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Assault % hp healed back on crits?

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I was thinking about ways to improve the Assault tree for Commandos in PVP. We all know the shared assault tree between Vanguards/Commandos is not the same thing. Assault is WAY better for Vanguards than it is for Commandos. Gunnery is simply not viable for PVP since it leaves you very vulnerable to interrupts.


I prefer to run Assault for PVP but even that could use improvements. We don't have the guaranteed Plasma Cell proc that Vanguards get so we have to rely on RNG to kite melees. We don't have the armor penetration that the Tactics tree gives them. We can't put too many points into Combat Medic tree 'cause it would gimp us too much in battle, so we can't use our heals on ourselves as well as teammates in combat. As Assault we're pretty much forced to spend the additional points after putting 30-31 into Assault tree, into Gunnery.


I was thinking about putting something along the lines of the passive heal that Watchman spec Sentinels get. Crits from our burn effects would heal us for 2% of our max HP. Replace the crappy 4% alacrity increase talent with a 2 pt. talent that gives us this. I've seen Maras/Sents in WZs getting over 70k in healing and this is from the heals from cauterize crits alone. Yes a pure dps class is doing way more healing than a DPS spec Commando can. To get those kinds of numbers you'd have to basically spec into CM since trying to be healer as Assault spec would not be very productive.


To those that are gonna say, well you wanna heal you should spec into Combat Medic. No. That's not the point I'm trying to make. I'm simply looking for ways to improve Assault so teams will go "Hey, we should bring X player, we can use his damage and group heals when we're defending the doors on Voidstar." for example. This would improve our utility in groups and would increase our survivability in PVP

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Assault already has a self-heal that is boosted by attacking.


You will never see the numbers for it though because Adrenaline Rush for whatever reason is not counted towards heal points.


I'll remind you that it's 15% total health over 10 seconds with 180s CD.


When you select the talent Adrenaline Fuelled you lower the 3m CD on Adrenaline Rush by 6 seconds every time you crit with a limit of happening once per 1.5 seconds.


So the actual CD can be under 60 seconds.


You won't see the numbers in a WZ but a fight parser does record heals. In raids of about 5 mins I've self healed with Adrenaline Rush alone for 15k.

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