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When is 1.3 coming out


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This is a downside of the goal oriented mind.


If they dont have more numbers to make your epeen feel bigger they have failed.


If they dont have a constant que 24/7 they have failed.


Maybe it's just the mentality that is fail; by having expectations which a game cannot make.

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Havent logged in for about a month.. which is kind of funny because i wouldnt have had that month unless bioware had given it to me for having a level 50 lawl...

then everyone complained and they lowered it to having completed Act 2 or something.. so very lame. Way to bow to the poosies bioware.


Anyways.. this game was too hard on my spacebar.


True, I've seen some wear and tear on my spacebar.

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eyah a lot of people are excited as you said, because they are holding this as in their eyes, tors last chance to redeem itself. personally i feel group finders and less servers, ie merges are a good start as they will boost community and economy especially on servers the likes of Frostclaw (eu) which is a GHOST TOWN even at peak times, last night for exaample 40 ppl on fleet, and 2hours plus to get a single pvp match,


WOW, 40 ppl on fleet?? Im lucky to see 20 on my server (Thana Vesh).


I really hope people give this game a chance when 1.3 comes out. I am in a strong guild and see all the content on a regular basis despite low population. However, without the subs, quality additions to the game will eventually cease and end my enjoyment :(. So... yeah, give it a chance? :D

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