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Columi Combat Tech vs Columi Eliminator for an AS Commando


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So I started buying combat tech Columi gear, but the more I've been reading, the more I'm starting to wonder if I should start transitioning into eliminator gear. I realize this sounds like, and in fact is, a really dumb error on my part if I should. My only question is will I still be ok with 8% damage bonus to HiB if I finish my combat tech set, or would it be a waste of tokens to finish it. Thoughts?
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Well if you're in the mood to be certain then you need to do some maths


1) How much do the bonuses affect charged bolts and high impact bolt


2) How often do you use those attacks in a proper rotation


3) Compare damage results from each set




Alternatively I tell you that I already did that.


1) High Impact Bolt gets more from 8% damage than Charged Bolts gets from 15% crit


2) In a proper rotation I fire 3 CB for every 2 HiB


3) Because I fire more CB than HiB, the damage bonus to CB stacks up higher than the bonus to HiB



Answer: Use Eliminator when in fights where you are doing a proper rotation


Other Answer: Combat Tech is better when you can't use a proper rotation. If you are firing equal numbers of HiB and CB then Combat Tech does more damage.

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