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Post your Pref of playstyle


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Just bored, and started wondering what most ppl are running. I know most r tanksins, but was wondering how many serious deception or madness sins we got out there, post your spec u use the most. See how long we can keep this going.


Im deception - 2/31/8

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I personally enjoy all 3 specs for the assassin and jump around from week to week. They are all focused on pvp playstyles but both my madness (my current favorite) and deception specs are perfectly viable for pve as well.


Madness- 8/2/31

Deception- 2/31/8

Darkness- 31/0/10


I prefer dps builds personally but occasionally im just in the mood to faceroll as a tanksin. Their very fun and the highest damage output ive been able to throw out has been as madness. They all are decently balanced although i think Deception could use a little lovin by the devs. All in all a great class and very fun to play.

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