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Hard Talk On Gamebreaker TV(The Republic: Doomed To Fail)


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Some people need to realize that others can be disheartened with this game while they still want it to succeed (I'm one).


Except when they're in the position to influence others, these kinds of people are acting against their own interest to say only negative things. The best course of action, usually, is to start out with something positive about the game, then mention things that need work.

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Except when they're in the position to influence others, these kinds of people are acting against their own interest to say only negative things. The best course of action, usually, is to start out with something positive about the game, then mention things that need work.


What? You're usually pretty sensible, JC, but that post is laughable. I'll put it this way, your argument would be like a Jedi saying that mind trick is immoral because there's just too many weak minded people in the galaxy.


... or that journalists are somehow in the same category as teachers.

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What? You're usually pretty sensible, JC, but that post is laughable. I'll put it this way, your argument would be like a Jedi saying that mind trick is immoral because there's just too many weak minded people in the galaxy.


... or that journalists are somehow in the same category as teachers.


Are you seriously suggesting that journalists aren't influential?

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Except when they're in the position to influence others, these kinds of people are acting against their own interest to say only negative things. The best course of action, usually, is to start out with something positive about the game, then mention things that need work.


I think those folks were just shaken by losing Stephen Reid. Especially if you're the guy who apparently makes money from the SWTOR universe running DarthHater.com and Reid was one of your main contacts, that must have been discouraging. EA really shouldn't have fired the community manager along with other mass layoffs all at once - seems to me it would've worth it to keep Reid on for another month then get rid of him if they really wanted him out.


It looked like panic mode and I'd expect the gaming sites to start routinely describing SWTOR with phrases such as "troubled" and "beleaguered" and "struggling" from this point forward.

Edited by jgelling
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Are you seriously suggesting that journalists aren't influential?


Of course they are, but is it their fault that audiences are naive?


If I remember correctly, the de facto argument concerning pre-launch hype being that it is gamers' fault for buying into it, right? That gamers are responsible for lowering expectations and looking at advertisements, developer statements, banners and videos with a grain of salt.


I guess the same would apply to all media then. If the audience is too stupid to filter what they read and look at things objectively, that can't hardly be blamed on the journalists.


Also of note: journalists aren't in a position of authority. We expect teachers to be objective and give us the whole truth all the time. I don't think anyone in their right mind expects the media--including gaming outlets--to be anything but sensational.

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Of course they are, but is it their fault that audiences are naive?


If I remember correctly, the de facto argument concerning pre-launch hype being that it is gamers' fault for buying into it, right? That gamers are responsible for lowering expectations and looking at advertisements, developer statements, banners and videos with a grain of salt.


I guess the same would apply to all media then. If the audience is too stupid to filter what they read and look at things objectively, that can't hardly be blamed on the journalists.


Also of note: journalists aren't in a position of authority. We expect teachers to be objective and give us the whole truth all the time. I don't think anyone in their right mind expects the media--including gaming outlets--to be anything but sensational.


That their audience is naive is not their fault. That they take advantage of that naivete is, however. You may think that no one in their right mind expects the media to be anything but sensational, but once upon a time they were objective. They weren't supposed to take sides.

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That their audience is naive is not their fault. That they take advantage of that naivete is, however. You may think that no one in their right mind expects the media to be anything but sensational, but once upon a time they were objective. They weren't supposed to take sides.


Well they do. It isn't going to change; journalism has become a big business like any other. The sooner people realize this, the less seriously they will take it.


Lament the loss of objective journalism all you want, but reminiscing about the good ole days won't bring them back.

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Some of you people must be real fun people to hang out with irl :eek:


Again ill point out, GBtv is about gaming news, but it is also fun. They dont take it seriously and they joke around with eachother all of the time. Youre watching a show about VIDEO GAMES not atrocities in darfour or nuclear missles in iran.


The people who are all bent out of shape about the host saying "so and so doesnt like it" either have no sense of humor at all or they have a very unhealthy stalker like obsession with swtor. reminds me of the britany spears dude from youtube a few years ago.



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Of course they are, but is it their fault that audiences are naive?


If I remember correctly, the de facto argument concerning pre-launch hype being that it is gamers' fault for buying into it, right? That gamers are responsible for lowering expectations and looking at advertisements, developer statements, banners and videos with a grain of salt.


I guess the same would apply to all media then. If the audience is too stupid to filter what they read and look at things objectively, that can't hardly be blamed on the journalists.


Also of note: journalists aren't in a position of authority. We expect teachers to be objective and give us the whole truth all the time. I don't think anyone in their right mind expects the media--including gaming outlets--to be anything but sensational.


Naivete has very little to do with influence, or advertising wouldn't work like it does.

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Naivete has very little to do with influence, or advertising wouldn't work like it does.


Do you not agree that it is the audiences responsibility to be cautious and skeptical about advertising and journalism--especially since we know the motives behind media outlets and advertising firms?

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Do you not agree that it is the audiences responsibility to be cautious and skeptical about advertising and journalism--especially since we know the motives behind media outlets and advertising firms?


Of course it is. But that doesn't negate the power of suggestion.

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Of course it is. But that doesn't negate the power of suggestion.


Tell me one part of the show that you think any of them were being unfair to swtor or bioware. Every single one of them were huge swtor fans and all of them except the host still plays the game.

Edited by Mallorik
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Then would you agree that BioWare/EA oversold and overhyped this game?


Any company that doesn't hype their game is a bad company. ZeniMAX is hyping their game. ArenaNET is hyping their game. Blizzard hypes their games. And on and on.


Specifically because of the fact that the power of suggestion and influence works on the typical human being. I get excited about games. I don't think there is anyone who can say they don't. That doesn't mean we're naive.


And that's a two-way street.


However, a game company has a different responsibility than a news site. Unless it's actually an editorial site, then forget everything I said. :p

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Any company that doesn't hype their game is a bad company. ZeniMAX is hyping their game. ArenaNET is hyping their game. Blizzard hypes their games. And on and on.


Specifically because of the fact that the power of suggestion and influence works on the typical human being. I get excited about games. I don't think there is anyone who can say they don't. That doesn't mean we're naive.


And that's a two-way street.


Then whose responsibility is it?


BioWare oversold this game, clearly. The fans expected a lot, due in no small part to the hype fed them by BioWare and EA. Is the responsibility on BioWare to manage their hype knowing that their audience is naive and persuadable? Or is it the fans' responsibility to manage expectations knowing that BioWare and EA are purposely hyping their game to increase demand?

Edited by Dezzi
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Then whose responsibility is it?


BioWare oversold this game, clearly. The fans expected a lot, due in no small part to the hype fed them by BioWare and EA. Is the responsibility on BioWare to manage their hype knowing that their audience is naive and persuadable? Or is it the fans' responsibility to manage expectations knowing that BioWare and EA are purposely hyping their game to increase demand?


Both. The power of suggestion is no secret. Editorials are one thing, people know it's only personal opinion, although that's swayable, too, but less so. News sites, however, do have a responsibility of objectivity. Always have and always will.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Any company that doesn't hype their game is a bad company. ZeniMAX is hyping their game. ArenaNET is hyping their game. Blizzard hypes their games. And on and on.


Specifically because of the fact that the power of suggestion and influence works on the typical human being. I get excited about games. I don't think there is anyone who can say they don't. That doesn't mean we're naive.


And that's a two-way street.


However, a game company has a different responsibility than a news site. Unless it's actually an editorial site, then forget everything I said. :p


To your edit: That's precisely my point. A lot of people in this thread seem to think Gamebreaker is supposed to be a stiff-collar no-nonsense investigative outlet, but it's not. It's entertainment media. The references to GB being akin to Fox News are nauseating. When I turn on the 24-hr news media, I expect a level of accuracy and professionalism that I simply don't expect from gaming journalists. People who expect otherwise are simply delusional.

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Both. The power of suggestion is no secret. Editorials are one thing, people know it's only personal opinion, although that's swayable, too, but less so. News sites, however, do have a responsibility of objectivity. Always have and always will.


Gamebreaker isn't a news outlet. They're an entertainment media outlet. I don't know how else to make it clear to you that there's a big difference.

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To your edit: That's precisely my point. A lot of people in this thread seem to think Gamebreaker is supposed to be a stiff-collar no-nonsense investigative outlet, but it's not. It's entertainment media. The references to GB being akin to Fox News are nauseating. When I turn on the 24-hr news media, I expect a level of accuracy and professionalism that I simply don't expect from gaming journalists. People who expect otherwise are simply delusional.


Well, you have a point there, and I certainly don't expect the same level of somberness and objectivity when reporting the massacre in Syria.


However, there are plenty of news sites and programs that report about entertainment, movies, and shows, and they tend to do so objectively. Editorial shows about movies are opinionated, and understood to be so, but not entertainment news.


Also, this is no stretch that I'm talking about here. It seems you're almost acting like I'm talking about some nefarious mind-control or something. I'm only stating the generality of responsibility in reporting, that's all.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Both. The power of suggestion is no secret. Editorials are one thing, people know it's only personal opinion, although that's swayable, too, but less so. News sites, however, do have a responsibility of objectivity. Always have and always will.


The power of suggestion is extremely limited or you would go out and buy every product advertised to you.

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Well, you have a point there, and I certainly don't expect the same level of somberness and objectivity when reporting the massacre in Syria.


However, there are plenty of news sites and programs that report about entertainment, movies, and shows, and they tend to do so objectively. Editorial shows about movies are opinionated, and understood to be so.


Also, this is no stretch that I'm talking about here. It seems you're almost acting like I'm talking about some nefarious mind-control or something. I'm only stating the generality of responsibility in reporting, that's all.

Then I'm curious if you have an answer to Mallorik's question:

Tell me one part of the show that you think any of them were being unfair to swtor or bioware. Every single one of them were huge swtor fans and all of them except the host still plays the game.
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Gamebreaker isn't a news outlet. They're an entertainment media outlet. I don't know how else to make it clear to you that there's a big difference.


I still cant even figure out what theyre all mad about? imo they were being way too nice to swtor and bw. The only thing that even looked like it could have been misinterpreted as being mean was the host taking a few jabs that were actualy aimed at the 3 pamelists on the show and not swtor.


If anyone is naive its the people who are outraged that an internet show about games is commenting on the mistakes of a company that is responsible for what is turning out to be one of the biggest disasters in mmo hitory.


And if bioware fixes swtor GBtv will go right back to praising them while continuing to make fun of their mistakes, just like they do for Wow or Rift or any other game they cover.

Edited by Mallorik
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Then I'm curious if you have an answer to Mallorik's question:


I think they did a pretty good job, except for the comment in question. I didn't, personally, take offense to it, but obviously others have. I'm speaking more to it's effects than the actual statement. But it was an unnecessary statement.

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I think they did a pretty good job, except for the comment in question. I didn't, personally, take offense to it, but obviously others have. I'm speaking more to it's effects than the actual statement. But it was an unnecessary statement.


Anyone who took that personaly likely did so because they have an unhealthy obsession with swtor and or bioware. Its like when someone calls your fat and ugly sister fat and ugly. its true but it pisses you off.


And no im not saying your sister is fat and ugly so mods lay off the infraction button you like to spam.

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I think they did a pretty good job, except for the comment in question. I didn't, personally, take offense to it, but obviously others have. I'm speaking more to it's effects than the actual statement. But it was an unnecessary statement.


I thought they did a good job as well. Just a little good natured ribbing. :p

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