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*sigh* Daniel Erickson DIDN'T say "Super Servers"


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It's interesting that in the recent interview with Darth Hater. Erickson has this to say about Legacy being cross server :


There’s probably not going to be moves any time soon to account wide, particularly because server wide to account wide is massive from a tech undertaking,


He uses "move" to mean a change in policy or how things are done. In retrospect, it seems like a lot of people misunderstood what he meant when he referred to moves to "servers with massively higher population caps" as merging into new super servers, as opposed to changes that allow them to transfer people to targeted existing servers and raise the population caps on those servers. Transfers being the "first step" doesn't mean the first step to further consolidation of the servers into fewer and fewer super servers, it means the first step to getting those target servers more populated.

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I'am happy that they will implement the "super" servers. it will make the whole game a lot more fun.

"super" server will solve the problems.


I agree with this guy. Super Servers will make this game very popular. :)

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There are a few rational thinking people in this thread, who realize what they meant by super server. However, for every one of you, there are 5 who hear "super server" and are expecting some utopia server were all 1.3 million subscribers all play all the time, 24/7, and hold hands as we defeat bad guys in our lovely little communities.


These people, as soon as their definition of super servers is not met, will be here, crying that they were promised super servers in 1.3, and they will rant and rail against "the big bad Man" Bioware for weeks and months (all while continuing to pay their sub, mind you) about it.


This thread was designed to quiet these people. As we all know, that is impossible.

Edited by Jederix
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oh yea the froums will put words in peoples mouth they never said, to much selective reading..


Sure is nice when someone takes the time to post FACTS, about something, I read that I knew DE never said super server, among other so called mis-quotes here in the forums.


I am sure many will read your thread and still think he did..LOL

Edited by kevlarto
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I'm pretty sure people will not care what the layout is called or how many servers there are, as long as the changes make the game playable again.


Resubbed today after reading that the long overdue transfers are coming. Any server with more than 15 people on the server at peak times will feel like a 'super' server to me in the future. Think i lingered too long on my low population server even though i eventually unsubbed :p

The incoming 'super server' should be called DanielErickson.

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Correct me if I am wrong but they say that they increased the population cap to double of what it was at launch?

Jeez, someone says "super servers" and suddenly everyone's convinced we're getting them.

1 mega server. sharded planets. populations being 10x that of launch. These and other fanfic patch notes coming to a forum near you soon.



He said "massively higher population caps than we have today".

What would be a massively higher population cap? Percentage or number wise?

Then Pahomi comes along and says "Super Servers" in his first post and it becomes gospel that Daniel said it.

Would massively higher population cap servers sound better? They are raising the server cap massivley so the words that would fit that is MEGA,SUPER,BIG etc


EDIT: Emanuel Lusinchi did refer to Daniel's comments on the 27th. On one hand he said he shouldn't have said anything. But on the other hand, he did talk at length about how good the idea of "mega servers" would be. Again, he didn't explicitly say they were happening - but the context, etc does seem to point to Bioware looking into this sort of thing - WAY, WAY into the future.

Question Emanuel is saying that that there is no guarentee that mega servers are comming and everyone could be stuck with the same servers? while daniel says the servers will have a Massivly higher pop cap? One of them has to be completely lying and talking out his butt to make things sound good, since you can not massivelt increase server caps or they would be considered mega servers.


Based on real quotes and actual conversations[ I think what we can expect is server populations to be double what they were on launch day. Hopefully more. With server transfers being used to fill the most populated server to reach their new capacity. That might only be double the existing populations... but the difference is those extra people will actually be playing.

Bold,italic and underlined for reference to below


Throwing comments around like "super servers" is just crazy. It creates a false expectation that can't be met and will only lead to people feeling disappointed. I hope I'm wrong. I'd love to see a single EU PvE server, a single EU PvP server, etc. But let's keep the speculation firmly grounded until an actual announcement is made.


So yes, you might see 300-400+ people on fleet. But don't expect miracles.







Quote: Originally Posted by MosEisleyRadio


Daniel Erickson: [...] So we opened up a lot of servers. Erm, we then worked really hard on how many people we could put on one server. And we've actually raised our caps for peak concurrent users to almost double what it was a launch day for a single server.



Linky to original podcast here : MER Episode 76: Dev 1.2

The quote is taken from a segment that starts at [-19:16] according to the timer on the MER player.

If you have the podcast, the segment starts at [25:37] - the bit I've quoted is at [26:36].





Quote: Originally Posted by PCGamer


PCG: Will they be cross-server at launch? Is that planned for the future?


DE: They will not be cross-server as we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today.


So doing the math a massively higher population than what we have today would be massively higher than double of what it is at launch correct?

Linky to original article here : The Old Republic’s Daniel Erickson talks Legacy system update, group finder, and adaptive gear





...and here's were it all went to hell :p






Quote: Originally Posted by DanielErickson


[...] Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities


Wait a sec. They are pushing hard for servers that are massive compared to the ones at launch and not the current ones that are double of what they were at launch? Then with the early testing of these new servers they were able to bring them about what they were at launch. Using a percentage it would be less than doubled. So in comclusion these new mega servers (not super servers) will lave a lower pop cap than what the servers we have today have.



Linky to original blog post is here : Community Q&A: May 25th, 2012 – Special Edition: Game Update 1.3





This video is currently store on twitch.tv.. but expect it to turn up on Youtube at some point.

Quote: Originally Posted by GameSpot


Anon: Hi, erm, we play on a very low population server and we actually joined with probably about two dozen of our guildmates from another MMO.


Since then, most of our guildmates have quit because at any given time of the day there are very few people on to group with or whatever.


I understand that the group finder will help that to a degree, but are there any plans to merge servers or to move them into clusters of some sort.


Emanuel Lusinchi: So, that's a great question.


Server transfers are the first step, it will allow you to go to a place where you think you're going to be happier for any sort of reason. Having a very light server, well that happens and it's not a great experience.


This kind of game, these MMO's are social phenomenon just like facebook or any other sort of thing. The more people you have that you can play with, the better it is. It's kind of an exponential thing. It also means if there isn't a lot of people, it's not a great experience - we understand that. So server transfers are the first step.


Now I know that Daniel Erickson has been mentioning things that he probably should not have mentioned about maybe the concept of mega servers.


It's a great concept because if you can have a server population that can accommodate a LOT more players then first you are much more likely to be with your friends, you don't have to transfer server.


And secondly everything is just all of a sudden better.


•If you like PvP, the warzones pop up all the time.

•If you like PvE, the group finder is going to be able to find a group for you night or day for you to do things.


So this is something we take very seriously. It's probably the most important thing in the game. Every feature in the game is making sure there are a lot of players available at all times. It's the most important thing to us.


Server transfer is just the beginning.




Linky to twitch.tv VoD is here : Gamespot: MCM Expo from London! Day 2 Live.

The segment I've quoted starts at [53:57].


I read up where I can. But I don't read every blog or listen to every podcast. I don't even read every community blog post by the CSRs. So if I got it wrong - let me know.


If anyone has a link to a post, blog, article or podcast where Daniel Erickson says "super servers"... then by all means link it and I'll update this post to say so. But otherwise... jeez, stop creating fanfic patch notes.


Plus if anyone else has quotes or links that they feel might be relevant to this conversation - post them and if I agree, I'll slot them into my timeline in this post so everyone's got a full, complete and hopefully accurate picture of what might happen.


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Ok we can stop calling them super or mega servers since they will have a lower cap than what we have today.


Does BW not see all the holes in what they are saying?


All it is is wording it to confuse the players to think its something it isnt.


What it is is they are going to do server transfers and use the same servers and since there are less servers the people who play will get the impression that the cap was raised since there will be more than 10-100 people in the game, (the server pops that are what most of the servers are today). There will be no increase in pop caps, but no one will really care at this time since they have someone to play with.


Thats BW intention, to put out the mega server( or thier equivalant of) and use the transfer to give the false impression while they never had the intention to increase the pop caps but now people will think they are working hard. Same with at launch with the server pop increase, can anyone show me any proof whatsoever (other than the liars(BW) saying so) that server pops were even increased then?


I mean look at all the facts. They doubled the server caps when they were at almost absolute maximum and not only that they did it in record time. But now they can barely get new servers abouve what they were back then with some testing. I guess its hard to improve on something when your not working on it at all.

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