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Losing Interest


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Your problem is fatman it's self. You have a server that's bursting at it's seams. You are going to have A LOT of bad players on your server. This is one of the many reasons i chose to stay on my server when most of the decent players went to fatman so they could get fast queue times. I'd rather wait 30 min and do crewskills between matches then play nothing but bads all day.


When that happens you get an inflated ego, and think you are better then you are.Then once you run into a good team that rolls you, it's like a slap in the face. I'd very much rather play pug matches on a dead server then lose my edge. Those matches force me to play harder then I normally would have to. Therefor, keeping my skills sharp. :)

Edited by crustie
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Because at current state, im ZZZZZing .


This was me Tuesday, I think I went 19 straight games without a loss on my Marauder with my other two Guildies and haven't had a lot of urge to PvP much the rest of this week.

Edited by Vildiil
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First off we got our butt WHOOP'd by STS and Deacon. I had to leave the skype call (Along with EVERYONE else Bcuz you sing like *****. Then we run into STS and I waste all my CC @ mid & run down to east as is my normal routine in NV and who do I find....Kaji....I've been wanting a 1 v 1 against this kid for so damn long only to get to the fight with ZERO CC and no VANISH.


Needless to say the fight didn't last long. DAMN you IZOLA I told you they ALWAYS go west....


If you want to feel better about the game then beat these STS bastards Bcuz since that 3-3 tie in huttball 2 weeks ago we haven't beat them once!


Plus 1.3 with full 8 man Q's will help.


WARNING: I already C STS gearing up for rateds....Shazu/Reporthis have split off from Kaji/Kazu to train thier 8 mans.....


We gonna need a BIGGER BOAT!

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Your problem is fatman it's self. You have a server that's bursting at it's seams. You are going to have A LOT of bad players on your server. This is one of the many reasons i chose to stay on my server when most of the decent players went to fatman so they could get fast queue times. I'd rather wait 30 min and do crewskills between matches then play nothing but bads all day.


When that happens you get an inflated ego, and think you are better then you are.Then once you run into a good team that rolls you, it's like a slap in the face. I'd very much rather play pug matches on a dead server then lose my edge. Those matches force me to play harder then I normally would have to. Therefor, keeping my skills sharp. :)


I dont need SWTOR PvP to validate my prowess, i come from a long line of competitve gaming, including MMO's and FPS's.


And swidgen we both know my voice is like honey oozing over two perfect breasts.


Fatman has not inflated my ego, its lowered my expectations and in turn made me sleepy........... ya dig?

Edited by Izola
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I dont need SWTOR PvP to validate my prowess, i come from a long line of competitve gaming, including MMO's and FPS's.


And swidgen we both know my voice is like honey oozing over two perfect breasts.


Fatman has not inflated my ego, its lowered my expectations and in turn made me sleepy........... ya dig?


here we go again with the whole "im a pro player and i play swtor pvp" bs...



if u ever..EVER played at a competitive lvl in any other mmo u would(like all the real pros) have droped this game ages ago and rerroll back to previous mmos..try out something else..or jsut wait for future games..Swtor is still the worst most simple pvp of all the known mmos...so acting like a top dog on it is kinda...sad


And just in case u forgot from your "competitive past"..rated wzs..like any large scale rated pvp..will be extremely easy to farm rating as soon as u understand how the rating works....just like in wow rbgs..u can pug ur way to 2500 without any effort.

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here we go again with the whole "im a pro player and i play swtor pvp" bs...



if u ever..EVER played at a competitive lvl in any other mmo u would(like all the real pros) have droped this game ages ago and rerroll back to previous mmos..try out something else..or jsut wait for future games..Swtor is still the worst most simple pvp of all the known mmos...so acting like a top dog on it is kinda...sad


And just in case u forgot from your "competitive past"..rated wzs..like any large scale rated pvp..will be extremely easy to farm rating as soon as u understand how the rating works....just like in wow rbgs..u can pug ur way to 2500 without any effort.


Err, it's not that SWTOR PvP is inherently worse, but even for all the whining about how stuff takes too long to get, if you really won every game you play in you'd be done with every possible gear grind you can possibly do 3 months ago, so what motivation would you have to continue playing? The grind really isn't very long for someone who always wins a WZ and it's hard to play without motivation. So if you're really that good, you should've quit something like 3 months ago because all the really good PvP guys were done grinding by then.

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here we go again with the whole "im a pro player and i play swtor pvp" bs...



if u ever..EVER played at a competitive lvl in any other mmo u would(like all the real pros) have droped this game ages ago and rerroll back to previous mmos..try out something else..or jsut wait for future games..Swtor is still the worst most simple pvp of all the known mmos...so acting like a top dog on it is kinda...sad


And just in case u forgot from your "competitive past"..rated wzs..like any large scale rated pvp..will be extremely easy to farm rating as soon as u understand how the rating works....just like in wow rbgs..u can pug ur way to 2500 without any effort.


This is what my problem is. Im mad that the "leaderboard" means nothing in this game. With that said there are a few of us left, and were trying to do all we can to get support from bioware. But thank you for rehashing everything i said in a smugg little paraphrase, your really helping things out.

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Err, it's not that SWTOR PvP is inherently worse, but even for all the whining about how stuff takes too long to get, if you really won every game you play in you'd be done with every possible gear grind you can possibly do 3 months ago, so what motivation would you have to continue playing? The grind really isn't very long for someone who always wins a WZ and it's hard to play without motivation. So if you're really that good, you should've quit something like 3 months ago because all the really good PvP guys were done grinding by then.


Ive had a WH dps and heal set for a while now, Gear has nothing to do with motivation for me, its the competition.

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Err, it's not that SWTOR PvP is inherently worse, but even for all the whining about how stuff takes too long to get, if you really won every game you play in you'd be done with every possible gear grind you can possibly do 3 months ago, so what motivation would you have to continue playing? The grind really isn't very long for someone who always wins a WZ and it's hard to play without motivation. So if you're really that good, you should've quit something like 3 months ago because all the really good PvP guys were done grinding by then.


That's not how it works in my experience. One guy I used to play with quit long before finishing the gear grind because we (practically) always won even without the best gear...and what's the point to getting better gear when your main complaint with the game is lack of competition? You want to gear up to get competitive or remain competitive...getting BiS gear just would have made the game even less fun for him.

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