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ToR Needs to be F2P


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Turbine has been creating more content faster now then they did before LOTRO went free to play. They also been making more money now then before free to play, and before the free to play they had around 300,000 subscribers. SWTOR will be lucky to have that many subscribers by the end of year going by what we are seeing now.

1. LOTRO had a MUCH bigger subscription base than that.


2. Turbine was releasing new content for LOTRO at a good pace for years, right up until Warner Bros. went into serious negotiations to buy out Turbine. THAT was why content development came to a halt. It was frozen while the terms of the buyout were in negotiation.


3. The issue is most assuredly NOT this game's subscription model. It's all about QUALITY. If this game met the needs of its target audience, the last thing BioWare/EA would need to worry about was the game's subscription model. They'd have MILLIONS clamoring to get in.


4. I think the real issue with this game is that it's not a balanced experience. Story is great -- but that seems ALL the game offers. And the game suffers for it. For more of my thoughts on this issue, feel free to visit my newly-created topic in the Suggestions Forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4530041#post4530041

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Did I ever say it would go with a lotro model as a fact? no. But people saying "Lucas Arts won't allow the game to go free to play" are stating it like it is a fact.


Just like you stating it will go LOTRO`s way. Or whatever F2P game you can think of.


Your point of view and arguments are not backed up by anything other than hope, while SWG was NEVER F2P, for whatever reason. It might have been Sony.. or it might have been LucasArts that were against it. A 50% chance is better than a 0% chance.


So, while we might have a slight chance of LucasArts saying no, you got a zero chance.


And this is only one of the issues.

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Your point of view and arguments are not backed up by anything other than hope, while SWG was NEVER F2P, for whatever reason.


F2P has only recently in the last few years become a viable model in the industry, let alone the future standard. SWG was dead a long time, converting the game to F2P would have cost more than it was worth. Better to just leave the game as it was and leech the few remaining subscribers to death.

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F2P has only recently in the last few years become a viable model in the industry, let alone the future standard. SWG was dead a long time, converting the game to F2P would have cost more than it was worth. Better to just leave the game as it was and leech the few remaining subscribers to death.


SWG lived from launch up until its servers being unplugged by the next SW MMO with a sub. This is the only reality.


What you ASSUME it meant, is just wild speculation.


And this game isn`t dead yet. There are just 10-15 panicked posters that are making a bit of noise. And Bioware has already 2 solutions in the works (LFG + server merges), with one in reserve (cross server LFG).

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Just like you stating it will go LOTRO`s way. Or whatever F2P game you can think of.


Your point of view and arguments are not backed up by anything other than hope, while SWG was NEVER F2P, for whatever reason. It might have been Sony.. or it might have been LucasArts that were against it. A 50% chance is better than a 0% chance.


So, while we might have a slight chance of LucasArts saying no, you got a zero chance.


And this is only one of the issues.


again, I never stated EA/Bioware would choose a LOTRO model, or any other non pay to win model as a fact, and it is not just like saying that Lucas Arts will not allow it to go Free to Play and why the game will never go free to play because of Lucas Arts, which people have been stating a fact. There is a huge difference between stating an opinion and seeing what has been working the best in the Western MMO world and making an educated assumption based on that, and stating as a fact that Lucas Arts will not allow SWTOR go free to play. There is a huge difference.

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You have anything to back up that Lucasarts would not allow it? No, please do not say "SWG never went free to play" as your proof, that is not proof that Lucas Arts didn't allow it. I want something coming from someone that is official that stated that Lucas Arts would never let SW MMOs go free to play.


So I am asking for something official from you, stating that this allegedly future F2P will be similar to LOTRO`s, and not WoT`s (World of Tanks sells power, up to +33% better than anything you can buy with ingame money).


Also, I would like an explanation, too.


Because, having failed to provide one... you are stating an OPINION, just as the person you asked for proof is.


And in an opinion comparison... a 50% chance trumps a 0% chance.

Edited by Styxx
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SWG lived from launch up until its servers being unplugged by the next SW MMO with a sub. This is the only reality.


What you ASSUME it meant, is just wild speculation.


And this game isn`t dead yet. There are just 10-15 panicked posters that are making a bit of noise. And Bioware has already 2 solutions in the works (LFG + server merges), with one in reserve (cross server LFG).


The 97% dead servers are making some pretty big noise about the state of the game.

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So I am asking for something official from you, stating that this allegedly future F2P will be similar to LOTRO`s, and not WoT`s.


Also, I would like an explanation, too.


Because, having failed to provide one... you are stating an OPINION, just as the person you asked for proof is.


And in an opinion comparison... a 50% chance trumps a 0% chance.


now you are just reaching. People have been stating that Lucas Arts will not allow it like it as a fact, where are they getting it from? One person answered me (Insider information), but again nothing to back it up, which again means that people are stating it as a fact. Seriously? You want me to give some official information about EA choosing a non pay to win method, when I never stated it was a fact in the first place, and never made my post look like I was stating it as a fact? And this is someone how the same as wanting people to prove that Lucas Arts will not allow it since everytime it has been said it was stated as a fact. Not even close to being the same.


Perhaps you don't know the difference between facts and opinions?

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It`s only 66% and it`s being fixed. Null argument.


The economy is being fixed dosnt mean we gonna see it in our life times. And they say they are fixing the game but theres such a large exodus of players that if they dont get the (fix) out soon its going to be to late for alot of people to bother coming back for.

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It`s only 66% and it`s being fixed. Null argument.


I see during the prime time like 8 servers that are heavy, heavy or full during the prime time on both regions, that is 8 servers out of 223, the rest being standard or light. Seeing how Standard starts at 350 people, I give you at best another 13 servers that are standard that actually have a sustainable amount of people for an MMO experience, that puts it at best 90% of the servers that are dead.

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I'm pretty sure they don't like you either.


Anyway, OP. Lucasarts will not allow this game to go F2P anymore than they would allow SWG to go F2P. They'll execute this game before that.


This is the quote we are talking about.


It can be ANY reason: it can be an outsider, or gremlins from Mars, or because it`s raining.


The facts stand: SWG has gone through not one, but two allagedly game breakers (CU and NGE), with their associated sub drops, and it did not go away from a sub model. The reason is irrelevant. It can, however, be speculated that it was a 50% chance to be either Sony or Lucasarts.


The franchise does not belong to EA nor Bioware. It belongs to Lucasarts. So it makes sense to look upon their previous handling of their property.


Even IF that insider does not exist... logic states that they`ll rather pull the plug and give it so someone else, rather than join the MMO rejects, or niche gaming devs.


So, while Bluerodian has the past to his side, you only have a personal opinion.

Edited by Styxx
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This thread remember me back in the time when the few fanboys where so vocal about how a LFF tool would destroy the community, BW hear them and look where is the game now, a virtual ghost town. Now is the same thing, a few vocal fanboys telling NO to change the subscription model because it will destroy the game.
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This thread remember me back in the time when the few fanboys where so vocal about how a LFF tool would destroy the community, BW hear them and look where is the game now, a virtual ghost town. Now is the same thing, a few vocal fanboys telling NO to change the subscription model because it will destroy the game.


It`s a ghost town because of lack of content and features, not because there was a LFG tool or not. At least get your facts right.


And because they thought VO can make up for sub-par questing and rolling alts.

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It`s a ghost town because of lack of content and features, not because there was a LFG tool or not. At least get your facts right.


It is a ghost town for many reaons, including:


Lack of Content and features

No LFG tool


PvP imbalance

PvP bugs

Lack of players to play with because of the reason as stated above

and I'm sure there is more.

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It is a ghost town for many reaons, including:


Lack of Content and features

No LFG tool


PvP imbalance

PvP bugs

Lack of players to play with because of the reason as stated above

and I'm sure there is more.


Go debate this in the myriad of posts that pop up outside this. You are yet to prove past personal opinion how F2P can improve this game.

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declining pops, lack of innovation (accept single player voice overs), every patch seems to break something else, Useless "Legacy" system. i gave this game 3 months, and i think im experienced enough in MMos to compare this to a Developed F2P one. eq2 and Lotro have got it right. F2P is the way to go.


Get a paper round!

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Go debate this in the myriad of posts that pop up outside this. You are yet to prove past personal opinion how F2P can improve this game.


Yup, this whole thread is about personal opinion, except for the times that people stated a fact that Lucas Arts will not allow it. I don't have to prove an opinion, but people need to prove something they stated as a fact, or stop talking about it.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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i always have to /facepalm when people immediately assume that f2p means pay 2 win because that is usually not the case and the new design for f2p games are pretty well done. D&D online pretty much defined the new f2p game design. Where by CONTENT is locked up to a certain level or area, and you purchase that area to unlock it, so you pay as you go HOWEVER at the same time there is STILL a subscription plan for those that prefer it, and you usually get access to everything in the game via that sub, as well as all new content and almost always free points for the item shop as well.


F2P isnt a bad thing but i dont believe tor falls into that category yet... realize that Eq2 has been around a LONG time, and LOTOR was a pretty big failure of an mmo in general thus it went f2p to salvage itself, the same reason that DDO went f2p and both times it revitalized those mmos. Remember that p2p games that go f2p do it to save themselves from bankruptcy or to dig themselves out of a financial hole or to increase over all income, but if your still making substantial profit on p2p model; is no reason to go f2p and i just dont feel TOR is in that area yet.


TOR made a grave mistake by not innovating in the combat area... and it is a mistake that alot of mmo's keep making... it is sad but TOR is a solid game but the combat is just pretty damn boring...

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I see during the prime time like 8 servers that are heavy, heavy or full during the prime time on both regions, that is 8 servers out of 223, the rest being standard or light. Seeing how Standard starts at 350 people, I give you at best another 13 servers that are standard that actually have a sustainable amount of people for an MMO experience, that puts it at best 90% of the servers that are dead.


What are you smoking and can i have some?


Current server status: 8:28pm CST 6/3/2012


2 Full severs

8 Standard servers

remaining are light


My perdictions, SWTOR severs will be squeezed down to 10 or less once the merges happen.

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Yup, this whole thread is about personal opinion, except for the times that people stated a fact that Lucas Arts will not allow it. I don't have to prove an opinion, but people need to prove something they stated as a fact, or stop talking about it.


This can also be said about all the ones praising F2P.


They can either prove that it will work and guarantee it will not sell power, or prove to be more expensive. And it is impossible, because all is just player speculation or opinion, based on the hope that it might look like any F2P model out there, or any combination of.


So, by your request, they should stop talking about it.

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No, it does not. As long as the community remains constant and grows, it will not have to go free to play.


Thats the problem the population isnt staying stable and sure isnt growing. Its sad but its true . People are running towards the door like rats on a sinking ship. And untill they get off thier bums and release the merges/transfers get pvp in better shape and so on it will continue .

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This can also be said about all the ones praising F2P.


They can either prove that it will work and guarantee it will not sell power, or prove to be more expensive. And it is impossible, because all is just player speculation or opinion, based on the hope that it might look like any F2P model out there, or any combination of.


So, by your request, they should stop talking about it.


wow, really? You want people to prove an opinion? You do know what an opinion is right? There is plenty of examples to justify ones opinion. But there is zero proof of the blatant facts that people have been stating about Lucas Arts. Please learn the difference. No, I will not stop talking about an opinion about TOR being free to play, and talk about my opinion based on real world examples. And feel free to call me out when I state something as a fact. I will continue to call people out when they state as something as fact, and so far nobody has proved the fact that Lucas Arts would not allow Free to play.


by the way, when I say people are justified for their opinion based on real world examples, that includes you, with your World of Tank example. However people are not justified in their stating the Lucas arts will not allow FTP as a fact, not until they prove otherwise.

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