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My suggestions on Repairing World PVP which was broken at Birth


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Imperial and Republic Fleets

The Fleets are neat, and I'm sure they mean well in terms of quality of life, but I feel they hurt this game more then help it. The MMORPG aspect of this game lacks severely because of Fleet Stations. For instance, this is the go to spot for the respective factions and because of that, they are perfect targets for World PVP, however, one from the opposing faction cannot simply walk into Mordor (the fleet) unless they exploited their way in. I believe these areas either should have never been made, or that they need to be "dockable" from raids of opposing factions OR make a new Hub for the respective factions on the ground.


Flashpoints and the Fleets

If you can't allow pvp on the fleets, then you need to take Flashpoints off the Fleets and leave them on their respective Planets. Their needs to be interaction between factions. The Worlds need to feel full of life (or death). World PVP needs to exist in this game and besides Ilum(many months ago) and the Rakghoul plague, World pvp is practically non-exsistant.

Exhaustion Zones and Faction Bases

When attempting to travel to the main Republic Base on Tatooine only to be killed by exhaustion, I died a little on the inside. When I attempted to go "near" the Republic Base in the Black Hole only to be instantly killed by some invisible and untargetable Orbital Strike, my mind cracked open and anger started to pour out. Which sparked the idea of writing this thread you see here.

These 2 things in a MMORPG...on a PVP server no less, should not happen.

Exhaustion zones and instant kills need to be removed, in no way can you justify gating world PVP on a PVP server.



These are my opinions and you can argue yours vs mine, but I feel strongly in the belief that the above would make this game a better place to enjoy some real world PVP.

This post is just a few things easily picked out during the time of writing this post, I am sure more will follow and I ask others to add their own here as well.

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i have to agree with you OP. world pvp is random gankings while you're leveling up in this game that's it and that's only if you're on a pvp enabled server. This game would benefit greatly if there was something other than the 4 warzones for the pvp'ers. when people talk about pvp in this game all they really mean is the fight's in warzones.

Where is the world pvp? it's not on Ilum thats for sure

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I agree with alot of this, some of these things are put in for pve servers but should not be present on PvP ones, the not beign able to get to anchorhead for example. make that only for pve servers.


The problem with the flashpoints not going off the fleet is you have not many that can be on their planets...you have.


False Emperor and Battle for Ilum, both are on Ilum already.


Lost Island is on Ord Mantel... which is a republic only planet.


Karagga's Palace is on Hutta, which is an Imperial only planet.


Eternity Vault is on Belsavis. Both can get there.


Can't get to Kaon, or Denova... or any other number of flash point planets because they have no open world part to them (yet maybe?) but either way, most planets you can't even go to unless in that flashpoint.


The game isn't set up proper now for fleet vs fleet boarding party combat... it could be in the future and there's alot they could do with open world. You're suggestions are noted and mostly good. Better than alot I've seen.

Edited by Lithy
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I already posted about the imperial/republic fleet months ago about how it basicly ruined world pvp.

Also didnt do any justice to the world scenery in the game by adding those fleets, however at the time the only thing that replied to it were a bunch of trolls.

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