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PvE to PVP transfer


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Hey guys,


Will start off by saying been here since launch, aside from population on our server i'm still enjoying the game and looking forward to whats coming in the future.


Obviously we dont know much about transfers except for it looks like we wont have free reign. There will be specific ones we can move too.


When we started the game pre lauch nobody really knew what the game was about. We picked a pve server and we are having a great time. However with the fleets, zoned instances, and republic/sith questing area's it seem that if needed it is very easy to avoid the opposite faction.


It has got our guild thinking if we can transfer to a PVP server from our PvE one, it is something we will really think about! As there are a few players who crave the open world pvp enviroment.


How are you finding PVP servers? much griefing or ganking? or is it reletively ok. Bar the odd numpty of course.


Also do you reckon PvE to PvP will be an option???


I also hope they make it a smooth transition to move whole guilds!

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