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Instances for Roleplaying


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I know this is pretty minor, but it'l be a suggestion nevertheless.


It has been asked already that BioWare let instances be used by players in a spontaneous, empty (or slightly populated) version of them just so that we could go into them and do Roleplaying in them. There's lots of potential.


Simulating character made apartments, simulating empty caves with dangers for self-made quests with narrations (no l33t for people who don't RP, sorry), using a meeting room for a guild conference, and many more.


Now, I know. You've chosen a version of the Hero Engine which cannot trigger an instance without having a quest or being accompanied by someone who has that quest, because apparently this is hardcoded within the Engine's scripts, and you can't change (easily) something that's hardcoded.


Think a good idea would be you put a placeable next to each instance that would trigger an objective-less quest that would allow players to enter the same instance with some or no population at all, no objectives and no enemies to fight, so we can use it for Roleplaying at our own leisure. (not taking responsibility for <insert whatever here>)


As players are done, they could simply leave the instance and abandon the quest, which would be pick-able again in case the player wants to return to the instance.


You could even have the option of two quests: A quest which would trigger a populated version of the instance in case of houses or social places or a quest which would trigger an empty version.


Gimme your thoughts, I like 'em.

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It would be a bit of a hassle to add new areas to existing planets though as no matter how small they are, we'd have to redownload the whole planet in a patch. That said, at the Guild Summit Bioware did say they'd be adding more RP areas in future content but no word on whether or not it'd be instanced, so you'll have to take your ERP to your ship still for the time being.
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It would be a bit of a hassle to add new areas to existing planets though as no matter how small they are, we'd have to redownload the whole planet in a patch. That said, at the Guild Summit Bioware did say they'd be adding more RP areas in future content but no word on whether or not it'd be instanced, so you'll have to take your ERP to your ship still for the time being.


I'm neither asking for new areas nor asking for ERP.


Either get some reading comprehension classes or read it again. Make some effort, I know, even though it might not seem like, you're intelligent enough to do it.


PS.: Agressive commentary deserves aggressive answer.

Edited by RJMazz
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IIRC, this was discussed (at the Guild Summit) and is something they want to look at more closely in the future as an improvement on down the road, but they are aware that there would be an interest in this kind of space. So no specific plans, but it is something they will be looking at.


For now, Nar Shaddaa offers pretty much the only inter-faction RP area, and it sees a lot of use on Begeren Colony. But I seldom see people use the lounge on the upper promenade, and there may be other less used "RP stages". The party barges and cantina both see a lot of use, of course.


I understand the advantage of instanced areas for removing RP from the range of RP-griefers, but keep in mind that griefing RP is harrassment, and can be reported as such, and not only on RP servers (the same rules apply on all - RP servers are so designated simply to help roleplayers find a greater concentration of likeminded players). I encourage world RP. If you get griefed, take screenshots, note time, place, server etc. and report.

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