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Interrupt on Force Charge/Leap should be removed


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I wasn't arguing with you, I was simply correcting your claims of those abilities not abiding by the GCD when they are actually part of the GCD. I could really care less about your other QQ's in a pvp system designed around teamwork and not 1v1.


If you want to continue to QQ then at least know what you are talking about.


The parenthesis was completing the idea of the free (as in no ressources and off GCD), which only applies to kick. The others aren't free because they have some kind of opportunity cost and are on the GCD. Also, if you saw QQ in my posts, you're more of a clown than I gave you credit for.


ok then make leap stun the target instead which shouldnt be effected by resolve


Unnecessary, since the point of having a disrupting (that disrupts movement, at least) property in force leap is to negate the lag. Otherwise, you would jump and the target could be 5 meters away already, much like Obliterate could do. However, there is already a 2 seconds root on leap and they added a 1 sec root on Obliterate. That would make the stun redundant with the root and would serve to interrupt uninterruptable abilities and deny melee of 1 attack, which would make it very powerful (especially if off the resolve bar).

Edited by lpsmash
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One problem is that players who would never dream of interrupting get to interrupt you, helps make the class idiotproof.


Right. And as I said: the addition of the interrupt just seems like an over-the-top gratuity.

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Right. And as I said: the addition of the interrupt just seems like an over-the-top gratuity.


That's your issue. Balance. The interrupt on a charge 1 time out of 15 seconds (Non Watchmen) that only lasts the GCD is equal to the capacity of 1 stun per minute. A skill only the tanking trees have. In fact their force leap stuns, they don't channel choke, and they can stun AFTER leaping to, pushing, re-leaping to, and then doing about a damage rotation. If you removed the baseline interrupt Knights/Warriors would get a stun to compensate. Not for PvP, but for PvE, and this game doesn't separate it's skills.


So the old adage of being careful what you wish for applies here.

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