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"Yes or no will do." - EV-9D9


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No, apart from being annoyed at greedo shooting first and anakin skywalker in the prequels i'm not butthurt about anything the maker has done. (GL should really be nicknamed the maker anyways, after all he created star wars and by extension C-3P0 who always states "thank the maker" :) )
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No, apart from being annoyed at greedo shooting first and anakin skywalker in the prequels i'm not butthurt about anything the maker has done. (GL should really be nicknamed the maker anyways, after all he created star wars and by extension C-3P0 who always states "thank the maker" :) )


You left out Vader saying No in the Return of the Jedi Bluray edit:

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Changes are simply GL's vision for what he always wanted for the movies, but didn't always have the technology to accomplish. The only change that I can't stomach is the "NOOOOOOOOOOO" at the end of "Return". Otherwise, rock on GL, rock on.
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i dislike a few things about GL, but the films aint one of them, i enjoyed them all. i don't mind the remakes or the changes. it really doesn't spoil things .


GL would high on my list of most loved ppl, if only he would stop doing interviews, every time he opens his mouth i like him less and less

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You left out Vader saying No in the Return of the Jedi Bluray edit:


I forgot to say no, I just wish he would stop editing things that change major events in the story, I don't care if he adds more background characters or updates the special effects just don't change my themes. Greedo shooting first, Vader screaming No, Nooo! etc.

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Vader screaming no wasn't actually a major theme change. From the perspective of the actual story it wasn't really much of a noticeable change at all, he still threw Palps down the shaft. It was a highly annoying change and one that wasn't necessary, but it didn't change the story.
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I think people that take George Lucas for granted suffer from entitlement issues. You can probably count the people on one hand that have brought such pure entertainment and ideas to entertainment. When you hold the the first Star Wars against their contemporaries, they do really well. When you hold them up against unrealistic hyperbolic standards, they don't.
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Vader screaming no wasn't actually a major theme change. From the perspective of the actual story it wasn't really much of a noticeable change at all, he still threw Palps down the shaft. It was a highly annoying change and one that wasn't necessary, but it didn't change the story.


It made Palpatine dumber (or at least it seemed to in my opinion), No, Nooo! is now forever the canon exchange of words during that epic battle. I would like to think that Palpatine was smart enough to turn around and zap Vader when he started uttering No, when you are shocking someone's kid and they say no it means they disagree with you and you don't want Vader disagreeing with you. The utterance of those two no's took away all suspence.

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It made Palpatine dumber (or at least it seemed to in my opinion), No, Nooo! is now forever the canon exchange of words during that epic battle. I would like to think that Palpatine was smart enough to turn around and zap Vader when he started uttering No, when you are shocking someone's kid and they say no it means they disagree with you and you don't want Vader disagreeing with you. The utterance of those two no's took away all suspence.


One could argue that Palpatine was too engrossed in torturing Luke to notice Vader, but yes you'd think with how powerful and smart he was he'd be paying more attention to Vader. I think you hit it right on with the suspense comment. While it wasn't a huge story change it was a major atmosphere change that made a big difference in the experience of watching the scene. I like to collect the different editions of movies but I'm still happiest when watching the original release versions.

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