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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So... who's actually happy with the game?


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I enjoyed the Jedi Knight story line. Killed the Emperor, started wondering what happens next, and then discovered that, well, nothing happens next unless you've an operation-sized group of friends and the patience of Job. There's no new content for primarily solo or PvE players any time soon, apparently. My story line hits a wall because I actually have a flashpoint to do before I can move on. Group Finder should alleviate some of the frustration for flashpoints, but given the loot rules for operations, I sure as heck don't plan on PUGs.


I'm truly disappointed. There is no "what's next" for those of us who are primarily solo, PvE players. My choices are "raid or PvP", and that's it, really. Sure, I can keep running dailies for months, but as I've hit the gear wall, and there aren't enough folks on my server on a regular basis to even PUG an operation, never mind running one with my guild, dailies are pointless - a "hamster wheel" to keep us occupied while BioWare figures out "what's next." The economy is so broken, so utterly broken, that crafting as an in-game "occupation" is pointless.


This game was sold on story - so, where is it after 50?


Sure, I could run the hamster wheel and play other characters. That's what I'm doing at present. Gotta have those "legacy perks," after all. But, knowing full well that my reward for running the hamster wheel is another wall, there's no real joy in it. The game is no longer fun. All I'm doing at present is keeping busy and hoping something better - either in this game or in the next - comes along.

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I'm really enjoying the game, personally. Yeah, there's some problems; I won't deny that. The low server populations being one of them, which can make it difficult to find groups. But this is a brand new MMO and of course there are going to be kinks to work out, so I'm not about to ***** bricks over it like some people. Besides, I like soloing a lot more in this game than I did in others - namely WoW. I mostly leveled through PVP in that since I really didn't really like the PVE in that game. So I'm glad that there are other options available to me in SWTOR that I actually enjoy while I'm waiting for the queue to pop :]
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...you are missing the point, just because you are happy running stuff with your guild doesn't mean swtor is thriving...
Whether or not a game is thriving has nothing to do with my being happy with it. Being happy with the game is a visceral effect. Is it fun to play or not? If a game's market viability is the reason one plays it, then I believe they are playing it for the wrong reason. I'll go with the herd, but only because the herd happens to be going my way. It's a self esteem thing. Edited by GalacticKegger
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