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  1. Agreed - the point is that "freelook" now behaves differently than it did before the 2.6 update, with no mention to any changes in patch notes. Is this by design or a bug? It's not nearly as useful now as it was - I'd argue it's useless now because I'm unable to spot targets or friendlies at any sort of distance...
  2. Can I +10 this? Where is is the "Like" button?
  3. Posting my Shadow look... just because I haven't seen it here yet: http://i.imgur.com/09Vev.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RrSXQ.jpg
  4. I was actually gonna start a thread on this when i saw this one... I'm a Balance Shadow (7/3/31). What I've noticed is that in PvP specifically, I do WAY better in Combat Technique than I do in Force. Per my build, I believe I'm "supposed" to be in Force Technique... but what I see in practice is I do better in War Zones from both a surviveability perspective AND a medal perspective, when I play in Combat Technique. So speak up fellow Balance Shadows. How do you roll in PvP... Combat or Force?
  5. What does "(and can be feated to reach 5 second)" mean? I know about RESILIENCE, but 3 seconds is nothing... it was more than 3 seconds between my CC attempts... 5 seconds on the other hand can seem like a long time I suppose in combat... how do I "feate" RESILIENCE to 5 seconds? Also, latency would seem to be a good explanation... but neither of us were moving or changing position at the time, and my ping is fairly decent... can't speak for the opponents.
  6. I'm sure I've seen something similar to this before. It doesn't happen often, but I've seen it more than once and wondered what the deal is myself. In my case: 1. Voidsatar, me (Shadow) head to head against an Imp Sorcerer 2. He has no resolve bar, he's throwing lightening at me. 3. I hit Force Stun, my cooldown goes off so I know it actually triggered - Sorc. is not stunned, nothing happens, he's still throwing lightening. 4. I think maybe i don't have him targeted so I look - he's targeted. I target him again for safe measure. 5. I hit Force Lift. My cooldown goes off so I know it actually triggered - Sorc. is not lifted, nothing happens, he's still throwing lightening. I still have him targeted. 6. I hit TK throw to see if I can hit him with ANYTHING - yep, I see him take some damage from this. 7. I die. I actually read through the whole sorcerer ability tree after this round, convinced that there was some ability I didn't know about that let him be immune to CC's for some period of time... couldn't find one.
  7. I think you might not be the target demographic you think you are. IMO, GaryCartel has a valid point. You can't say you haven't been in many WZ's where the opposing team is losing, so they all just go to the single node they control and /getdown until the round has ended... or the opposing team gives up scoring points in hutball because they are down 2, and instead of focusing on catching up, they focus's on killing any player that passes by them instead, just waiting for the opposing team to score their 6 so the match is over. These things happen, and I'm curious to see how much more or less they will happen after today's patch. If you dont see these things happen somewhat often - then what server are you on? I want to go to there (because like you, I play to win too. Usually even when it seems futile, because it's more fun that way. But I don't think I'm the norm.)
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