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Wraith or krasul?


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Hey guys. I'm on the Public Relations quest at Port Raga, and have been given the choice to save Senator Krasul and let Wraith go or to go after Wraith and let the Senator die. I want to be a dark side commando but keep getting caught in situations like this, and my dark/light side points remain neutral -.- I decided to let him die because he's an *** and I don't want wraith to escape (plus I want dark side points), but when I did I lost 150 affection points from Aric Jorgan and Senator Krasul said I'd be tried for treason. Is this true? Will there be bad consequences? What do you think I should do? (I'm halfway through the mission and can still reset it)
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You've only got 2 choices: be good or be bad. Either way you have to live with the consequences.


Regarding the loss of affection with Aric, it's easily recovered with further questing or, - better yet - gifts; honeslty it's not a tangible loss.


As for the court martial threat, you can safely ignore it and still continue on your merry, evil way through the story. And if anyone pulls you up about it, just shoot tham (hey, you're evil, right?).


If you want to be DS, don't be shy about it. Blast your way through the story. Have fun. Damn the torpedoes. Or better yet, be the one to fire them.

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