. That is a game that found the right formula with ballance between rails and sandbox... It has an imersive story (much better than TOR buy far) just not voiced. It has all the tools that make an MMO a community. The only thing it lacks is one of the manny things TOR lacks...World PvP (that has hurt it over the past few years, causing declining subs and F2P). PvPers are not a Niche group. They are diverse. To not meet their needs has spelled doom for many an MMO. (I am not a hardcore PvPer nor am I casual only player, I like diversity)


You cannot launch an MMO today without the aformentioned industry standards. You need many reason for players to construct communities on servers. Just telling them to do so isn't the answer. You must also give them the tools to do so. BW has dropped the ball in this game. It saddens me cause it had so much potental.

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No, but I would go back if the planets wouldn´t be dead static, including weather/day/night change and some player created progression there, or if there would be anything special to do there except slashing the same mobs I killed at the same spot and outlevelled 6 months ago.



This is the thing.


I've wandered back to zones in EQ1, DAoC, WoW, LOTRO and even WAR (which actually suffers from some of SWTORs level (gah I mean world.. but I guess I think level which is telling I guess :() design issues, to a lesser degree) to just enjoy the zones.


But whilst many of SWTORs are beautiful once or twice through, they aren't the sort of zones you can wander back too to view a sunset or snowstorm or whatever.


That replayability (for want of a better word) is very intangible in a gameplay sense, but it is a very real thing that does hold players IMO.

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Its scary that people complain about linear gameplay, and then point to WoW as an example of free and open gameplay.


WoW was probably the most linear MMO i ever played when it came out, and now i hear its even moreso.



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Its scary that people complain about linear gameplay, and then point to WoW as an example of free and open gameplay.

WoW was probably the most linear MMO i ever played when it came out, and now i hear its even moreso.



agreed.. bringing up WoW as a "good example" is totally wrong. Just reminds who much I dislike games based on the WoW concept, the only shame is that even the areas in WoW felt less static than in TOR.

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