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General and Sniper Changes for 1.3


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Here is some General and Sniper changes id love to be considered or even implemented for 1.3


General =

- There now exists and option to not display your companion's hood.

- There is now an option in the UI Customization window to lower and move the combat text display. (This exists to actually show you your damage in fights.)

- The Companion section in the legacy window now shows you which companion gives what stat once all conversations are done.

- There is now an option to whisper any person that you right click on chat or guild window.

- There is now an option in combat text preferences to make your own debuffs much larger than other players.


Sniper =

- Shield probe now displays how much damage it can absorb.

- Sever tendon is now a Imperial Agent ability. Sever tendon is now also affected by Sniper's Advanced Targeting. (Means it is 30 yards)

- Corrosive Dart's range is increased to 35m.

- Level 50 Sniper's now have access to a new ability - Portable Cover. This ability allows sniper's to throw a portable cover screen anywhere within 15 metres and be able to roll into it using the ability Take Cover. It can also be used to escape a melee combatant if you are already in cover and press Take Cover to move to the new spot. 30 second cooldown, portable cover is removed once you have rolled into it. There is now a talent in the Lethality tree to remove roots and snares once you roll into your new cover.

- Overload Shot's Energy cost is reduced to 10.

- Field's Tech's 2 piece set bonus has been changed to "Increases the critical strike chance of you series of shot's by 10%."


Marksmenship =

- Cover Screen has been changed to allow you to keep the bonuses of being in cover for 5 seconds upon leaving cover. This has an internal cooldown of 20 seconds. (I.E charged,grappled etc.)

- Seige Bunker has been redesigned to allow you to use Entrench while moving. Entrenched is removed once entering back into cover however. (Still required to be in cover to use - Cover - Entrench - Run away with it on)

- Entrench duration has been reduced to 15 seconds.



Engineering =

- Inventive Interrogation Techniques debuff has been increased to 25/50%.

- Stroke of Genius has been removed, to be replaced by Electrified Railgun.

- There is now a talent on the 2nd top tier allowing you to do 5/10% increased damage to any targets affected by Plasma Probe or Interrogation Probe.

- Cluster Bombs duration increased by 5 seconds.

- Plasma Probe can now be moved to a new location by hitting the button for Plasma Probe. This does not mean that you can chain stun or slow as they only affect the probe on initial deployment. After deploying the probe hitting the button again will only make it able to moved.

- Vital Regulators changed to allow all probes to heal you for 3/5% over there duration.


Lethality =

- Corrosive Grenade range has been increased to 35m.

- Flash Powder has been replaced by Freedom Roll, giving you a 50%/100% chance to break roots and snares once you roll into portable cover.

- Cull's energy cost has been lowered to 20.

- Adhesive Corrosive's slow debuff has been changed to 50%.

- Weakening Blast's Weapon damage component boosted by 15%.


Open to any critisism or if you think there flat out OP.

Edited by Koixxx
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Man no offense but i do not like these changes. As a sniper i say that they will make our class blatantly op. Sniper must have vulnerabilities to ensure we have a balanced game. Snipers need to be able to be grappled when they leave cover. I don't want to analyze every point here, but the general idea is, that we do not need any huge changes right now. Some more subtle ones would be ok. But what you are proposing is too much.
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The Sever Tendon ability is the only real change I'd like to see made. It shouldn't even belong to Operatives since they fight up close all the time anyway. It makes way more sense to have it as a Sniper ability. Edited by Segundus
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Here is some General and Sniper changes id love to be considered or even implemented for 1.3


Sniper =

- Shield probe now displays how much damage it can absorb. yes

- Sever tendon is now a Imperial Agent ability. Sever tendon is now also affected by Sniper's Advanced Targeting. (Means it is 30 yards)no

- Corrosive Dart's range is increased to 35m.no

- Level 50 Sniper's now have access to a new ability - Portable Cover. This ability allows sniper's to throw a portable cover screen anywhere within 15 metres and be able to roll into it using the ability Take Cover. It can also be used to escape a melee combatant if you are already in cover and press Take Cover to move to the new spot. 30 second cooldown, portable cover is removed once you have rolled into it. There is now a talent in the Lethality tree to remove roots and snares once you roll into your new cover.would be cool but op so no

- Overload Shot's Energy cost is reduced to 10.yes

- Field's Tech's 2 piece set bonus has been changed to "Increases the critical strike chance of you series of shot's by 10%."no but 4 piece can be 10% incrase


Marksmenship =

- Cover Screen has been changed to allow you to keep the bonuses of being in cover for 5 seconds upon leaving cover. This has an internal cooldown of 20 seconds. (I.E charged,grappled etc.)NO

- Seige Bunker has been redesigned to allow you to use Entrench while moving. Entrenched is removed once entering back into cover however. (Still required to be in cover to use - Cover - Entrench - Run away with it on)No

- Entrench duration has been reduced to 15 seconds.No



Engineering =

- Inventive Interrogation Techniques debuff has been increased to 25/50%.no

- Stroke of Genius has been removed, to be replaced by Electrified Railgun.no

- There is now a talent on the 2nd top tier allowing you to do 5/10% increased damage to any targets affected by Plasma Probe or Interrogation Probe.no

- Cluster Bombs duration increased by 5 seconds.no

- Plasma Probe can now be moved to a new location by hitting the button for Plasma Probe. This does not mean that you can chain stun or slow as they only affect the probe on initial deployment. After deploying the probe hitting the button again will only make it able to moved.yes

- Vital Regulators changed to allow all probes to heal you for 3/5% over there duration.yes 3/6%


Lethality =

- Corrosive Grenade range has been increased to 35m.no

- Flash Powder has been replaced by Freedom Roll, giving you a 50%/100% chance to break roots and snares once you roll into portable cover.no

- Cull's energy cost has been lowered to 20.NO

- Adhesive Corrosive's slow debuff has been changed to 50%.no

- Weakening Blast's Weapon damage component boosted by 15%.no


Open to any critisism or if you think there flat out OP.



i do not wanna be fotm

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Thanks for the feedback, it is wat i asked for afterall. Im curious how some of these things can be perseived as OP?


I can completely understand the MM changes with cover screen and entrench while moving...but some of the others seem to be just balancing out. Id be happy if BW just 1 of these things....mainly the Portable Cover ^^


Im curious what YOU would change if my ideas are so terrible?

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Probably the only changes I'd like to see is having an AoE version of Diversion, range increased to 40 metres (what sucks is by the time an enemy gets to 35m and I'm spamming leg shot so that they don't get any closer, they often times end up at lets say 29 metres so they end up using w/e 30 metre ability they have). This is in part to do with latency and animation. As well, I'd like to see some moves not be weapon damage.
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The stuff in general would all be nice changes, yet everything else may lead to an OP Sniper.


Though, knowing how much Shield Probe absorbs (and by extension, what every other shield-like ability can absorb) would be nice.


Sever Tendon is unecessary for most Snipers considering that Operatives need to be able to stay no more than 10m from their targets. Lethality already has talents that can slow enemy movement. Leg Shot is the best way to outright stop players from getting too far away for Lethality.


Corossive Dart's range is fine. Lethality, which relies heavily on it, will be within the 30m range anyway most of the time and nearly all other Tech abilities for Snipers have a 30m range. It's basically how you can distinguish each talent tree: MM's stand no more than 35m away since they rely on Range, Engi's will stand in the 25-30m range since they rely on Tech, Lethality will run around and potentially get in melee range due to the class having less reliance on the cover system.


Portable Cover would be OP and would cause problems since the Take Cover ability is bugged unless it's Take Cover in Place. Snipers already have enough abilities to get away from melee: Cover Pulse + Leg Shot. Flashbang can also be used to make a quick escape. Taking Cover also prevents Force Charge from being used on Snipers. Portable Cover would give Snipers too much of an advantage against melee.


Overload is fine where it is. The reason for it costing 20 energy is this: it costs the same as a Snipe yet is an instant attack that can be used out of cover. Therefore, the ability must be offset by having a disadvantage against Snipe: doing less damage. Therefore, you have the reason why Overload Shot is unfavorable to other abilities most of the time.


That change in the Field Tech's bonuses would be insane, though I agree that a lot of the Rakata and Battlemaster set bonuses suck for many AC's, even Sniper.


Boosting Cover Screen that way would be very bad. The biggest reason for Cover Screen in the first place is that MM is very cover dependent. This allows for MM Snipers to be able to move with the defense that they would normally have in cover while not making it as if they are in cover. Same thing for Siege Bunker. Snipers are supposed to be at their most vulnerable when out of cover, especially MM. The reduction in Entrench's duration would only be necessary if Entrench was active while the player moved around, though.


Increasing Inventive Interrogation Technique's movement debuff is interesting, yet ultimately unecessary for Engineering snipers. So long as the target is within 30m, an Engineering sniper is fine.


Replacing Stroke of Genius with Electrified Rail would make 31/8/x MM snipers extremely powerful. Electrified Rail adds up to insane numbers and usually does 5% of my damage as an Engineering Sniper. A MM Sniper with Rapid Fire would have extremely high numbers as a result. Also, Engi snipers wouldn't be able to use that talent until later levels when they get Series of Shots when the talent is just Tier 2.


With the 5/10% damage buff from Interrogation/Plasma Probe, Engineering Snipers would very well post ridiculously huge numbers when it's now comparable to the other talent trees.


Increasing the Cluster Bomb duration might be nice, though. Even with the talent that adds the number of cluster bombs by one, the duration of the debuff doesn't increase. Then again, all Cluster Bombs can be, and should be, detonated.


Being able to move Plasma Probe would make it the most ridiculous utility power and make an Engineering Sniper the most powerful class while defending capture points. Well, they already are, yet this would make them extremely ridiculous. The reason for this is that: Plasma Probe locks out all capturing within its 8 meter radius for 18 seconds. To be able to move it would allow a Sniper to run back and forth between the two doors, move the Plasma Probe, then run back and repeat. Not only that, but it makes the ability unbalanced since it ignores the most basic requirements of AOE strategy: choose where you drop the AOE carefully.


Vital Regulators doesn't need a buff or else it could make healers unecesary for Snipers if attacking probes are included in this (which would give Engineering snipers 25% healing if all probes were used at once).


Lethality Snipers are too mobile and always aiming for the 10m range to need an increase in Corossive Grenade's range. Freedom Roll requires Portable Cover, which is OP. Lethality Snipers also already has a second saving throw for movement-only impairing abilities besides their control breaking one. Cull's energy cost is fine considering it's one of the heaviest damaging abilities a Sniper can have.


The 50% movement decrease in Adhesive Corrosion would be nice for Lethality Snipers, yet compared to other movement impairing talents and the abilities Snipers already have available to impair movement and it would be making Lethality Snipers stronger than necessary.


The increase in Weakening Blasts's damage would make one of the easiest trees to put up high DPS very powerful.


Bottome line: Only a couple outside of General are good ideas, the rest would make Snipers too powerful.

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Im curious what YOU would change if my ideas are so terrible?


Let shield Probe scale with something (attackpower max health cunning whatever) i was one of the first 50 and shield probe was nice today its "i hope his auto attack doesn t crit"


Shield probe show the low interest of Devs ins smuggler. Afaik its a more or less fixed amount of dmg you absorb so in every new item lv shield probe is more worse.



My changes



- shield pobe as said

-if you hit something wich requires cover and you are not in cover = insta cover and start cast (instant push back with 1 button)

-push back? BUG FIX the push back only working 2/3 on NON-Resolve targets

-Bug Fix? FIX going to cover i dont want to think ok wait a bit hit cover I NEED INSTANT COVER why?

CAUSE I SEE Maro/jug/any jumper i wait till 38m to hit cover *not working* **** *33m not working


-entrance bug

- m drunk don t wan t to waste time on something devs dont care but insert bug/broken mecanic here


i just twink a sent cause there is so low pvp on my server but sent has no bugs -.- its lv 45 one time chocking didn t work in pvp



sniper has so many bugs butdevs don t care it realy dissapoints me




if there is a yelow playing sniper plz tell me (at 50) how do you fell entering cover and starting rotation NOOO you just got jumped.






if bug gets fixed and in mm we get a bit more against armor ( 20%/40% armor penetrationfor our big hitter / maybe 10/20 for sos).

i also dont like the 31 mm talent for pvp


for MM dont give me Dmg give me working defense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


can't tell about other specs in pvp cause i have about 25 games in eng and about 50 in lethalithy and some in hybrid so i dont talk about that cause no experience





any grammar mistakes are not on purpose blame not first language and alcohol and its late for sunday

Edited by Choeube
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Corossive Dart's range is fine. Lethality, which relies heavily on it, will be within the 30m range anyway most of the time and nearly all other Tech abilities for Snipers have a 30m range. It's basically how you can distinguish each talent tree: MM's stand no more than 35m away since they rely on Range, Engi's will stand in the 25-30m range since they rely on Tech, Lethality will run around and potentially get in melee range due to the class having less reliance on the cover system.


i disagree. cull and WB both have a range of 35m. aside from my dots, OS and explosive probe are the only abilities i really use with a range of less than 35 (against boss fights, anyway). im not saying a change to distance is required or anything, but it would be nice to bring it in line with the other attacks i use (cull/WB/SoS/ambush). in most boss fights i never get anywhere near melee range, and usually prefer to stay as far away as possible.

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I propose to add some sniper rifles doing elemental damage but reduce their min-max range.


So you choose if you gonna deliver 5 k ambushes on sorcs with energy sniper rifles or do normal damage on tanks with elemental sniper rifle.

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would like prob fix

better AP or some shield penetration.

for mms some tech damage to skills (as a persentage of the curent amount of damage).

or skills like lets say ambush or FT to become tech damage even if their over all damage decrease.

the 3 second avoidance to become invisibility so we can havean "of some sorts" reliable exit move

Edited by Narfirill
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