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Swtor borrowing the LFG system , bad ideas (in my oppinion)


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hey everyone, im not sure this is the correct place for this post but here goes anyway, if i offend anyone then my apologies in advance, its not why i made this post, just trying to express my personal oppinion to get yours on the subject. I have played various MMO`s for many years and one of them was world of warcraft for several hours pr day for about 7 years, i changed to Swtor because im an absolute starwars fan and besides that i needed some change of scenery from a lot of the childish/rude behaviour that i think have infested world of warcraft, i am conserned that by introducing the exsact same looking for group systen and the need for greed system to Swtor then you altso "feed the trolls" sort of speak giving the people who are rude on purpose the possibility to exploit the LFG systen/need for greed by ninja looting everything,keeping others in a dungeon with someone you know while being rude to them, and then only giving either the option to leave the group getting a cooldown for the next flashpoint /instance, or having to sit and listen to the abuse for as long as the abusers see fit. Sadly it is something that happens a lot in world of warcraft and i really really hope that it never becomes and issue/possibility in this game. i would like to know what the developpers think about my consern, are you aware that some people act like that ? and what would you do to prevent said behavior? /issues, what do you think of the new LFG system and the positive /negative sides of it? , i would like to point out that i do think that its good that we get a system to queue for flashpoints and operations but i am hoping that it works differently then the world of warcraft looking for group system. Well thats it from me, i would like to know what people think. Edited by Malagorn
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Greetings Pluffet!


We have a few sources of information for you in regards to our Group Finder feature which is coming in Game Update 1.3!


From our Community Q + A Blog for May 25th, 2012:


Supaaq: I am extremely excited to see a Group Finder being added to SWTOR in Game Update 1.3. I would say of all the features I wish the game could have ASAP, that definitely tops my list. What else can you tell us about the specific implementation of this most welcome improvement? Will it automatically teleport group members to the entrance when the group forms?


Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer): We are very, very close to releasing the full design of the feature in an imminent blog post written by yours truly. That being said, highlights do include that it can be used for flashpoints, heroic flashpoints, ops and planetary content. For the instanced combat, it will give you a free teleport to the content location once all group members agree to the group.


From our Community Q + A Blog for April 27th, 2012:


Lovarboy: Will we get dual spec with Game Update 1.3?


Daniel: Unfortunately, no. Game Update 1.3 is being kept a bit leaner to get the Group Finder and the next stage of Legacy in the game as fast as possible. After that we’ll be returning to some bigger updates and we’re hoping dual spec makes it for the next one.


From our latest Star Wars: The Old Republic Official Podcast Episode I, you can find the following information:




Eric: Speaking of systems that we are going to be able to iterate on, why don’t we talk a little about 1.3? 1.3 is our next content patch that is coming out, why don’t you guys talk a little bit about what players can expect to see in 1.3?


Damion: 1.3 is, well, it is the group finder patch. That’s not the official name, but really that is our top priority. We have some other features that we are going to go and put inside of it but really this is us really getting a group finder to you guys as fast as humanly possible.


Brooks: I am super excited about group finder because that is one of the biggest things that I have run into in lower game is finding groups and actually being able to run those flashpoints that I get. For players who have maybe never used a group finder before, and I know we have plenty of those, what is that actually going to look like in the game?


Damion: It is fairly simple and basically what we want to do is to give you a really simple front end that you can use as well as those give you the ability to fine tune your choices a little more so the really simple approach is you open a group finder you choose what role - tank, heal or DPS - that you are willing to fulfill and you can choose multiple if your class can fill multiple and then you choose what kind of content that you want to do and that content is going to be flashpoints, heroic flashpoints, operations although story mode operations only for now and then world content, the planetary content where you basically say I want a quest on Belsavis.


Then if you hit select from there, then it will try to find people who want to do that stuff. Now if there is a particular dungeon or particular planet that you want to do by default what it does it gets you to the level of appropriate flashpoints for you. If you really want to the quest in the Mandalorian Raiders flashpoint for example you can go and unselect everything else and just say, "Hey, I just want to sign up for that." And the group finder will try to find other people who are looking for that content as well so that is a great way for you to target certain quests that you want to accomplish. We felt that was important in our game because of where the game is right now where people are trying to clear out their quest logs and accomplish certain goals in certain places.


We are going to go ahead and close this thread in the interest of consolidating discussion.


If you would like to discuss the Group Finder feature, we ask that you do so in this thread:


What's the difference with the new group finder when it's not cross-server?


If you would like to discuss our latest podcast, you can do so in this thread:


Star Wars: The Old Republic Official Podcast Episode I


We hope this helps! :)

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