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Guilds on dead servers need answers


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And the latest from bioware is not an answer.


From the Q&A


LKaras: What will you be doing to keep guilds and server communities together once server transfer is implemented?


Joveth Gonzalez (Online Community Manager): Once server transfers are implemented, we will re-evaluate our server group forums and make any changes that are necessary. We also have Community Coordinator Eric Musco as the liaison to guilds and he has a lot of good ideas on how to work with them. Finally, we’re going to begin to highlight server community events on the Community Blog section of our site to make sure that they get proper attention. Rest assured that guilds and server communities are part of our overall focus within the community team.


The community on our server is almost non existent due to the fact that we almost have nobody online half the time. I am more concerned with the logistics of the move itself. Will you do as you did during prelaunch and allow guild leaders to choose the server and with him goes the guild bank. Members can log into the selected server and already be guilded. Or will you release server transfers without considering guild preservation at all. If that is done, members will transfer their toons off dead servers leaving the guild for higher server populations? Will I be forced to leave the guild bank behind to relocate and restart the guild by having to re invite everyone, buy a new guild bank and all the vaults all over again?


These questions are what I would like to see answered. Once those questions are answered we can get to the less important matters of preserving communities. Keeping rivals and allies on the same servers and silliness like that.

Edited by Pcolapat
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Face it. Your guild members have moved on and are now active in a new guild on another server.


Actually we are one of the few remaining guilds on our server still doing something. Most other guilds have vanished or dwindled to numbers so low that they can't even get an operation going. However if server transfers come without any consideration to guild preservation, I won't be able to keep em all together. I will have to drop the guild tag and guild bank and just move to another server. Hopefully Bioware is working on making the transition to a new server for entire guilds as smooth as it would be for a single player to move.

Edited by Pcolapat
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BW should just merge servers. Guild stays intact. Some will lose their guild names, but really at this point does it matter?


For some people it does matter. Not to me, I would be happy to just be able to play all aspects of the game. BW has a "Will come in stages" attitude towards everything they do. By the time they reach merges the game will have fewer players than it does now.

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We actually do need some answers, which servers will be destination servers, which ones will be killed off. Bioware's BS "we're not ready to talk about this" is beginning to annoy me now, just give us the damn information. After all people will want to plan in advance which server to transfer to.
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Funny that we are running HM EC on Davik's estate which is dead as a door nail


Oh boy! You're ABLE to form 8 man group in the game? What an accomplishment!


This is getting ridiculous.

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These are the same questions my guild needs answered as well. Our server isn't entirely dead and we still manage to run things. But being on a more populated server would be much better. We just don't want to lose our guild bank and tabs. Would also prefer to move as a guild.
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