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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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Some 40year old moron I've never heard of with 1/2lbs of hair gel reading from a teleprompter having his bs opinion reinforced by other people I've never heard of... oh yeah, game must be dead... someone should tell the 500 people in my guild and the 500 people in my guild's leveling guild to quit now...


Or the 63+ people, since it's doubtful each toon represents 1 distinct person. That's still a pretty good sized roster, so grats on that, assuming all 63+ are actually active. At any rate, you obviously went into the cast with your mind made up and didn't watch very long. It's pretty apparent that the 3 panel members have their own viewpoints and things they care about.

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Yeah GW is mainly about PvP the other stuff is just tacked on fluff.


There goal is to become a FPS style game where you join a match and kick the crap out of each other with gameplay of a MMO.


I do agree with the low amount of skills, I have never played it but it didn't like that in GW1 and have concern for it in GW2.


I would bet that GW2 will be a good if not great pvp game, but like daoc it will be a horrible pve game after awhile. Lack of an end game sounds to me like some kind of ill concieved dream that gw2 devs have convinced themselves will work.


Changes to the mmo genre that dont actualy improve the game are not steps forward. Just look at swtor if you need an example of what happens to an mmo if you leave things out just for the sake of being different.

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As someone who has played both...

SWTOR needs group finder, server merges, and group finder and it will be a 9/10

GW needs customization, crafting, a story, more diverse game play, and an end game, any kind of end game, really, i'll take anything, anything at all. GW2 has to be free to play otherwise you'll get bored of it in 1 week flat.


SWTOR has it's needed enhancements on the way

GW2 shows no sign of improving, in fact it's probably far too late to add or fix the huge number of things it needs before launch.


I was really really really looking forward to GW2 because it's unique combat mechanics seemed to be more engaging, but it was really just boring, repetitive, and actually required LESS skill than managing CD's and rotations.


you base this: "GW2 shows no signs of improving" on 1 BWE? can you be any more biased? there's been no official release date given.


GW2 has character customization, crafting, a story (personal and world) and "end game, any kind of end game" (called WvWvW and structured pvp as well as world pve content that you never truly out level). there's more to end game than gear grinding raiding.


GW2 is less button-mashy because it has fewer (active) skills you can use during a fight and an (love it our hate it) auto attack. you still have to know when to use utility skills like: heals, cleansings, shields, etc., just like in any other game (although i must admit that it certainly takes getting used to, and as a long time mmo player, i feel like these types of games could use a few more abilities). I disagree that it takes "less skill" to play GW2 than SWTOR. the pve in TOR is far easier imo.


SWTOR needs much more than server transfers/mergers if it wants to retain/grow subs and remain profitable. sub loss/empty servers are just symptoms of a much larger problem.

Edited by theunwarshed
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On the fly weapon changes basically are their hotbars yes? If you can change your primary 5 abilities at a moment's notice is this not like scrolling through hotbars? I would just prefer to have abilities readily available.


absolutely correct. i too would prefer a few more abilities (on the hot bar) per weapon set. overall, i'm happy to get away from the traditional ability creep that eats up my screen's real estate.

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GW2 has character customization, crafting, a story (personal and world) and "end game, any kind of end game" (called WvWvW and structured pvp as well as world pve content that you never truly out level). there's more to end game than gear grinding raiding.


Arena Net dodges the "endgame" PVE question like its a plague of locusts. That itself is a HUGE waving red flag. GW 1 was a heavily instanced/lobby pvp group focused game. Area Net could easily sway fears about their "Endgame" but they chose not to give away anything other than "We have dynamic pve content" .


The game will launch lacking core MMO staples and will fall into a pvp niche just like its predecessor. Is that bad? No, not at all, but its not going to fill the role of a well rounded MMO that all types of play styles will enjoy

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The truth of the matter is that I am still having fun with the game and that is why I am still a subscriber. To say that this game is "doomed" is ridiculous. It hasn't even been six months yet has it? Like the others I cannot wait until this next patch to hit for those complaining can stop... until they complain about something else lol.
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The truth of the matter is that I am still having fun with the game and that is why I am still a subscriber. To say that this game is "doomed" is ridiculous. It hasn't even been six months yet has it? Like the others I cannot wait until this next patch to hit for those complaining can stop... until they complain about something else lol.


MAybe it is rediculous to say this game is "doomed" but they did not say that, the real title on the gbtv website is "The Republic: Doomed to Fail?"

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I agree with him as well. 12 or 13 abilities seems low to me as well. 20 sounds more about right to me.


My biggest grip with GW1 was the lack of abilites i could have at one time


play a engineer or a mage then they have tons of skills

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MAybe it is rediculous to say this game is "doomed" but they did not say that, the real title on the gbtv website is "The Republic: Doomed to Fail?"


Ding Ding Ding

We have a winner.

I love the show,they call it like they see it.It is what it is.

Its really too bad we didn't have shows like this years ago with games.To a degree as Bill Myer says,shows like this is keeping them honest.

It will get worse before it gets over.

Larry Everett,Justin Lowe,Ed Park cover three different areas in MMO's,Roll playing,PVE,PVP.

They have been in the industry for years an have been following this game way before beta and early access,they even know some of the folks that got laid off and still work with the game.The places these guys work for are not that popular but each and everyone of them carry weight in reviews.Weather you guys like it or not it doesn't matter.

The fact of the matter is the stock for EA is dropping on a daily bases.When the game launched we were at 29$ a share, today we set at 13$ a share.

That's the reality and the only thing that will change that is a vibrant player base,which this game is loosing on a daily bases. All these guys are doing is talking about what EA/Bio-ware,did wrong and what they need to do to turn the game around.If it wasn't for groups like these guys ,we would just get what ever gaming companies wanted us to have with no say so at all.I know that's not what this player base wants.

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Arena Net dodges the "endgame" PVE question like its a plague of locusts. That itself is a HUGE waving red flag. GW 1 was a heavily instanced/lobby pvp group focused game. Area Net could easily sway fears about their "Endgame" but they chose not to give away anything other than "We have dynamic pve content" .


The game will launch lacking core MMO staples and will fall into a pvp niche just like its predecessor. Is that bad? No, not at all, but its not going to fill the role of a well rounded MMO that all types of play styles will enjoy


so pvp focused they released 4 pve expacs......

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to jedielfs post that he deleted but was quoted above.


One reason why people are after SWTOR so much is because it killed a game they enjoyed (SWG).


Another reason IMO is because its till for everyone to get over the themepark MMO. The fake casuals are killing it. They turned every ride into the tea-cups since they cant have a ride that someone cant go on because they are too short or its too scary, everyone no matter who it is must be able to ride every ride in these games now.


The last reason I will give is that the hardcore player makes a game last. If you dont get the hardcore players to play the game it will fail. I cant think of a game that has increased in subs after they went casual and ignored the hardcore players.


And what is a "fake casual" and a hardcore player, exactly? Also, in answer to your sig, people post on forums from work and such. I tend to visit rarely and lurk, since most topics don't interest me. I love my themepark mmo's, story is huge for me. I don't own skyrim, because an open world bores me to death when you find out that all it is in it's purest form is find dungeon, loot, sell, repeat. In other words, not every gamer is like you, just as every gamer is not like me. I think people have yet to realize that mmo's are going niche, and that this is a good thing.


Variety is always good and competition breeds better games. Numbers like Wow will never be seen again, and that too is a good thing. When a company can have an mmo that pays for itself and give them a steady profit to help fund other projects, we all benefit. Not to mention, if a mmo caters to a smaller range of people, the likelihood of them enjoying the experience goes up. I love story, and the combat is fun, so I like this game. I know lot's of others who also like this game, just because we don't post about it on the forums or even visit does not mean we don't exist.

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Arena Net dodges the "endgame" PVE question like its a plague of locusts. That itself is a HUGE waving red flag. GW 1 was a heavily instanced/lobby pvp group focused game. Area Net could easily sway fears about their "Endgame" but they chose not to give away anything other than "We have dynamic pve content" .


The game will launch lacking core MMO staples and will fall into a pvp niche just like its predecessor. Is that bad? No, not at all, but its not going to fill the role of a well rounded MMO that all types of play styles will enjoy

Comparing GW2 and GW1 is idiotic the only thing they really have in common is lore. As for endgame content, from what I have seen it will be a bit different. Also this is more of a PVP focused game, not that there isn't PVE content there just isn't as much of a focus on it. What it will really come down to is individual tastes. Also it is still in beta so everything you and I have said is speculation.

here is a reasonable look on endgame contenthttp://www.gamebreaker.tv/mmorpg/perfection-on-hold/

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The last reason I will give is that the hardcore player makes a game last. If you dont get the hardcore players to play the game it will fail. I cant think of a game that has increased in subs after they went casual and ignored the hardcore players.


Ever play City of Heroes? That's eight years old and still going strong, and it didn't even have an endgame until a couple of years ago. I personally think that Bioware should focus on story, small group PvE, and game balance and keep PvP and raids as secondary priorities. This game was heavily PvE-based from the start and it's never going to appeal to the hard core PvP crowd, and the serious WoW-style progression raiders are going to run out of content long before the next batch is ready. Bioware should accept that they aren't going to have a lot of luck hanging onto those players and focus on catering to the more casual / story-based crowd rather than wasting their limited resources trying to keep players that would be much happier in a different game. Pretty much every player who cared about PvP has left City of Heroes because PvP there is horrible, but the game still has several hundred thousand subscribers.


And that's the thing that I hope EA can accept... you don't get (or keep) millions of subscribers by focusing on story. You don't get millions of subscribers by focusing on PvP either. You get those kind of numbers by having a huge team that got there first and cranks out PvE content, PvP content, and a huge variety of non-combat content... in other words, by being WoW. This game can have a long run with several hundred thousand subscribers who play for the storylines or because they're Star Wars fans, but it's not going to have millions of people playing unless they get a massive boost in development resources and redesign the engine to handle mass PvP content responsively and without lag, while also releasing a bunch more PvE content. In other words, ain't gonna happen... and there's nothing wrong with that since most long running MMOs have fewer subscribers than TOR does. The problem is that they sunk a fortune into trying to make the next WoW, and like everyone else they failed to do so. I just hope EA doesn't decide to cut and run just because they aren't making their 200+ million bucks back fast enough...

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Ever play City of Heroes? That's eight years old and still going strong, and it didn't even have an endgame until a couple of years ago. I personally think that Bioware should focus on story, small group PvE, and game balance and keep PvP and raids as secondary priorities. This game was heavily PvE-based from the start and it's never going to appeal to the hard core PvP crowd, and the serious WoW-style progression raiders are going to run out of content long before the next batch is ready. Bioware should accept that they aren't going to have a lot of luck hanging onto those players and focus on catering to the more casual / story-based crowd rather than wasting their limited resources trying to keep players that would be much happier in a different game. Pretty much every player who cared about PvP has left City of Heroes because PvP there is horrible, but the game still has several hundred thousand subscribers.


And that's the thing that I hope EA can accept... you don't get (or keep) millions of subscribers by focusing on story. You don't get millions of subscribers by focusing on PvP either. You get those kind of numbers by having a huge team that got there first and cranks out PvE content, PvP content, and a huge variety of non-combat content... in other words, by being WoW. This game can have a long run with several hundred thousand subscribers who play for the storylines or because they're Star Wars fans, but it's not going to have millions of people playing unless they get a massive boost in development resources and redesign the engine to handle mass PvP content responsively and without lag, while also releasing a bunch more PvE content. In other words, ain't gonna happen... and there's nothing wrong with that since most long running MMOs have fewer subscribers than TOR does. The problem is that they sunk a fortune into trying to make the next WoW, and like everyone else they failed to do so. I just hope EA doesn't decide to cut and run just because they aren't making their 200+ million bucks back fast enough...


I agree with most of what you said. But EA/BioWare has already made their 200 million dollars back. I think their plan is to just scale it back and keep making money on a smaller scale then originally planned.

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I agree with most of what you said. But EA/BioWare has already made their 200 million dollars back. I think their plan is to just scale it back and keep making money on a smaller scale then originally planned.


I doubt that. If that were the case, they wouldn't be hiring MORE programmers specifically for SWtOR (check EA's job listing page for Bioware under the 'Programmer' and 'Engineer: Programmer' listings.). Instead of people complaining that there's nothing that would bring them back, you have them flooding the forums about what they want changed. That's not completely lost, that's unearned potential profit. They'd only be doing the 'scaling back' thing if they had a stable population and no way to attract new players, and that's definitely not the behavior they're exhibiting at this time.

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I agree a lot with Ed Park's points in that video.


He seems pretty rational and is treating the game pretty objectively. He mentions some very good pros and cons about the game and what he feels that the customer wants to see in the game going forward. He is just a bit concerned that given the current set of layoffs as to whether Bioware still has the team size to keep coming out with more heavy content patches in regular manner in the future.



Yup, I can't disagree with anything he says in that video.

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Agree with the video.


But mainly because of the general notion that Bioware does things backwards.


Too many features in the game, which could be good ideas, but implemented poorly thought out.


One of the obvious poor features among the many for me is the "Social" system.

Edited by Tiaa
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play a engineer or a mage then they have tons of skills


gw1 was about tactics with only 8 skills to pick from out of 100s also most mmos give u loads of skills but most only use 5-6 or 1 looking at u arcane mage...

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