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Watchmen Hybrid


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Hey I have been trying to to perfect this build for a couple of hours and was wondering if anyone could put some input into it. i have been out damaging all lvl 49 -10 pvp healers (So far and on my server). that includes taking on dps and healer at same time and killing both. i have yet to try lvl 50 pvp with it but in the lower lvls it shows a high amount of survivability and self/ aoe healing. it basically stands around the weakness in watchman how it takes time to build up and u have to use weak building attacks and so on, it upgrades the burning effects to max damage in watchman and increase damage of the builder skills, while giving you a second leap for versatility.


In end you get great constant dps with medium self healing, 2 leaps and 1 invisible speed skill.

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well the 2 secs is nothing since i gain those 2 secs in a stun from leap and i may use my char differently then others, but gear wise i stand behind huge cit rate and damage on my general skills and burns so an extra 1k damage every 7.5 secs(at best after build up) if kept up or i can get roughly 8% more constant builder damage, more stuns, and leaps. situation wise that 1k damage every couple secs if I'm in constant battle just isn't worth more then a leap with 2 sec stun that douse decent damage and better overall constant damage.
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There's a few reasons why this built doesn't give optimal results compared to a full spec.

No, it's not because of watchguard, even without that it's easy to burn healers in watchman spec.


This probably won't work because you don't have the high damage you think you have.

Everything on low lvl is crap since the lvl 10-40 players barely have any decent abilities to make it really hard on you.


While you do almost get full potential of your dots, without merciless slash as regular hard hitter you won't get any decent tank or healer down.


Critical strike dmg on slash is not as good as regular hit of merc slash.

Also what is the great constant dmg you talk about here? I don't see it


If you want to play this spec, by all means, go ahead. Just giving my 2 cents about it

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