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The technique kind of dictates your play style, so "best" is very subjective.

The balance spec which uses force technique tends to have a lot of pvp specific skills so tends to be more useful in pvp than the other dps spec, shadow technique/infiltration.

Combat technique is the tank spec, which in pvp lets you survive longer but do less dps, but gives you some other tools like force pull, an improved force speed, and others.

Some people will like the high dps spec, others will like the high survivability spec.

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I was actually gonna start a thread on this when i saw this one...


I'm a Balance Shadow (7/3/31).

What I've noticed is that in PvP specifically, I do WAY better in Combat Technique than I do in Force. Per my build, I believe I'm "supposed" to be in Force Technique... but what I see in practice is I do better in War Zones from both a surviveability perspective AND a medal perspective, when I play in Combat Technique.


So speak up fellow Balance Shadows. How do you roll in PvP... Combat or Force?

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Tech's may not be restricted by spec. Each has advantages, being survivability vs dps. Most ppl prefer the tech that compliments their spec for good reason, but the choice may be depended on the situation.


Let's say, a squishy runs up threatening an easy wz objective, it might be better as a tank spec to use force tech, considering the force breach attack & procs from the tech, and burn him down. I say this, not using this tactic myself, but thinking of better ways to be a KC shadow, as I just hit 50 a week ago or so.


p.s. Since, having a sage and grinding my shadow to full bm gear I can say that this isn't a "faceroll" class. You have to play well to become "OP".

Edited by Zyuuu
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Actually, I use Shadow Technique in PVP, its better some times if your in combat technique, if you want to live a few more seconds that is :)


Shadow technique, is good on doing more damage though, along with combat readiness, activated, and a power potion.

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Let's say, a squishy runs up threatening an easy wz objective, it might be better as a tank spec to use force tech, considering the force breach attack & procs from the tech, and burn him down. I say this, not using this tactic myself, but thinking of better ways to be a KC shadow, as I just hit 50 a week ago or so..


Stance dancing was possible earlier when it cost 50 energy to switch but they nerfed it by increasing the cost to 100 and tying more of the trees to their "respective" stances. Kinetic has to stick in Combat to utilize Particle Acceleration from which a fair bit of Kinetic's damage is derived. Creative building in the skill trees can bypass these limitations to create flexible builds that overcome the design flaws of a "pure" build in PvP.

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Though I don't pvp often, I am infiltration spec and I typically stayed with shadow unless I was in huttball and got the ball, or wanted to guard person who did. Sometimes in pve heroic quests (not fp or ops) I could take by going combat then as well, but since the patch so circling shadows (project force cost reducing buff) requires shadow technique it reduces my damage potential greatly.
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