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On dead servers, people leaving, and more.


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There were 54 on the fleet today on my server. I can't fathom how they would let it get to this point. It's really bad. This is worst than the Pre-CU| NGE hit for Star Wars Galaxies. :confused:


Thana Val is around 20-25 on republic on fleet.


that is dreaful.....

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PvP is not easy to get.


You get like 40 coms at a time and you need like 20k. I stop playing because I like toplay on more equal ground and grind for hours on end just wore me out.. I got sick of having to play 3 hours a day just to be become competitive.


Most people don't have time for that they have other things they need to do on top of logging into the same game everyday.


I never had time to do anything but grind warzones when i did play


Sorry, but pvp is still easy to get. Not as easy as PvE lately. But still easy. I got full War-Hero in only a couple weeks. Just takes some persistance, but not very mmuch effort.

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I'd personally just like a real horizontal progression. EQ/EQ2 had AAs and I loved it spending all that time getting them.


All we have here is a simple/fast gear grind and the economy. There's no real horizontal end game for PvE'ers on the horizon. Rated WZs will at least work for the PvP'ers though I guess.


Ranked Warzones will do 2 things; neither of them good:


First, it will promote the call of duty gameplay: where you camp, kill as a team, and ignore other objectives for the solepurpose of a Kill-death ratio.


Second, it will promote pvpers to stick around while others continue to leave. And lets face it. While some pvpers are good people who have fun with it, the majority are griefer oriented jerks who'd be happier insulting and harassing someone until they quit game than they would be to hit the jackpot at a casino.

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I too feel the same way. I really bought into this game hard and joined the pre-release and played up until around April. At that point, I started to feel the affects of the empty servers and missed content due to poor populations and lack grouping.


That is the main reason I unsubbed. I want to see higher pops and a good LFD tool.


But here is the thing. After this has been accomplished, there is yet another problem that we will all face once we have our high pops and LFG tool.


That is the curse of the "holy trinity".


You will find it hard to group because you wont be able to find a tank too fast hence hour long queues and so begins yet another pitfall of modern day MMO's.....


I thought SWTOR would move away from this design but I guess I was wrong


Right now, it's so easy to find either a tank or a healer on my server (average of about 60s on Jedi Covenant). I can't believe that it'll suddenly take hours AFTER the population server increases + free transfers. It wouldn't make sense at all.

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Thana Val is around 20-25 on republic on fleet.


that is dreaful.....


There is worse than that out there, too.


Aside from maybe 3 or 4 servers, the average population a night on a fleet is under 30. Some can have less than 10.


Saturday night, 9pm Eastern time, Rubat Crystal server had a mighty 11 people on the fleet.

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There is worse than that out there, too.


Aside from maybe 3 or 4 servers, the average population a night on a fleet is under 30. Some can have less than 10.


Saturday night, 9pm Eastern time, Rubat Crystal server had a mighty 11 people on the fleet.


That's a bit of an exaggeration as to how dead the servers are. Don't take that as a denial that a lot of servers need serious help, though.


Bioware, tell us your plans for server population management. You have a resource in the forums; everybody here would love to examine its feasibility and effectiveness.

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That's a bit of an exaggeration as to how dead the servers are. Don't take that as a denial that a lot of servers need serious help, though.


Bioware, tell us your plans for server population management. You have a resource in the forums; everybody here would love to examine its feasibility and effectiveness.


Sorry, but that number is NOT an exaggeration. There was 11 people online on the fleet republic side. FOUR of them were my guild. And make no mistake, my guild is /far/ from large in any concept of the word.


And of those remaining 7 people, 3 were level 11's fresh to the fleet.

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Sorry, but that number is NOT an exaggeration. There was 11 people online on the fleet republic side. FOUR of them were my guild. And make no mistake, my guild is /far/ from large in any concept of the word.


And of those remaining 7 people, 3 were level 11's fresh to the fleet.


I meant the "3 or 4 servers".

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Sorry, but pvp is still easy to get. Not as easy as PvE lately. But still easy. I got full War-Hero in only a couple weeks. Just takes some persistance, but not very mmuch effort.


That fine so some i guess. I quit because i have a life and play for hours every day is not worth it. I know alot of people that did the same


20k coms / 40 per game * 20 mins for a game / 60 min / 24 hours = 8.3 days. Even if you divide it in 1/2 for dailies. That is still 4 days of game play just for one toon.


NM, battle master and the gold you need to buy agumented and just leaving a basic toon up..

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That's a bit of an exaggeration as to how dead the servers are. Don't take that as a denial that a lot of servers need serious help, though.


Bioware, tell us your plans for server population management. You have a resource in the forums; everybody here would love to examine its feasibility and effectiveness.



It's not an exaggeration at all. Go look for yourself.

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That fine so some i guess. I quit because i have a life and play for hours every day is not worth it. I know alot of people that did the same


Which is part of the reason why many MMO players are college folks or stay-at-home moms, or people with a lot of down time. MMOs, the good ones, eat up hours of your life on end to accomplish anything. Those who play who dont have the time to accomplish much, take extra time to accomplish it. That keeps people returning either way you look at it, and that is what this game is lacking: a reason to keep people returning.


That doesn't mean they shouldn't reach out to the less "time sinkers" type of people. But they shouldn't do so at the cost of the core playerbase of MMO games by spoon feeding everyone everything there is in game.

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Which is part of the reason why many MMO players are college folks or stay-at-home moms, or people with a lot of down time. MMOs, the good ones, eat up hours of your life on end to accomplish anything. Those who play who dont have the time to accomplish much, take extra time to accomplish it. That keeps people returning either way you look at it, and that is what this game is lacking: a reason to keep people returning.


That doesn't mean they shouldn't reach out to the less "time sinkers" type of people. But they shouldn't do so at the cost of the core playerbase of MMO games by spoon feeding everyone everything there is in game.


Core video game players are the more casual players. There are way way more players that long 4 or 5 hours a week then they are players loggin 20+


WoW did it right, You cam grind it out if you want. But you can also log 10 games at a high rating and still being in gear.


They are only 4 dam warzones. You can except me to log 4 or 5 days of game play in a few months and not be sick of them when i am done.

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I my self also been a rpgmmo fan for over 12 years, i come from a generation of player where rpg is all about story , discovering and having a good challange but that generation of gaming seems like it has die ever seen wow came out all they care is about quantity instead of quality by making games so damn simply and just all about gear griding remove the true meaning of rpg


Last game i play that was worth every peny was ffxi becouse it had everything a true rpg game should had.


Now i never care for swtor when it came out until a friend told me about it so i gave a try and it got me excited in ways no game has done since ffxi, Game had story like no other, Leveling wasnt as easy and simple as other game and game play was fun.


I hated pvp in every single mmo i thougth that it was the bigest crap, i found it anoying that a rpg had pvp until i try the pvp in swtor and i had a blast. Swtor is the first mmo with a pvp system that give every player type a spot,for example every pvp always has been about killing but in swtor i love that i can play as a tank and i dont need to go for the kill but instead i can help ppl out , i love that i can play def and i get rewarded for it , this is the first pvp i had play that even when my team is losing i am having fun b/c i can do what i like instead of being force to do something else.


So after waiting for a while for a decent game i found swtor but sadly this game is not gona last, every game has problems and i know this after player over 8 diffferent mmo no mmo is perfect so i dont expect this game to be perfect so the issue in this game is not bugs or lack of thing todo or crafting not being good enouf but Population it has none to very little makign this game more of a single rpg then a MMO so no matter what they do, they can fix all there issue but if they cant get a server that has the require amount off ppl on it nothing gona get better and i guarantee the tranfer server is not gona help but make it worst


I am quiting this game when GW2 come out i play the betta and it got my attention cant say for sure if it is gona be a great game but it looks like a promising game

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There were 54 on the fleet today on my server. I can't fathom how they would let it get to this point. It's really bad. This is worst than the Pre-CU| NGE hit for Star Wars Galaxies. :confused:


I wouldn't go that far. On swiftsure it hasn't reached that point.

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Core video game players are the more casual players. There are way way more players that long 4 or 5 hours a week then they are players loggin 20+


Sorry, but that is the core of the console gamers. Not the core of the MMO players.


But even then. Those who can spare 4 or 5 hours a week at most just take longer to accomplish things. WHich keeps them coming back beyond their initial month or two. Which is what this game is struggling to keep people doing.


And those people who can play 4 or 5 hours a week at most, do nothing for the population. They might be fun, cool people. They might be good gamers. But a game full of those is a dead community.

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You can argue till the cows come home but standard is still not acceptable.


Agreed, to a point. I'd settle for standard load if there were at least a consistent standard server load for most servers. But there is not, at all. Not in any fashion. It's rare for most servers to be anything other than Light.

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Sorry, but that is the core of the console gamers. Not the core of the MMO players.


But even then. Those who can spare 4 or 5 hours a week at most just take longer to accomplish things. WHich keeps them coming back beyond their initial month or two. Which is what this game is struggling to keep people doing.


And those people who can play 4 or 5 hours a week at most, do nothing for the population. They might be fun, cool people. They might be good gamers. But a game full of those is a dead community.


It's struggling because they is nothing to do.


Seriously Why play only 4 warzones and only 8vs8.


When you can play 8 warzones+ in WoW 10vs10 to 40 vs 40

also have World PvP

Also have 2vs2 3vs3 and 5vs5


When the game play is almost the same


unless you are insane hardcore starwars. No amount of grinding is going to change the fact you only have 4 games to play and 3 of them are almost the same. Respawn and protect a point from being capped.

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This is true...most of us have unsubd :(


I haven't unsubbed. And I don't plan to. I enjoyed my time in the game. Sadly, the changes to pvp killed a lot of my fun in game. I loved the RP aspects, but that is dying too with the low populations and mass droves of people leaving game.


I got into hardmodes, but geared up in like 2 weeks. Now I only do them when my guild needs a tank.


It's just lame how easy everything is achieved. It leaves people with absolutely nothing to do unless there is a community keeping them glued to their seats, making friends, roleplaying, helping each other, grooming an economy, etc. But the community is a ghost town.


There are games long thought to be dead or dying with larger populations on their servers than SWTOR.


Hell, Nexon's old MMO 'Dark Ages', which is a 2d top down korean grind of a F2P MMO launched in 1999 has 200 to 400 people on it right now. Rubat Crystal, saturday night 9pm Eastern, total of all the people on every planet, was under 200.

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