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Grey Jedi Order: Civil Unrest Part I Chapter I - Visions on Ilum


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The Emperor has been defeated, yet the war still rages on. The Republic would convince you there is still a peace treaty, but those on the front line would tell you differently.


Griseus Farran, a Grey Jedi Knight and council member, was asleep on his ship. He had completed a tough mission that took much of his energy and needed to recuperate that energy.


For the most part his rest was peaceful. He didn't really dream, or at least he didn't remember his dreams. But this sleep was different. He had flashes of images come to him. He couldn't make sense of it. It was like his ships video comlink going through different channels very quickly.


As he slept more, the images got more and more intense. He tried to focus in his mind, to make sense of it all. But there was no hope of doing that, and soon, the images came to him as a solid white light, but he felt pain, like a drill going through his head.

He woke up with a loud scream. His room and the rest of the ship shook around him. It took him a moment for the pain to subside and the realization that he was no longer dreaming. He tried to focus on the images, but they were quickly disappearing. Whatever he experienced, it was no dream.


He got out of bed and put on his robe. He left his room and headed to the bridge. His ship was silent. Since the crippling blow of the Empire, his crew went their separate ways with a promise to be there if ever a need arose. His droid remained, having nothing else to do.


Their location was the middle of nowhere. It's where Griseus preferred to be. It helped calmed his mind. He sat in one of the chairs near the window. He looked out at the stars and let his mind wander, having no real thought. He often tried to think of nothing, but rarely did that happen.


As his mind began to think, an image came to him. It was blurry and far away. He knew, not sure how, this was an element from his dream. His mind focused, and he began to meditate, trying to bring that image to him. He tried, but despite the sheer effort, the image disappeared.


The Force was trying to tell him something, trying to guide him. It has so many times before, but this time, his resolve was weak. He needed a boost to try to understand what it was saying. He looked at the galactic map, and wondered where he could go. Tython was an obvious choice, but since becoming Grey, he tried to stay off the Jedi Council radar as much as possible. Many other planets were force sensitive, but none so much more than Ilum. He knew that was where he needed to go.


He set a course for Ilum. Yes, Ilum. Somehow, knowing he was going to Ilium felt right. Thanks to hyperspace travel, he was there in no time. He set docking procedures and went to his room to get his equipment. Once he was docked he moved through the station without interacting with anyone. He got to the shuttle and went down to the planet.


Ilum is hard to explain. It's primary export is lightsabre crystals, but it is the force that help forge the crystals found on this planet. The way the force flows, is like a river. Mutliple streams converging together. The peace of the river is what draw the Jedi here, and the turbulence of the connection points is what draw the Sith here. But as a Grey, Griseus felt all of it at once.


What he felt was not multiple rivers coming together, but one river breaking up into many. Reaching out like fingers across the planet, holding Ilum. The force here was a truer example of Grey energies than anywhere else, even that of Voss. Voss was powerful for a Grey, but in a different way. And any other day he might go Voss, but today the Force drew him here.

From the spaceport he walked. He closed his eyes and opened himself to the force, letting the force guide him. After an hour he opened them again and found himself isolated. He knelt down and began to meditate. The image was distant at first, but as the force went through him, flowing a constant stream, he was able hold on to it and bring it closer.


At first the images went by fast just like when he was sleeping, but he focused and forced it to slow down. It played out for him. He saw a figure, he saw this figure clear as day. He knew this figure, all too well. And now as he identified this person, the images went back to fast once again. But this time it didn't hurt, he allowed it to happen. More than that, he understood. Faster and faster it went, and the more he learned. Once again there was a bright flash, but instead of causing him to scream, he passed out for the sheer intensity of the vision.


He had laid there for several hours. He woke to the vision of the stars. He was unaware of how much time passed, and for a moment, disorientated. He was confused as to why he was here. But then the memories of his vision returned. Once they returned back, he knew what had to be done.


He called for an emergency shuttle pickup to the spaceport. From there he took a shuttle to his ship and get back into space. He set a course to Voss and sent a message to all Grey's of his order, both former Jedi and Sith alike. He must deliver a message to them, and hope it is not too late.

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