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Skill Tree help?

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whats best damage Skill tree? first i was advance prototype then i went shield tech cuz of the tanking in PvE been really nice AND the Jet pack really helps alot in PvP and now i dont really wanna get rid of it :/ lol. but Adv pproto was really fun, havent tried pyro tech.... is worth losing jet pack? seems pvp really tailerd to favor those jobs that can "jump to target" im 48 atm.


also i am Powertech

Edited by GlitterOutlaw
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Most people seem to swear by pyrotech for massive damage in PvP, but I hear it has the least utility of the three. I'm ST myself and wouldn't change for the world-- I think shield mitigation is more useful than people give it credit for, and heat blast is a great ability for both heat management and a quick extra bit of burst in a fight. And of course, there's the mighty jet charge.


AP is, from what I hear, a balance between the damage of pyro and the utility of shield tech. Hydraulic overrides and prototype flamethrower both seem really nice, but there's no way I'm giving up the manoeuvrability of jet charge.

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