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carnage dps on dummies


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my first post =p


i was wondering what other carnage dps got, i did have a look but many people that post their dps dont say what dummy they were useing, or if they use stins / adrenals so thought id start


i have all class buffs unlocked, i use 2 hour stim, i dont use adrenals, i have a mix of war hero / battlemaster gear


on lvl 50 pvp training dummy, a 7 min fight

1500 dps




on lvl 50 operation dummy

1337 dps, would be 1400 but i made some mistakes [like not timeing when to use batering assualt properly =/]



my stats are [buffed]



buld i use


was thinking of removeing towering rage completely, hungering makes rupture heal me about 1k on avering in pve, for pvp welll, we dont have pvp games any more on my server, so i havent tested it much


as to my rotation, i dont use force scream at all, with 35%+ rate i dont tihnk its worth it, and erm ill see what dps get on operation dummy in min.

if any other carnage maruader want to post dps n stuff, feel free, its lonely being only person on fleet =p

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my first post =p


i was wondering what other carnage dps got, i did have a look but many people that post their dps dont say what dummy they were useing, or if they use stins / adrenals so thought id start


i have all class buffs unlocked, i use 2 hour stim, i dont use adrenals, i have a mix of war hero / battlemaster gear


on lvl 50 pvp training dummy, a 7 min fight

1500 dps




on lvl 50 operation dummy

1337 dps, would be 1400 but i made some mistakes [like not timeing when to use batering assualt properly =/]



my stats are [buffed]



buld i use


was thinking of removeing towering rage completely, hungering makes rupture heal me about 1k on avering in pve, for pvp welll, we dont have pvp games any more on my server, so i havent tested it much


as to my rotation, i dont use force scream at all, with 35%+ rate i dont tihnk its worth it, and erm ill see what dps get on operation dummy in min.

if any other carnage maruader want to post dps n stuff, feel free, its lonely being only person on fleet =p


Testing on dummies is bad. Taking out Towering Rage for a CARNAGE build is bad. Not using Force Scream is worse than bad, for a Carnage Marauder.


The dummies don't mitigate ANY damage AT ALL. So they are in NO way a good metric.

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Trust me, I know all the reasons why you think force scream is good. Listen though, massacre is 1334 max damage say, and force scream is 1500. What does more damage most the time if you are 40% rate. Understand now?


show me a better dps with force scream, and ill concede, till then, im right, force scream is useless


edit, and to be fair, i am caling in title for testing dps on dummies, see title [canrange dps on dummies], may give a clue i was hitting dummies


edit, before i forget, i get MORE dps without force scream, than with, even when i had 2 points in towering rage.

i get about 1450 dps if i use force scream, with 2 points in towering rage, try urseld, force scream is a waste of, i wont say, i can see. do it urself, so a dummy, 5 min useing it, and 1 without


edit: and as per title, can u show us YOUR carnage dps on dummies?

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Trust me, I know all the reasons why you think force scream is good. Listen though, massacre is 1334 max damage say, and force scream is 1500. What does more damage most the time if you are 40% rate. Understand now?

So you're saying a 40% crit rate with Massacre (which can be parried/dodged/shielded) of 1334 does more damage than a guaranteed crit from Force Scream (which cannot be parried/dodged/shielded) of 1500? How ever did you come to that conclusion?

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ill have to wait till my server is online, my server is one of eu ones that off for 'maintanence' atm, so ill check numbers when it comes back on


i would like some adrenals, but im too cheap to buy em =p


edit, ah i see i told u my max dmg of massacre and force scream so i can work it out without being on,

massacre, 1334 + 400 from garanteed massacre

makes 1700, thats 200 more damage than force scream allready

now add 50% chance of a second massacre

now with 40% rate one of those is practically garanteed to crit, probably two will

if just one massacre crits and i dont proc second ataru form, and i dont crit massacre its 21xx, so its less damage than a force scream

if proc massacre, and get 2 ataru forms that both crit, would be 4 or 5 k

but on average it will be more damage than force scream i think,


test it yourself, if u have over 35% rate, and tell us results for you, do a 7 min test useing force scream and a 7 min test without


i cant be sure my numbers 100% accurate since i cant log in since eu server im on is down


any other carnage dps want to post ther dps numbers?

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Testing on dummies is bad. Taking out Towering Rage for a CARNAGE build is bad. Not using Force Scream is worse than bad, for a Carnage Marauder.


The dummies don't mitigate ANY damage AT ALL. So they are in NO way a good metric.


are you sure dummies have no defense, i am sure they do, its just that ur second lightsaber will hit dummies more than other things i thought.


dummies do have defence, and since tite is dps on dummies, if we all hit dummies we are all equal

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It's still a terrible mechanic because of all the extra DPS your offhand is giving you.




IN PRACTICE Force Scream is still your best NON-BUFFED burst. So you'll use it when you can't drop Berserk > Bloodthirst > Massacre x7. Also, you're forgetting to buff it further with Gore. Optimal rotation goes (Rage Builders) > Massacre > Gore > Ravage > Force Scream. The Force Scream will nearly always hit for 4-5k+ on light armor targets with no defensives up. 3-4k+ for Medium armor targets with no defensives, and 2-3k+ on heavies. Even if you swap with Massacre, you're looking at about 500-ish less damage on average. Yeah, it's comparable and faster to a degree. Force Scream has a tiny bit of range on Massacre in that you can do it AS you're getting knocked back and it'll still drop full damage as opposed to Massacre which would miss the Ataru strike due to being out of range.


I'll gather and upload some combat logs for your viewing pleasure, both on and off the dummies. Which, just to reiterate, are a TERRIBLE metric.

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It's still a terrible mechanic because of all the extra DPS your offhand is giving you.




IN PRACTICE Force Scream is still your best NON-BUFFED burst. So you'll use it when you can't drop Berserk > Bloodthirst > Massacre x7. Also, you're forgetting to buff it further with Gore. Optimal rotation goes (Rage Builders) > Massacre > Gore > Ravage > Force Scream. The Force Scream will nearly always hit for 4-5k+ on light armor targets with no defensives up. 3-4k+ for Medium armor targets with no defensives, and 2-3k+ on heavies. Even if you swap with Massacre, you're looking at about 500-ish less damage on average. Yeah, it's comparable and faster to a degree. Force Scream has a tiny bit of range on Massacre in that you can do it AS you're getting knocked back and it'll still drop full damage as opposed to Massacre which would miss the Ataru strike due to being out of range.


I'll gather and upload some combat logs for your viewing pleasure, both on and off the dummies. Which, just to reiterate, are a TERRIBLE metric.


and ravage is my best non burst

i really can do a 10k hit sometimes, even if cant since each hit on ravage is treated to same crit rate, and is independant of the other ones, u get it


best rotation for a carnage maruader on dummies is


gore raveage

then beserk, gore massacre

then gore ravage

then beserk gore massacre

then gore ravage


erm where was i, show me ur logs then

edit: and try use torparse, i dont like screenshots


and with no buffs my force scream hits about 2500, lower than my massacre it does, on light armour with gore about 3300, it prefer to use massacre

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Your ideal rotation with Carnage once you have the rage to spend has been and most likely always will be...





Force Scream

then back to Massacre spam until you are either 1 out of rage, or 2 have Gore back up. Then you would simply Gore and continue Massacre spam till your other abilites came off cooldown.


By doing this you will maximize your Berserk time which in turn gives you more Massacre spam, which in turn increases your burst dps exponentially. Obviously while doing this rotation you will be throwing in Assault and Battering Assault to build your rage. In all honesty I only use Force Scream when I am either 1 farther than Melee range on a boss or 2 when I have Gore and Massacre buffs up already. The damage from Force Scream is nice, but only with Gore and the guaranteed crit.


Massacre spam will be your number 1 damage done to any target because it is essential to keeping your berserk up and honestly with the buffs made to it you can pull some pretty sick numbers out of it. While using Bloodthirst I was critting just my main hand swing for 5k, that does not include the 1.2k crits on the Ataru form which are basically guaranteed, or the 3k offhand hit. So when all are added together you get a nice burst hit for about 10.5k damage off an ability that you can litterally spam.


Using Massacre only however isnt the way to go, your Force Scream may do less damage than a Massacre hit, but it is a free crit, and it fits nicely into the Gore>Ravage>Force Scream rotation. It is a fast attack that has no build up time. Massacre still takes about 2 seconds to get the full damage out of where as Force Scream is about .5 seconds. I am referring to the animation that each attack has with it. They are both instantly activated by one takes longer than the other to do its animation and drop its damage.


Hope this helps a little.

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wow you dont give up ,i can counter 3 paragraphs of text in one sentence




i said what works, use on dummies and test, or use on people and test

till you can PROVE what i say is wrong, who are you to say i am wrong, all i see is numbers being thrown about, go test withou and without scream on a dummy or in a warzone, and test it



edit: and just so u know, i used to wait till force scream was available, it will crit em at least i though

what would make me leave something that is 100% crit, if i didnt think i was right. test what i say, and see, before you blindly say mantra of others

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i should try be better than, wawawa im right, shouldnt i, dang its annoying


hit gain a bit fury, gore, then ravage,, then lol and use massacre

by time u can gore again u should be 30 fure pr rage or whatever

beserk + gore, 3k each hit on averege massacre will do, force scream is bad

so then get some rage

and its gore + rage time, use force scream here if you mus



edit: nad i sound like a dick, lol, nowonder people want to hit me

i really speal like this?

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wow you dont give up ,i can counter 3 paragraphs of text in one sentence




i said what works, use on dummies and test, or use on people and test

till you can PROVE what i say is wrong, who are you to say i am wrong, all i see is numbers being thrown about, go test withou and without scream on a dummy or in a warzone, and test it



edit: and just so u know, i used to wait till force scream was available, it will crit em at least i though

what would make me leave something that is 100% crit, if i didnt think i was right. test what i say, and see, before you blindly say mantra of others


Force scream with auto crit and gore buff is higher damage for that GCD than massacre is. Your results are flawed because target dummies don't dodge or pop defensive cooldowns and they don't move. In order for massacre to do more damage, ataru must proc twice and massacre itself must crit. Force scream is guaranteed to crit if you do it right (your spec has only a 50% chance, you need to put the talent point in to get 100%). Try doing gore, massacre, force scream, ravage instead of ravage before force scream and I think you will have better results.

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