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EU/Movie Characters You Would Want As Companions (And Romance Options)


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For my SI- Jacen Solo/Darth Cadues as a romance option. They would get along great I think :p, also Lorian Nod wouldn't be a bad guy to have around her either.


For my JC- Alya Secura (just as a regular companion no romance)

Edited by Halinmonk
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JK: Luke, Obiwan, Qui Gon Jinn, Ackbar, Shaak ti, Wedge, Mara Jade, Ahoska Tano, Adi gallia - prefers companions who are all about honor and duty

JC: C3PO, Dooku, Palpatine, Yoda, Jar Jar, Plo koon, Ki Adi Mundi, Blotus - intellectuals he can spar with, jarjar is there for levity and he would be respectful of threepio

Sm: Anakin, Han Solo, Cade Skywalker, Kit Fisto, Talon Karrde, Dash rendar - bad boy types are up her alley

Tr: Sabe, Mace Windu, Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Asajj ventress - tough, hardened men and women

SW: General Grievous, Vader, Maul, Tarkin, Savage Opress, shark guy from tcw - one savage warmongering horde

SI: female shapeshifter from 2, Oola, the female aide of palpatine showed in 6 with other aide, Mother Touzan - attracted to women of power or those she could dominate

BH: Chewbacca, Bossk, Jabba, Watto, the 2 guys who picked a fight with luke and obi wan in bar in 4, Darth Talon, Sebulba, the wee quay bandit lord from tcw, Aurra Sing - a rough and tough crowd with little respect for law, and a few business types to handle finances

IA: Padme, Leia, Lando, Mon Mothma, Bael Organa, Winter, Cad Bane - professional types who can be cool under pressure

Edited by AhsokaTanorules
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