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Nar Shadaa the new fleet for both factions (tarro Blood) other dead servers


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Let's make Nar Shadaa as the main hang out for both factions. Only travel to fleet for HM and Heroics runs. We can all use the GTN on Nar Shadaa. Just have to travel to fleet for few things. Maybe it wont be so dead feeling on the server for us. The GTN would help all of us out for crafting items that we all need and make few credits.



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After 1.3 (i.e. "super servers", free transfers, group finder with teleportation, probably ranked warzones, etc.) and the upcoming universal Hutt GTNs, I'd also love to see the Nar Shadaa Lower Promenade as the new community hotspot.


Almost everything you need is there: GTN, storage, trainers, vendors, cantina, fleet taxi, lively atmosphere, neutral zone. It only misses the personal ship docking bays, the guild banks, the VIP zone+vendors, most commendations vendors and some specialized vendors (e.g. speeders, space upgrades, companion gifts).


P.S. The developers are actually working on minigames for Nar Shadaa. We'll probably see them toward the end of the year imo.

Edited by Sammm
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