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"*QQ* I quit, everyone must quit, too! *QQ*" Needs to STOP


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Seriously, I've grown tired of the threads about people saying they've unsubbed because class "x" facerolls their class "y" every time, thus resulting in them claiming that they're quitting and that everyone else shouldn't even bother with playing anymore since they, and as they often claim all their guildmates, are unsubbing due to constantly getting beaten by specific classes/specs. LoL - I'm not quitting the game because you or your guildies don't have it in you to bother learning about how to counter these classes (or maybe you simply use terrible tactics). If bads want to unsub, go for it, but those of us that remain have obviously found methods to play against (and/or effectively counter) all the classes you QQ about being impossible to beat while still having fun. If I leave a game, it will be for my OWN reasons, not for someone else's, so please stop telling us not to bother with warzones or the game at all since you simply cannot adapt/overcome obstacles that are preventing you from having as much fun (pretty much the only thing we'll be missing from your absence is an easy target to farm).



Edited by SinnedWill
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We understand that it can be frustrating to see negative threads, but we do ask everyone to refrain from making posts to comment on those negative threads since the effect is usually to bring more negativity, not less. A good rule of thumb: if your post focuses on the behavior of the members posting rather than on the game or OP, you could be in danger of making off-topic comments.


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you!


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