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Bioware, Three Things That NEED to Be in 1.3!

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Okay Bioware here it is. three things that have to be in 1.3, without a shadow of a doubt.


1. Server Merging


Now I know what most of you will say "but Thelonleytusken, they are already including a fix to low population servers with a free server transfer in 1.3!" But you are wrong! We don't need server transfers, we need MERGES, let me explain why. In the beginning of the game, Bioware launched with less servers than they should have, this resulted in a high amount of queues and frustrating wait times. Their solution was to create a large amount of servers to house all the homeless players. After the initial shock of players coming in, the populations settled down, and many people left, as any other MMO went through at launch. This in turn left a huge amount of servers with a large amount of players spread wayyyy to thin. This is the reason so many servers are dead and/or dieing currently, the game's population is fine though.


So now that you've had that history lesson, the reason we need server merges is because the population is spread thin. If we let everyone and their mother on dieing servers transfer, this will undoubtedly result in a massive influx of people to large servers like The Fatman, making them even large, which solves absolutely nothing.


If we give server merges, populations are doubled, no servers are left ghost towns, and larger servers like The Fatman settle down and even out naturally.


2. Engine optimization


This issue, as said in many other threads, is no secret. It effects a massive number of players from low, to high end PC's everywhere. The engine is just not optimized, the way in which is processes files and information leaves it, and everyone whose playing, behind. It renders great PC's which run Crysis 2 or Skyrim on ultra, to the power of a off-the-shelf Apple laptop. There's a huge number of threads professing the real problems and evidence for this issue, ones with twice the heft and size of this thread, so I'll leave it to you to find those. This is a huge reason why many people are leaving, a long with many other problems, not being able to play when surpassing the medium requirements is a big problem. In my opinion this should be first in line for fixes and should be first on the list for the staff at Bioware Austin to get on.


3. Rated Warzones


This is a huge amenity that half the population doesn't have access too. In a game like wow, how do you expect to thrive when you lack the amenities that it has? Sure it's not fair, they just began and don't have half the time to develop that WoW has had these past 8 years, but business isn't fair. It's a cutthroat organization with a highly entitled consumer base, you need to deliver. I've seen this one get popped up a lot in the forums, which is why I put it in. I realize they said they have plans to put it in 1.3, but I've heard that before in 1.2 and was disappointed, and I don't even PVP, you can imagine how angry people who really PVP were. This NEEDS to be in 1.3, ESPECIALLY if your not including anything else like a new warzone type.


If you managed to get through it, there it is Bioware, what the players want, and what they need, it's not impossible and as a paying customer and game developer, I feel like it is 100% doable.


TDLR; You don't get one because I took the time to wright it, you should take the time to read it if you care.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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Okay Bioware here it is. three things that have to be in 1.3, without a shadow of a doubt.


1. Server Merging


Now I know what most of you will say "but Thelonleytusken, they are already including a fix to low population servers with a free server transfer in 1.3!" But you are wrong! We don't need server transfers, we need MERGES, let me explain why. In the beginning of the game, Bioware launched with less servers than they should have, this resulted in a high amount of queues and frustrating wait times. Their solution was to create a large amount of servers to house all the homeless players. After the initial shock of players coming in, the populations settled down, and many people left, as any other MMO went through at launch. This in turn left a huge amount of servers with a large amount of players spread wayyyy to thin. This is the reason so many servers are dead and/or dieing currently, the game's population is fine though.


So now that you've had that history lesson, the reason we need server merges is because the population is spread thin. If we let everyone and their mother on dieing servers transfer, this will undoubtedly result in a massive influx of people to large servers like The Fatman, making them even large, which solves absolutely nothing.


If we give server merges, populations are doubled, no servers are left ghost towns, and larger servers like The Fatman settle down and even out naturally.


2. Engine optimization


This issue, as said in many other threads, is no secret. It effects a massive number of players from low, to high end PC's everywhere. The engine is just not optimized, the way in which is processes files and information leaves it, and everyone whose playing, behind. It renders great PC's which run Crysis 2 or Skyrim on ultra, to the power of a off-the-shelf Apple laptop. There's a huge number of threads professing the real problems and evidence for this issue, ones with twice the heft and size of this thread, so I'll leave it to you to find those. This is a huge reason why many people are leaving, a long with many other problems, not being able to play when surpassing the medium requirements is a big problem. In my opinion this should be first in line for fixes and should be first on the list for the staff at Bioware Austin to get on.


3. Rated Warzones


This is a huge amenity that half the population doesn't have access too. In a game like wow, how do you expect to thrive when you lack the amenities that it has? Sure it's not fair, they just began and don't have half the time to develop that WoW has had these past 8 years, but business isn't fair. It's a cutthroat organization with a highly entitled consumer base, you need to deliver. I've seen this one get popped up a lot in the forums, which is why I put it in. I realize they said they have plans to put it in 1.3, but I've heard that before in 1.2 and was disappointed, and I don't even PVP, you can imagine how angry people who really PVP were. This NEEDS to be in 1.3, ESPECIALLY if your not including anything else like a new warzone type.


If you managed to get through it, there it is Bioware, what the players want, and what they need, it's not impossible and as a paying customer and game developer, I feel like it is 100% doable.


TDLR; You don't get one because I took the time to wright it, you should take the time to read it if you care.



Just read the Q&A

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Okay Bioware here it is. three things that have to be in 1.3, without a shadow of a doubt.


1. Server Merging


Now I know what most of you will say "but Thelonleytusken, they are already including a fix to low population servers with a free server transfer in 1.3!" But you are wrong! We don't need server transfers, we need MERGES, let me explain why. In the beginning of the game, Bioware launched with less servers than they should have, this resulted in a high amount of queues and frustrating wait times. Their solution was to create a large amount of servers to house all the homeless players. After the initial shock of players coming in, the populations settled down, and many people left, as any other MMO went through at launch. This in turn left a huge amount of servers with a large amount of players spread wayyyy to thin. This is the reason so many servers are dead and/or dieing currently, the game's population is fine though.


So now that you've had that history lesson, the reason we need server merges is because the population is spread thin. If we let everyone and their mother on dieing servers transfer, this will undoubtedly result in a massive influx of people to large servers like The Fatman, making them even large, which solves absolutely nothing.


If we give server merges, populations are doubled, no servers are left ghost towns, and larger servers like The Fatman settle down and even out naturally.


Negative. Merging servers immediately is short sighted and more likly to upset more people then it pleases. Starting off with offering free character transfers is a far better solution in the long run. Players will at least be able to choose to move to another server with the knowledge that they may have to change their name, legacy name, and/or guild name.


Merging servers, doesnt give them that option. They just log in and BAM, everything they worked for is gone.


2. Engine optimization


This issue, as said in many other threads, is no secret. It effects a massive number of players from low, to high end PC's everywhere. The engine is just not optimized, the way in which is processes files and information leaves it, and everyone whose playing, behind. It renders great PC's which run Crysis 2 or Skyrim on ultra, to the power of a off-the-shelf Apple laptop. There's a huge number of threads professing the real problems and evidence for this issue, ones with twice the heft and size of this thread, so I'll leave it to you to find those. This is a huge reason why many people are leaving, a long with many other problems, not being able to play when surpassing the medium requirements is a big problem. In my opinion this should be first in line for fixes and should be first on the list for the staff at Bioware Austin to get on.


Personally, I have not had any issues as far as performance with the game. I usually get 30 FPS, same as I did in WoW. So from my own standpoint, this isnt too bad. However, this is only my opinion and does not reflect the feels and views of others.


3. Rated Warzones


This is a huge amenity that half the population doesn't have access too. In a game like wow, how do you expect to thrive when you lack the amenities that it has? Sure it's not fair, they just began and don't have half the time to develop that WoW has had these past 8 years, but business isn't fair. It's a cutthroat organization with a highly entitled consumer base, you need to deliver. I've seen this one get popped up a lot in the forums, which is why I put it in. I realize they said they have plans to put it in 1.3, but I've heard that before in 1.2 and was disappointed, and I don't even PVP, you can imagine how angry people who really PVP were. This NEEDS to be in 1.3, ESPECIALLY if your not including anything else like a new warzone type.


If you managed to get through it, there it is Bioware, what the players want, and what they need, it's not impossible and as a paying customer and game developer, I feel like it is 100% doable.


Check the recent Q&A. One of the questions that was answered asked about rated warzones in 1.3 and the answer was as follows.


Daniel: Ranked Warzones is on track for 1.3. All the heavy lifting (ratings, group persistence exiting warzones, etc) is done and right now we are working through some emergent conflicts with Group Finder and the process of queuing for multiple activities at once with multiple temporary groups.


TDLR; You don't get one because I took the time to wright it, you should take the time to read it if you care.


Replies and personal opinion in yellow.

Edited by Darth_Victus
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They need to merge but that won't happen for 1.3 that's around the corner. There's no point in having a large list of empty servers even if transfers are an option. Plus it makes things look bad.


Client optimization, yes. TOR is probably one of the worse running client that I can recall on a mid-range gaming computer that exceeds recommended by a good amount. Too many issues with HDD activity and load times. Like my game can only run for a while before it gets real choppy


Ranked Warzones. Couldn't really care less. PvP seems to be an afterthought in this game but apparently it will make it in 1.3 for those like like to live in warzones.

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